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Однодневная поездка из Бостона в Плимут, включая Куинси, Плимот Патуксет и Мэйфлауэр II

Оставьте Бостон позади и посетите две знаменитые достопримечательности Плимута. Помогите отпраздновать 400-летие Плимута в этой однодневной поездке в «родной город Америки» Плимут, Массачусетс. Эта уникальная однодневная поездка проходит через «Город президентов» Куинси, Массачусетс, где вы посетите места рождения двух президентов США, Джона Адамса и Джона Куинси Адамса. Вы также будете путешествовать вдоль побережья через красивые города Кохассет, Скитуэйт, Маршфилд и Даксбери. По пути в Плимут вы узнаете об этом историческом районе Массачусетса, который называется Южный берег. По прибытии в Плимут у вас будет время на обед в гавани. После обеда оставшаяся часть дня будет посвящена осмотру Плимут-Рок, посадке на Mayflower II и посещению плантации Плимот. В этой поездке вас ждут и другие сюрпризы, которые вас удивят! Эту великолепную однодневную поездку вы точно никогда не забудете!
Город: Бостон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $145.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $145.00
Что включено
Pass through the coastal towns of Marshfield and Duxbury while in route to Plymouth
Stop at Plymouth Rock, the historic disembarkation site of the Mayflower Pilgrims in 1620
Complimentary snacks & bottled water
Stop and view the Scituate Lighthouse and hear the amazing story of the “American Army of Two”
Admission onboard the Mayflower II
Complimentary Pick-Up/Drop-Off at one of our 5 strategically located pickup locations
Admission to Plimoth Patuxet Museum
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске.
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослые
  • Складные инвалидные коляски со съемными колесами могут быть размещены при условии, что пассажира сопровождает кто-то, кто может помочь ему сесть и высадиться
  • Детские кресла недоступны
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Еда и напитки (безалкогольные) разрешены в автобусе.
  • Поездки по Новой Англии соблюдают все государственные и федеральные правила, установленные для нашей отрасли.
Что ожидать
Boston Harbor Cruises
Enjoy complimentary hotel pick-up from your downtown Boston Hotel before departing to Plymouth and Historic Cape Cod.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Skip-The-Line Admission to popular Plimoth Plantation. Enjoy a discounted turkey dinner at the home of the first Thanksgiving, Plymouth, MA. Imagine stepping back in time to the 17th Century. This is what you will do at Plimoth Plantation’s living Museum.
Plymouth Rock
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock.
Plymouth Visitor Information Center
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock and spend some free time shopping or just taking in the view.
National Monument to the Forefathers
View Plymouth’s “Statue of Liberty” the National Monument to the Forefathers. This is thought to be the largest solid granite monument in the world.
Stop to view the former home (Peace Field) of of both John Adams and John Quincy Adams (the 2nd and 6th Presidents of the U.S.) You will also visit the home where John Adams was born in 1735.
Scituate Lighthouse
Visit the beautiful New England coastline in Scituate, MA. Stop at the Scituate Lighthouse and hear the story of the famous American Army of Two.
Drive through the city of Weymouth, MA the birthplace of one of our country's first ladies Abigail Adams.
Drive along the stunning coastline and view the mansions lining Jerusalem Rd.
King Caesar House
View the historical homes in the coastal town of Duxbury, MA
View another historical New England coastal town
Mayflower II
View and tour this historical vessel as it returns to Plymouth, MA
Boston Harbor Cruises
Enjoy complimentary hotel pick-up from your downtown Boston Hotel before departing to Plymouth and Historic Cape Cod.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Skip-The-Line Admission to popular Plimoth Plantation. Enjoy a discounted turkey dinner at the home of the first Thanksgiving, Plymouth, MA. Imagine stepping back in time to the 17th Century. This is what you will do at Plimoth Plantation’s living Museum.
Plymouth Rock
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock.
Plymouth Visitor Information Center
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock and spend some free time shopping or just taking in the view.
National Monument to the Forefathers
View Plymouth’s “Statue of Liberty” the National Monument to the Forefathers. This is thought to be the largest solid granite monument in the world.
Stop to view the former home (Peace Field) of of both John Adams and John Quincy Adams (the 2nd and 6th Presidents of the U.S.) You will also visit the home where John Adams was born in 1735.
Scituate Lighthouse
Visit the beautiful New England coastline in Scituate, MA. Stop at the Scituate Lighthouse and hear the story of the famous American Army of Two.
Drive through the city of Weymouth, MA the birthplace of one of our country's first ladies Abigail Adams.
Drive along the stunning coastline and view the mansions lining Jerusalem Rd.
King Caesar House
View the historical homes in the coastal town of Duxbury, MA
View another historical New England coastal town
Mayflower II
View and tour this historical vessel as it returns to Plymouth, MA
Boston Harbor Cruises
Enjoy complimentary hotel pick-up from your downtown Boston Hotel before departing to Plymouth and Historic Cape Cod.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Skip-The-Line Admission to popular Plimoth Plantation. Enjoy a discounted turkey dinner at the home of the first Thanksgiving, Plymouth, MA. Imagine stepping back in time to the 17th Century. This is what you will do at Plimoth Plantation’s living Museum.
Plymouth Rock
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock.
Plymouth Visitor Information Center
You’ll also visit Plymouth Harbor to view Plymouth Rock and spend some free time shopping or just taking in the view.
National Monument to the Forefathers
View Plymouth’s “Statue of Liberty” the National Monument to the Forefathers. This is thought to be the largest solid granite monument in the world.
Stop to view the former home (Peace Field) of of both John Adams and John Quincy Adams (the 2nd and 6th Presidents of the U.S.) You will also visit the home where John Adams was born in 1735.
