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Пешеходная экскурсия по водопадам Blue Ridge Parkway из Эшвилла

Откройте для себя природные достопримечательности и пейзажи, окружающие бульвар Голубого хребта в национальном парке Грейт-Смоки-Маунтин, в активном походе на транспорте по горам из Эшвилла. Вы проедете через красивые горные пейзажи, по пути посетите три водопада и два заповедных леса. ВАЖНО Перед бронированием этого тура, пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что мы будем проходить примерно 3 мили по пешеходной части этого тура в течение 2 часов со скоростью около 1 1/2 мили в час, включая остановки у водопадов, и вы должны чувствовать себя комфортно, пройдя это расстояние. перед бронированием. Закуски, напитки, а также трансфер из отеля и обратно на автомобиле для небольших групп (все места у окна) включены в стоимость. Тур ограничен семью людьми для более индивидуального опыта. Альтернативные туристические маршруты выбираются, когда Blue Ridge Parkway закрыта.
Отправление с 8:00 до 8:20 в отеле вашего региона в пределах 4,8 км от центра города. Точное время будет предоставлено тестом за день до вашего тура
Город: Эшвилл
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $97.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $97.00
Что включено
Hotel pickup and drop-off within 3-miles of city center
Drink and snack
Hotel pickup and drop-off within 3-miles of city center
Drink and snack
Hotel pickup and drop-off within 3-miles of city center
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Требуется минимум 2 человека на бронирование.
  • Максимум 7 человек на тур.
  • Не подходит для участников, перенесших замену коленного или тазобедренного сустава в течение последнего года.
  • Не рекомендуется для участников с проблемами спины, жалобами на сердце или другими серьезными заболеваниями.
  • Поход проходит в удобном темпе примерно на 3,0 мили со скоростью 1 1/2 мили в час для пешеходной части тура.
  • Работает в большинстве погодных условий; пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Регулярно дезинфицируйте места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид, необходимый для регулярно мыть руки
  • для гидов требуется прививка от COVID-19
Что ожидать
Blue Ridge Parkway
Your tour begins with pickup from your Asheville area hotel or accommodation by an air-conditioned van, which has all captains chairs for the drive to and along the Blue Ridge Parkway when open, which is also Great Smoky Mountain National Park an American treasure well known for its scenic beauty and remarkable mountain views. Sit back , relax and enjoy this stunning drive to our first waterfall in Pisgah National Forest  before traveling a short distance to visit two more falls in a beautiful state forest.  Along the way you'll listen to interesting stories about the rich history of the area that has been attracting people to the area for generations from your local Asheville guide.  Wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots for the  easy to moderate hiking portion of the tour. You should feel comfortable walking approximately 3.5 miles at one time during the hiking portion of the tour with stops along the way that will allow you time to enjoy falls, a snack and drink that is provided.  Bring a small day pack if you have one. Safety is always a priority!    After hiking, your tour concludes with transport back to your hotel, leaving you the rest of the afternoon to enjoy at your leisure.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Your tour begins with pickup from your Asheville area hotel or accommodation by an air-conditioned van, which has all captains chairs for the drive to and along the Blue Ridge Parkway when open, which is also Great Smoky Mountain National Park an American treasure well known for its scenic beauty and remarkable mountain views. Sit back , relax and enjoy this stunning drive to our first waterfall in Pisgah National Forest  before traveling a short distance to visit two more falls in a beautiful state forest.  Along the way you'll listen to interesting stories about the rich history of the area that has been attracting people to the area for generations from your local Asheville guide.  Wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots for the  easy to moderate hiking portion of the tour. You should feel comfortable walking approximately 3.5 miles at one time during the hiking portion of the tour with stops along the way that will allow you time to enjoy falls, a snack and drink that is provided.  Bring a small day pack if you have one. Safety is always a priority!    After hiking, your tour concludes with transport back to your hotel, leaving you the rest of the afternoon to enjoy at your leisure.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Your tour begins with pickup from your Asheville area hotel or accommodation by an air-conditioned van, which has all captains chairs for the drive to and along the Blue Ridge Parkway when open, which is also Great Smoky Mountain National Park an American treasure well known for its scenic beauty and remarkable mountain views. Sit back , relax and enjoy this stunning drive to our first waterfall in Pisgah National Forest  before traveling a short distance to visit two more falls in a beautiful state forest.  Along the way you'll listen to interesting stories about the rich history of the area that has been attracting people to the area for generations from your local Asheville guide.  Wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots for the  easy to moderate hiking portion of the tour. You should feel comfortable walking approximately 3.5 miles at one time during the hiking portion of the tour with stops along the way that will allow you time to enjoy falls, a snack and drink that is provided.  Bring a small day pack if you have one. Safety is always a priority!    After hiking, your tour concludes with transport back to your hotel, leaving you the rest of the afternoon to enjoy at your leisure.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Your tour begins with pickup from your Asheville area hotel or accommodation by an air-conditioned van, which has all captains chairs for the drive to and along the Blue Ridge Parkway when open, which is also Great Smoky Mountain National Park an American treasure well known for its scenic beauty and remarkable mountain views. Sit back , relax and enjoy this stunning drive to our first waterfall in Pisgah National Forest  before traveling a short distance to visit two more falls in a beautiful state forest.  Along the way you'll listen to interesting stories about the rich history of the area that has been attracting people to the area for generations from your local Asheville guide.  Wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots for the  easy to moderate hiking portion of the tour. You should feel comfortable walking approximately 3.5 miles at one time during the hiking portion of the tour with stops along the way that will allow you time to enjoy falls, a snack and drink that is provided.  Bring a small day pack if you have one. Safety is always a priority!    After hiking, your tour concludes with transport back to your hotel, leaving you the rest of the afternoon to enjoy at your leisure.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Your tour begins with pickup from your Asheville area hotel or accommodation by an air-conditioned van, which has all captains chairs for the drive to and along the Blue Ridge Parkway when open, which is also Great Smoky Mountain National Park an American treasure well known for its scenic beauty and remarkable mountain views. Sit back , relax and enjoy this stunning drive to our first waterfall in Pisgah National Forest  before traveling a short distance to visit two more falls in a beautiful state forest.  Along the way you'll listen to interesting stories about the rich history of the area that has been attracting people to the area for generations from your local Asheville guide.  Wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots for the  easy to moderate hiking portion of the tour. You should feel comfortable walking approximately 3.5 miles at one time during the hiking portion of the tour with stops along the way that will allow you time to enjoy falls, a snack and drink that is provided.  Bring a small day pack if you have one. Safety is always a priority!    After hiking, your tour concludes with transport back to your hotel, leaving you the rest of the afternoon to enjoy at your leisure.
