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Велосипеды и барбекю: электрический велосипедный тур по Форт-Уэрту

Испытайте живую гонку крупного рогатого скота и насладитесь техасским барбекю во время веселой трехчасовой экскурсии на электрическом велосипеде Pedego по Форт-Уэрту, где начинается Запад!

Мы отправимся на экскурсию по центру города, остановившись в Водных садах Форт-Уэрта. , JFK Tribute, Sundance Square Plaza и многое другое. Затем мы поедем на остров Пантеры и пройдем по Троицким тропам, чтобы добраться до исторических скотных дворов для стада крупного рогатого скота и пообедать в баре Cooper's Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que. Обед включен в стоимость билета.
Город: Форт-Уэрт
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $125.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $125.00
Что включено
Local guide
Enjoy the special of the day - chopped BBQ sandwich, sides, cobbler, and ice tea.
Bottled water
Use of electric bicycle
Use of helmet
Local taxes
Local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Должен быть старше 16 лет, весить не более 250 фунтов и уметь уверенно ездить на велосипеде.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
Что ожидать
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Fort Worth Water Gardens
Stroll through the Fort Worth Water Gardens and learn some history about why Fort Worth was known as Hell's Half Acre.
Fort Worth Convention Center
The Fort Worth Convention Center spans 14 blocks of the city's Central Business District. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events including: conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, sporting events, concerts, trade shows, banquets and consumer shows. The complex opened on September 30, 1968 and the arena resembles a flying saucer.
JFK Tribute
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave an impromptu speech to thousands of rain-drenched spectators on the front steps of the historic Hotel Texas, now the Hilton Fort Worth. The JFK Tribute marks the place and occasion of the President's historic visit with a beautiful bronze statue of President Kennedy set within an elegant plaza. Selected quotes from a number of JFK's historic speeches are featured. The JFK Tribute honors where President Kennedy spent his last night before his assassination.
Sundance Square
Sundance Square is a pedestrian-friendly downtown district packed with clothing chains, Western-wear shops, steakhouses and sports bars. It's also known as an entertainment hub, with small theaters, events and concerts at Sundance Square Plaza, and the Bass Performance Hall, staging opera, ballet and classical music.
Coyote Drive-In
Fort Worth's Coyote Drive In hosts three outdoor movie screens. During the holidays, it becomes an outdoor ice skating rink.
Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District
See a live Longhorn Cattle Drive along Exchange Avenue with the Fort Worth Herd. This is the world's only live twice-a-day cattle drive. The Longhorns have Christmas and New Year's off.
Форт-Уэрт Уотер Гарденс
Прогуляйтесь по водным садам Форт-Уэрта и узнайте немного истории о том, почему Форт-Уэрт был известен как Адская половина акра.
Конференц-центр Форт-Уэрта
Конференц-центр Форт-Уэрта занимает 14 кварталов в центральном деловом районе города. В конференц-центре проводится широкий спектр мероприятий, в том числе: съезды, конференции, корпоративные встречи, спортивные мероприятия, концерты, торговые выставки, банкеты и потребительские выставки. Комплекс открылся 30 сентября 1968 года, а арена напоминает летающую тарелку.
Дань уважения Кеннеди
22 ноября 1963 года президент Джон Ф. Кеннеди произнес импровизированную речь перед тысячами мокрых от дождя зрителей на крыльце исторического отеля «Техас», ныне «Хилтон Форт-Уэрт». Дань уважения Кеннеди отмечает место и случай исторического визита президента красивой бронзовой статуей президента Кеннеди, установленной на элегантной площади. Представлены избранные цитаты из ряда исторических речей Джона Кеннеди. Память JFK Tribute посвящена тому месту, где президент Кеннеди провел свою последнюю ночь перед убийством.
Сандэнс-сквер – удобный для пешеходов район в центре города, где расположены сети магазинов одежды, магазины западной одежды, стейк-хаусы и спортивные бары. Он также известен как развлекательный центр с небольшими театрами, мероприятиями и концертами на Sundance Square Plaza и Bass Performance Hall, где ставят оперу, балет и классическую музыку.
Койот Драйв-ин
На улице Coyote Drive в Форт-Уэрте есть три киноэкрана под открытым небом. В праздничные дни он превращается в каток под открытым небом.
Национальный исторический район Скотных дворов Форт-Уэрта
Посмотрите живую гонку крупного рогатого скота Longhorn вдоль Exchange Avenue вместе с Fort Worth Herd. Это единственный в мире перегон крупного рогатого скота, который проводится два раза в день. У Лонгхорнов выходные на Рождество и Новый год.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (23)
Nov 2022
What a great tour! Our guide Marcos was excellent - very knowledgeable, very enthusiastic, very safety-conscious. The Stockyards are a highlight. Texas bbq lunch was super. The experience over-delivered!!
Oct 2022
What a great experience. Marco was fantastic. He gave us lots of history and fun facts along the way. The weather could have been warmer and dryer but Marco made up for the weather. If you are in Fort Worth you should definitely do this tour. It may just be the highlight of your trip.
Oct 2022
Would highly recommend! Keely was a great guide and we really enjoyed the trip. We saw all the highlights of Ft. Worth from the comfy seat of the e-bike!

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