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Бостонский круиз Premier Odyssey с ужином

Поднимитесь на борт Odyssey Boston и насладитесь элегантным двухчасовым круизом с ужином по знаменитой гавани Бостона. Изысканная кухня, изысканные вина и живая музыка — чего еще желать? Устройтесь поудобнее и расслабьтесь, наслаждаясь музыкой, выйдите на одну из смотровых площадок и погрузитесь во все это, пока город проплывает мимо!
Город: Бостон
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $186.99
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $186.99
Что включено
Coffee, tea and iced tea
Service charges
3-course meal
2-hour dinner cruise
Taxes and fees
Coffee, tea and iced tea
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на на коленях взрослого
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Формальный дресс-код
  • Все районы нашего корабля для некурящих.
  • Официант подберет для вас индивидуальное меню закусок, основных блюд и десертов после того, как ваша группа рассядет. Вы можете попросить, чтобы ваш ужин был подан немедленно или чтобы ваша еда была подана в более неторопливом темпе.
  • Посадка в Rowes Wharf, 60 Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA 02110
  • Места только гарантируется вместе для количества билетов, подтвержденных в этом ваучере. Бронирования не суммируются.
  • Все гости старше 12 лет должны предъявить справку о прививке.
Что ожидать
George's Island
Pass by George's Island
Boston Light
Pass by Boston Light
Charlestown Navy Yard
Pass by Charlestown Navy Yard
Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by the Waterfront
Castle Island
Pass by Castle Island
George's Island
Pass by George's Island
Boston Light
Pass by Boston Light
Charlestown Navy Yard
Pass by Charlestown Navy Yard
Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by the Waterfront
Castle Island
Pass by Castle Island
George's Island
Pass by George's Island
Boston Light
Pass by Boston Light
Charlestown Navy Yard
Pass by Charlestown Navy Yard
Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse
Pass by the Waterfront
Castle Island
Pass by Castle Island
Остров Джорджа
Проезжайте мимо острова Джорджа.
Бостон Лайт
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Чарлстаунская военно-морская верфь
Пройдите мимо военно-морской верфи Чарлстауна
Маленький остров Брюстер и маяк
Пройдите мимо острова Литл-Брюстер и маяка.
Береговая линия
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Замковый остров
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Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (75)
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Aug 2021
More staff, one waiter for the entire floor, it was 1.5 hours before we got our food. There was a mechanical problem with vessel creating a awful grinding noise load enough you had to raise your voice to speak to our table.
Aug 2021
My friend & I already had plans to stay in Boston & see a Fenway concert. Unfortunately, this was postponed for the 2nd year, so we researched shows, concerts and other events. We decided to do the Harbor cruise (which I've done a couple times in past years) but 1st time for my friend. We purchased the tickets online to the tune of about $200 or so apiece not paying extra for windows seats, which we automatically got upgraded to anyways. We were staying 3 miles away from Copley Square Marriott & took an Uber, but easily walked back after. We got to the Wharf and there were a couple of really long lines, thankfully they weren't for our cruise. Boarding was at 7 with departure around 8. and we got back approximately 11 pm. We were some of 1st people in line & people came on at different times over the next hour. We were boarded into main cabin and shown to a nice window seat. Our server (name begins with an 'N' sorry) was very pleasant. We decided to order a bottle of Chardonnay (around $44) which we enjoyed and was more economical then individual glasses. The wine was poured quickly but the cooler had to be brought over by another server we asked. The crowd in our cabin was I'd say about 50% capacity which was nice. Some of the other cruises were jammed with peope. It made for a much more enjoyable experience. I guess there were a couple wedding parties downstairs but they were served separately. There was a beef, fish, chicken & veggie entree choice. There was bread & butter and also either watermelon feta greens salad or seafood chowder. My friend & I ordered 1 of each & it was good. We both ordered the salmon over rice, with a tomato glaze and veggies. That was also tasty. For dessert you could choose berries cake or cheesecake with blueberry compote. The 1 thing I will point out is there was a blueberry smear and no other fruit on cheesecake, it was tasty though. Our dinners came out fairly quickly but they served dessert towards end of cruise. There was a gentlemen playing piano music from various eras and that was enjoyable, allowing people to still talk. Unfortunately, it had been a hazy day so there was no sunset but you could still see some of the harbor's lights and the temperature was comfortable. At 1 point you could see professional fireworks going off, once it cleared up a bit more. We spent a good amount of time on upper 2 decks, again just chiiling out. There was a light breeze but absolutely no rocking of the boat (and I'm a sailor). The boat motion is slow paced. We enjoyed the cruise, staff, & food. The price was a bit steep especially for a family.
Aug 2021
Dinner was excellent, the crew were very friendly and helpful. Most of the music was good, some not so much. The views from the deck were beautiful. We weren’t impressed by the crew not addressing the blatant weed smoking going on. It’s a terrible smell that filled both outside decks. All in all, a great night!

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