Блу Ридж Паркуэй
Ваш тур начинается с трансфера из вашего отеля в районе Эшвилла или размещения в фургоне с кондиционером, в котором есть все капитанские кресла для поездки к бульвару Блу-Ридж и вдоль него, когда он открыт, который также является национальным парком Грейт-Смоки-Маунтин, известным американским сокровищем. за его живописную красоту и замечательные виды на горы. Устройтесь поудобнее, расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь этой потрясающей поездкой к нашему первому водопаду в Национальном лесу Фасги, прежде чем отправиться на небольшое расстояние, чтобы посетить еще два водопада в красивом государственном лесу. По пути вы будете слушать интересные истории о богатой истории этого района, который привлекает людей в этот район на протяжении поколений от вашего местного гида из Эшвилла. Наденьте удобную обувь или походные ботинки для легкой или умеренной пешеходной части тура. Вы должны чувствовать себя комфортно, проходя примерно 3,5 мили за один раз во время пешеходной части тура с остановками по пути, которые позволят вам насладиться водопадами, закусками и напитками, которые предоставляются. Возьмите с собой небольшой дневной рюкзак, если он у вас есть. Безопасность всегда в приоритете! После похода ваш тур завершается возвращением в отель, а остаток дня вы можете провести в свое удовольствие.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (406)
Elizabeth R
Nov 2022
Fun and beautiful tour with Keith. A little on the cold side so we didn’t get to go everywhere Keith had planned. We still had an amazing time. Would go again!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
We did have a cold day that you were well prepared for! Before heading out each day, road and trail closures are checked, especially in November/ December. Very glad that you enjoyed the tour and we appreciate you joining our excursion. Hopefully we will see you again in the future.
Jay R
Nov 2022
Our guide, Keith, picked us up at the resort. He was very friendly and made us feel welcomed from the start. This was an awesome excursion/experience. Keith took us up to the top of the mountain (around 5,500 feet) where we got lucky enough to see trees where the fog had frozen to the branches. This was a beautiful scenery. Then we proceeded to a couple different waterfalls. Keith was very informative, providing us with many stories and history of the area. The waterfalls that we saw were very beautiful and we sat at each of them taking in the scenery and the sun. We hiked for about 3 1/2 miles but it was not a strenuous hike. Do not let the 3 1/2 mile hike scare you off. Keith ensured that we were good with the pace and ensured that we were not having issues with the hike. I would highly recommend that you take this excursion/experience. You will not be disappointed.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for joining our tour and your thoughtful comments. We are very glad that you enjoyed the tour and it was a pleasure to meet you both. We are constantly trying to make improvements and we appreciate your recommendation.
Nov 2022
I booked our hike at the recommendation of my cousin who is himself an Asheville local. We had been tracking the weather the week prior as there was a projected storm front brewing. But as it turns out, Keith seems to have an internal weather monitor as he had called it by Saturday night that we’d be good to proceed with our Sunday hike. We met up in Downtown Asheville, loaded into the van and off we went! First, let’s start with the van - clean, spacious and lots of water and snacks! Yeah! Second, Keith’s local knowledge is extensive (he's apparently the OG of Asheville's guided hikes movement). We learned quite a bit about the Vanderbilts and Biltmore, history of the Blueridge Parkway, local legend Tommy Hodges and fly fishing too! We got up close and personal with three beautiful waterfalls that day. Overall, it was a safe, informative and well paced hike. Just a few tips: Be sure to wear proper attire and good hiking shoes. Take water and some snacks for sustenance, as needed. Bring your good camera, or at least a fully charged phone, as you will be snapping and video-ing away. Another note: Do not litter. Period. Leave the forest looking the same way it did when you came in — beautiful and trash-free. Lastly, listen to Keith’s safety instructions and hiking tips to avoid unnecessary slips/falls. We paid attention, followed Keith’s lead and made sure to “look where you are going”. So call Keith and Tumblestone Tours for your hiking adventure! He's your guy!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for your very thoughtful review and for taking the time to write it. We are glad you had a good time on the tour which is our aim always! We hope to see you again in the future.

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