Scituate Lighthouse
Visit the beautiful New England coastline in Scituate, MA. Stop at the Scituate Lighthouse and hear the story of the famous American Army of Two.
Drive through the city of Weymouth, MA the birthplace of one of our country's first ladies Abigail Adams.
Drive along the stunning coastline and view the mansions lining Jerusalem Rd.
King Caesar House
View the historical homes in the coastal town of Duxbury, MA
View another historical New England coastal town
Mayflower II
View and tour this historical vessel as it returns to Plymouth, MA
Круизы по гавани Бостона
Наслаждайтесь бесплатным трансфером из отеля в центре Бостона перед отъездом в Плимут и исторический Кейп-Код.
Музеи Плимота Патуксета
Вход без очереди на популярную плантацию Плимот. Наслаждайтесь ужином из индейки со скидкой в ​​доме первого Дня Благодарения, Плимут, Массачусетс. Представьте, что вы перенесетесь в прошлое, в 17 век. Это то, что вы будете делать в живом музее плантации Плимот.
Плимут Рок
Вы также посетите Плимутскую гавань, чтобы увидеть Плимут-Рок.
Информационный центр для посетителей Плимута
Вы также посетите гавань Плимута, чтобы увидеть Плимут-Рок и провести свободное время за покупками или просто полюбоваться видом.
Национальный памятник предкам
Посмотрите на «Статую Свободы» в Плимуте, национальный памятник предкам. Считается, что это самый большой монумент из цельного гранита в мире.
Остановитесь, чтобы осмотреть бывший дом (Поле мира) Джона Адамса и Джона Куинси Адамса (2-й и 6-й президенты США). Вы также посетите дом, где Джон Адамс родился в 1735 году.
Маяк Скитуэйт
Посетите красивое побережье Новой Англии в Скитуате, Массачусетс. Остановитесь на маяке Scituate и узнайте историю знаменитой американской армии из двух человек.
Проезжайте через город Уэймут, штат Массачусетс, где родилась одна из первых леди нашей страны Эбигейл Адамс.
Проезжайте вдоль потрясающей береговой линии и осмотрите особняки вдоль Иерусалимской улицы.
Дом короля Цезаря
Посмотрите на исторические дома в прибрежном городе Даксбери, Массачусетс.
Посмотреть еще один исторический прибрежный город Новой Англии
Мэйфлауэр II
Посмотрите и осмотрите это историческое судно, когда оно возвращается в Плимут, Массачусетс.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (169)
Nov 2022
What a fun day! Very educational. Stopped many times along the way for pictures. Had plenty of time in Plymouth for shopping and lunch after the Mayflower. Yellow deli is a must for lunch or stop inside to see the murals! Our driver/guide was so great, very funny and made an extra bathroom stop!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for the GREAT 5 star review of our Plymouth Day trip from Boston. I am happy to hear what a wonderful time that you had and how much that you enjoyed your guide. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sincerely, Stephen M. Belcastro President New England Trips Inc.
Oct 2022
A delightful unhurried day of history, beautiful fall scenery, fresh sea breezes led by our knowledgeable and professional driver/guide Kristin. At each stop we felt that we had just enough time to enjoy the sites. She prepared the bus with a variety of refreshments and went the extra mile on several occasions. At the beginning of the tour her microphone was not working. She called her boss who met her at our first stop to replace it. My portable phone charger stopped working on our way home and she let me use hers to recharge. I asked her questions about a day trip I was planning and she shared lots of helpful information. My only critique would be that the bus seats could have been more comfortable with armrests for each seat and a little more cushioning, plus, I would have liked to have seatbelts.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for this wonderful 4 star review of our Plymouth Day trip from Boston. I am happy to hear how much that you enjoyed your time with Kristin. These buses are pretty standard with all the necessary requirements including seatbelts. Sometimes they get tucked in between the seats. If you couldn't find the seatbelt you should have asked Kristin and I am sure she would have helped you locate it. I can guarantee you that your bus had seatbelts. Thank you for sharing your experience. Kind Regards, Stephen M. Belcastro President New England Trips Inc.
Oct 2022
I'm kicking myself for not writing down the name of my amazing tour guide/driver! He was wonderful... I'd been to Boston before so this time really wanted to see things I hadn't seen before. Day trips are great for accomplishing this! As a history geek, seeing Plymouth Rock and the Plymouth Plantation sounded perfect! Our driver filled our drive with so much information. I loved it! He brought us to Quincy (which I have been mispronouncing my entire life!) and we stopped by John and Abigail Adam's "The Old House". I had just finished reading John Adam's biography so seeing this beautiful location was an absolute thrill! We made it to Plymouth and the weather was just horrible. Sadly, we caught the tail end of the hurricane Ian. I would have spent more time on the Mayflower II but I was freezing! We had free time to wander the darling town of Plymouth. It was right out of a postcard! Being from the west coast we have NOTHING comparable. It was just so charming! I saw things I hadn't seen before, met some interesting people and learned so much from my amazing guide/driver. It was a wonderful experience and I highly recommend using New England Trips!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for this AMAZING 5 star review of our Day trip to Plymouth from Boston. You are 100% correct in saying that Day trips are a great way to see things other than the city. There are so many wonderful things to see and do within close proximity to Boston. Not to mention, all of the history in this area. If you are a self-described "history geek" you certainly chose the right trip to take. I am so happy to hear what a wonderful experience that you had on this trip. I only wish that you were able to experience it on a nicer day. All of us here at New England Trips really appreciate your HIGH RECOMMENDATION! Thanks for sharing your amazing experience. Kind Regards, Stephen M. Belcastro President New England Trips Inc.

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