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Комбинированный тур со входом без очереди в музей метрополитена и естественной истории — получастный, макс. 8 чел.

Присоединяйтесь к нашему восторженному гиду и до 8 гостей в этом 5,5-часовом полу-частном комбинированном туре по музею с гидом, который исследует историю, искусство и чудеса природы в Метрополитен-музее и Американском музее естественной истории. У вас будет небольшой перерыв между двумя музеями, чтобы чувствовать себя комфортно. Посетите два самых знаковых музея Большого Яблока за один день, что позволит вам максимально эффективно провести время в Нью-Йорке.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Fri 28 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $221.54
Fri 28 Mar
Начинается с $221.54
Что включено
Semi-Private Museum Tour
Duration 5.5 Hours (Including A Lunch Break)
All Entrance Fees
Professional Tour Guide
Semi-Private" Means Group Size Is Never More Than 8 Guests Maximum
Semi-Private Museum Tour
Duration 5.5 Hours (Including A Lunch Break)
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • li>
  • Максимум 8 человек на бронирование
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Этот тур не будет проводиться без минимум 2 гостей, соответствующих требованиям. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Примечания. Музей метеорологии и естественной истории может время от времени закрываться без предварительного предупреждения со стороны руководства музея. Когда это произойдет, мы предоставим гостям подходящую альтернативу, если время открытия музея задерживается более чем на 1 час с начала тура. В этих случаях мы не можем предоставить возмещение или скидки. Для входа на некоторые сайты в этом туре требуется соответствующая одежда. В музей не допускаются большие сумки или чемоданы, через службу безопасности пропускаются только дамские сумки или небольшие пакеты с тонкими сумками. Из-за усиленных мер безопасности на многих аттракционах могут образовываться очереди на экскурсии с пропуском без очереди или без ожидания. В некоторых определенных комнатах внутри музея действует очень тихое или ограниченное право говорить внутри, в этом случае ваш гид предоставит информацию об этих местах, прежде чем войти в определенные комнаты, где действует это правило. Некоторые коллекции могут меняться в течение года.
Что ожидать
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
With no less than 2 million works of art and artifacts on hand, the Met showcases objects from Ancient Greece and Egypt as well as modern art from Europe and beyond. During this tour, you’ll start at the sumptuous Great Hall before moving to the museum’s most important galleries. In the Medieval Europe Gallery you’ll learn about the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace as well as armory worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the iconic portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Learn about the turbulent and inspiring lives of several European painters including Vermeer, Seurat, and Van Gogh in the European wings. 
American Museum of Natural History
After a break for lunch, move to the American Museum of Natural History where you’ll take a trip through time and space. The museum’s 33 million objects are spread through 28 different buildings. You’ll start by learning the museum’s history in the majestic Roosevelt Rotunda before moving onto hear how the dioramas are created as you explore the giant African mammals of the Akeley Hall.  The creatures get even bigger as you move towards the dinosaur exhibits featuring some of the most complete collections of dinosaur skeletons anywhere in the world. From the gargantuan Titanosaur to the crowd-favorite T-Rex, even the most serious adult feels like a kid staring up at these beasts. You’ll then move on to hear about the North American Forests, featuring the giant Sequoia, before gaping up at the Blue Whale hanging overhead in the Hall of Ocean Life. Visit some American mammals as you learn about the National Parks of the United States. End your visit with a trip to space, exploring the Cosmic Pathway that details the no fewer than 13 billion years of our universe’s existence.
Имея в наличии не менее 2 миллионов произведений искусства и артефактов, в Метрополитене представлены предметы из Древней Греции и Египта, а также современное искусство из Европы и других стран. Во время этого тура вы начнете с роскошного Большого зала, а затем перейдете к самым важным галереям музея. В галерее Средневековая Европа вы узнаете о Студиоло из Герцогского дворца, а также об оружии, которое носил Генрих VIII. В американском крыле находится лестница Чикагской фондовой биржи, а также культовый портрет Вашингтона, пересекающего реку Делавэр. Узнайте о бурной и вдохновляющей жизни нескольких европейских художников, в том числе Вермеера, Сера и Ван Гога в европейских кулисах.
Американский музей естественной истории
После перерыва на обед отправляйтесь в Американский музей естественной истории, где вы совершите путешествие во времени и пространстве. 33 миллиона экспонатов музея разбросаны по 28 различным зданиям. Вы начнете с изучения истории музея в величественной Ротонде Рузвельта, а затем перейдете к тому, как создаются диорамы, когда вы исследуете гигантских африканских млекопитающих в Экли-холле. Существа становятся еще больше по мере того, как вы приближаетесь к экспонатам динозавров, в которых представлена ​​одна из самых полных коллекций скелетов динозавров в мире. От гигантского Титанозавра до любимого толпой T-Rex, даже самый серьезный взрослый чувствует себя ребенком, смотрящим на этих зверей. Затем вы перейдете к рассказу о лесах Северной Америки с гигантской секвойей, а затем взглянете на голубого кита, висящего над головой в Зале океанской жизни. Посетите некоторых американских млекопитающих, узнав о национальных парках Соединенных Штатов. Завершите свой визит путешествием в космос, исследуя Космический Путь, который подробно описывает не менее 13 миллиардов лет существования нашей Вселенной.
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Отзывы (39)
Oct 2022
When we decided to visit the Natural History Museum, we knew we wanted a guide to help us get more out of the experience and Mark did not disappoint! His enthusiastic and knowledgeable helped us to get the most out of all of the amazing exhibits! Highly recommend.
Oct 2022
AMAZING TOUR with Mark at the Met and Natural History Museum! He was so engaging and personable with each one of us ( we had 8 ) and encouraged us to really see what was behind all of the art we saw, just not the picture or object. His expertise and upbeat personality made this one of the best tours we have ever had. I truly believe our experience at these two museums wouldn’t have been the same if it weren’t for Mark’s guidance and explanations. Thank you Mark! We will highly recommend Babylon tours and Mark to all our traveling friends !
Sep 2022
We had the absolute pleasure of enjoying a tour with Mark around the Met Gallery. I cannot recommend this tour and Mark highly enough. It was our first ever visit to The Met and I know we will always remember this special and unique experience. Mark did not just show us around he made the artists come alive to us. His enthusiasm and passion for Art is infectious. I was on this tour with my Mum and 2 teenage daughters and each one of us got so much from this tour. Mark also has lots of anecdotes and information around The Met Gala Ball (which my daughters loved to hear) and around the artisits and who they were. We simply loved it - this tour is a must if you plan to viist The Met. Thank you Mark for a very special visit

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