We bought timed entry tickets on line in advance, only to arrive to have to stand in a massive line with everyone - with or without tickets - to go through security. That security was a joke. No opening of bags, nothing, so go ahead and bring your own food and drinks as you definitely won't want to eat at the AMNH. More on that later.
Once we passed security, no one checked our timed entry ticket, so we could have purchased 1p and arrived at 11a and no one would care or notice.
We had also purchased timed entry tickets for the Planetarium tickets for half an hour past our entry time, and we barely made the show. Again, no one checked our timed entry ticket.
We've visited numerous museums and attractions around the world and don't understand why there's is not a separate line for those with pre purchased, timed entry tickets and those without. What is the incentive to buying in advance when we had to wait in line, in the extremely hot sun, with everyone else?
Then, once inside, we found the massive museum very difficult to navigate. We had done our research on line and knew exactly what we wanted to see. Finding those exhibits, even with the navigational app, was extremely frustrating.
The staff, security, cafeteria staff, etc., were all disengaged and of little help. The AMNH needs to realize that these people are the face of the museum and likely the only people most visitors will have any interaction with. These people need to be engaged, helpful, enthusiastic, positive and a pleasure to deal with. Not third party contract workers who seemed bored out of their minds.
Speaking of the cafeteria, how does the AMNH justify charging almost $5 for a can of soda??? The food was terrible and outrageously expensive. I would strongly suggest bringing your own snacks at least, or leaving the museum and eating nearby as you can re enter with the same ticket.
We were so looking forward to our visit and we came away frustrated and disappointed.