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Бруклинский мост и гастрономический тур DUMBO

Сбегите из многолюдного Манхэттена в самый крутой район города — Бруклин! Ешьте как местный житель, исследуя вкусные закусочные, разбросанные по районам Бруклина DUMBO и Brooklyn Heights, с местным гидом. Попробуйте всемирно известную нью-йоркскую пиццу, свежеприготовленные сладости и другие местные деликатесы! Мы сойдем с проторенной дорожки, чтобы увидеть, как разнообразные жители Бруклина готовят себе еду в тени знаменитого Бруклинского моста. Обязательно приходите голодными!
Город: Бруклин
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $79.00
Что включено
A variety of food samples (such as classic New York pizza, a delicious dessert, and other NYC favorites). Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Local, English-speaking guide
A variety of food samples (such as classic New York pizza, a delicious dessert, and other NYC favorites). Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Local, English-speaking guide
A variety of food samples (such as classic New York pizza, a delicious dessert, and other NYC favorites). Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Local, English-speaking guide
A variety of food samples (such as classic New York pizza, a delicious dessert, and other NYC favorites). Food options and portion sizes vary - total amount of food equals a full meal.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Приезжайте не менее 15 лет минут до отправления
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  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыться. руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood and get a sense of how locals shop in the numerous ethnic and immigrant-owned bakeries and restaurants.
Brooklyn Bridge
To start your tour, we’ll make our way up onto this New York City icon for incredible views of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Hudson River below (but don’t worry, we’re not walking the whole thing). You won’t want to miss this photo-opp!
Manhattan Bridge
Underneath another of New York’s incredible bridges is the DUMBO Archway. This plaza has recently become a popular public space - hosting public art, festivals, and other community gatherings throughout the year. You’ll enjoy views of the soaring bridge above you.
Throughout your foodie tour, your guide will educate you on the vibrant history of the neighborhoods you’ll be exploring - including DUMBO! This area of Brooklyn is renowned for its art community (who have revitalized the neighborhood in recent years) and it’s high quality food scene! While you taste your way through Brooklyn, you’ll learn all about how the businesses here came to be and how they have formed the lively culture of this area.
Бруклин Хайтс
Мы просто коснемся южной части этого исторического района и получим представление о том, как местные жители делают покупки в многочисленных пекарнях и ресторанах, принадлежащих этническим и иммигрантам.
Бруклинский мост
Чтобы начать ваш тур, мы поднимемся на эту икону Нью-Йорка, чтобы полюбоваться невероятным видом на Манхэттен, Бруклин и реку Гудзон внизу (но не волнуйтесь, мы не пройдем весь путь пешком). Вы не захотите пропустить эту фотосессию!
Манхэттенский мост
Под еще одним из невероятных мостов Нью-Йорка находится арка ДАМБО. Эта площадь недавно стала популярным общественным пространством, где в течение всего года проводятся паблик-арт, фестивали и другие общественные собрания. Вы будете наслаждаться видом на парящий мост над вами.
На протяжении всего гастрономического тура ваш гид расскажет вам о яркой истории районов, которые вы будете исследовать, включая ДАМБО! Этот район Бруклина известен своим художественным сообществом (которое в последние годы оживило район) и высококачественной едой! Пока вы пробуете свой путь через Бруклин, вы узнаете все о том, как здесь возникли предприятия и как они сформировали живую культуру этого района.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (221)
Dec 2022
Angelo was a great guide and very knowledgeable. Enjoyed the storytelling. He was very patient and attentive. He made sure everyone was comfortable and enjoyed the tour.
Dec 2022
Very great tour! Our guide Angelo was fantastic!! He was knowledgeable and passionate about the tour. He was very accommodating and courteous to our group. We would definitely recommend!
Dec 2022
Had a wonderful tour with Angelo. His knowledge of the area and the history behind Brooklyn was engaging and enjoyable. Our kids had a great time on this tour. Saw parts of Brooklyn that we would not of seen on our own. Great photo opportunities. The food was great and plentiful. Angelo went out of his way to find gluten free options for my wife. Would highly recommend this tour.

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