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Посмотрите на великое искусство с уникальной точки зрения в Бруклинском художественном музее. Ваш общий входной билет дает вам доступ к постоянной коллекции, которая включает в себя американское искусство, искусство Африки, искусство Америки, искусство исламского мира, искусство тихоокеанских островов, азиатское искусство, современное искусство, декоративно-прикладное искусство и многие другие выставочные залы. ! Исследуйте музей самостоятельно или присоединитесь к общественной экскурсии, которая проводится ежедневно.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 10 Feb
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Начинается с $14.00
Mon 10 Feb
Начинается с $14.00
Что включено
10% off at gift shop
Public tours of special and permanent collection
10% off at gift shop
Public tours of special and permanent collection
10% off at gift shop
Public tours of special and permanent collection
10% off at gift shop
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200 Истерн Пкви
Билеты только на конкретную дату. Пожалуйста, встаньте в очередь перед входом в музей и покажите свой пропуск сотруднику на стойке регистрации, чтобы узнать следующее доступное время входа.
Билеты только на конкретную дату. Пожалуйста, встаньте в очередь перед входом в музей и покажите свой пропуск сотруднику на стойке регистрации, чтобы узнать следующее доступное время входа.

Действителен с момента обмена ваучера в течение выбранного периода времени.

Действителен с момента первого использования в течение выбранной продолжительности.

Из-за COVID-19 не все галереи сейчас открыты. Пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт музея, чтобы увидеть, что в настоящее время выставлено на обозрение.
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • За специальные выставки может взиматься дополнительная плата.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица.
  • Для путешественников и сотрудников доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Социальные сети. соблюдение дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Платно политика пребывания на дому для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. Its roots extend back to 1823 and the founding of the brooklyn Apprentices' Library to educate young tradesmen (Walt Whitman would later become one of its librarians). The Brooklyn Museum was conceived as the focal point of a planned cultural, recreational, and educational district for the burgeoning city of Brooklyn. Although the scope of that envisioned complex of parks, gardens, and buildings changed after the once-independent Brooklyn was absorbed into New York City in 1898, many features of the plan were eventually realized and are reflected in what can be seen today. In recent years, the Museum has focused on redesigning its galleries and reinstalling its major collections to make them more accessible to the public. Flowing spaces, vivid wall colors, dramatic graphic elements, and multimedia components feature in many of these reconfigured galleries. The collections of American painting and sculpture, with significant additions from Spanish colonial and Native American art, were reorganized in 2001 to form the long-term installation “American Identities: A New Look” within completely reconceived gallery spaces. With a mission to create inspiring encounters with art that expand the ways we see ourselves, the world and its possibilities, visiting this museum is an educational and cultural experience not to be missed!
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. Its roots extend back to 1823 and the founding of the brooklyn Apprentices' Library to educate young tradesmen (Walt Whitman would later become one of its librarians). The Brooklyn Museum was conceived as the focal point of a planned cultural, recreational, and educational district for the burgeoning city of Brooklyn. Although the scope of that envisioned complex of parks, gardens, and buildings changed after the once-independent Brooklyn was absorbed into New York City in 1898, many features of the plan were eventually realized and are reflected in what can be seen today. In recent years, the Museum has focused on redesigning its galleries and reinstalling its major collections to make them more accessible to the public. Flowing spaces, vivid wall colors, dramatic graphic elements, and multimedia components feature in many of these reconfigured galleries. The collections of American painting and sculpture, with significant additions from Spanish colonial and Native American art, were reorganized in 2001 to form the long-term installation “American Identities: A New Look” within completely reconceived gallery spaces. With a mission to create inspiring encounters with art that expand the ways we see ourselves, the world and its possibilities, visiting this museum is an educational and cultural experience not to be missed!
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. Its roots extend back to 1823 and the founding of the brooklyn Apprentices' Library to educate young tradesmen (Walt Whitman would later become one of its librarians). The Brooklyn Museum was conceived as the focal point of a planned cultural, recreational, and educational district for the burgeoning city of Brooklyn. Although the scope of that envisioned complex of parks, gardens, and buildings changed after the once-independent Brooklyn was absorbed into New York City in 1898, many features of the plan were eventually realized and are reflected in what can be seen today. In recent years, the Museum has focused on redesigning its galleries and reinstalling its major collections to make them more accessible to the public. Flowing spaces, vivid wall colors, dramatic graphic elements, and multimedia components feature in many of these reconfigured galleries. The collections of American painting and sculpture, with significant additions from Spanish colonial and Native American art, were reorganized in 2001 to form the long-term installation “American Identities: A New Look” within completely reconceived gallery spaces. With a mission to create inspiring encounters with art that expand the ways we see ourselves, the world and its possibilities, visiting this museum is an educational and cultural experience not to be missed!
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. Its roots extend back to 1823 and the founding of the brooklyn Apprentices' Library to educate young tradesmen (Walt Whitman would later become one of its librarians). The Brooklyn Museum was conceived as the focal point of a planned cultural, recreational, and educational district for the burgeoning city of Brooklyn. Although the scope of that envisioned complex of parks, gardens, and buildings changed after the once-independent Brooklyn was absorbed into New York City in 1898, many features of the plan were eventually realized and are reflected in what can be seen today. In recent years, the Museum has focused on redesigning its galleries and reinstalling its major collections to make them more accessible to the public. Flowing spaces, vivid wall colors, dramatic graphic elements, and multimedia components feature in many of these reconfigured galleries. The collections of American painting and sculpture, with significant additions from Spanish colonial and Native American art, were reorganized in 2001 to form the long-term installation “American Identities: A New Look” within completely reconceived gallery spaces. With a mission to create inspiring encounters with art that expand the ways we see ourselves, the world and its possibilities, visiting this museum is an educational and cultural experience not to be missed!
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. Its roots extend back to 1823 and the founding of the brooklyn Apprentices' Library to educate young tradesmen (Walt Whitman would later become one of its librarians). The Brooklyn Museum was conceived as the focal point of a planned cultural, recreational, and educational district for the burgeoning city of Brooklyn. Although the scope of that envisioned complex of parks, gardens, and buildings changed after the once-independent Brooklyn was absorbed into New York City in 1898, many features of the plan were eventually realized and are reflected in what can be seen today. In recent years, the Museum has focused on redesigning its galleries and reinstalling its major collections to make them more accessible to the public. Flowing spaces, vivid wall colors, dramatic graphic elements, and multimedia components feature in many of these reconfigured galleries. The collections of American painting and sculpture, with significant additions from Spanish colonial and Native American art, were reorganized in 2001 to form the long-term installation “American Identities: A New Look” within completely reconceived gallery spaces. With a mission to create inspiring encounters with art that expand the ways we see ourselves, the world and its possibilities, visiting this museum is an educational and cultural experience not to be missed!
Бруклинский музей
Бруклинский музей — один из старейших и крупнейших художественных музеев США. Его корни восходят к 1823 году и основанию бруклинской библиотеки учеников для обучения молодых торговцев (позже Уолт Уитмен стал одним из ее библиотекарей). Бруклинский музей был задуман как центр запланированного культурного, развлекательного и образовательного района растущего города Бруклин. Хотя масштабы этого предполагаемого комплекса парков, садов и зданий изменились после того, как некогда независимый Бруклин был присоединен к Нью-Йорку в 1898 году, многие черты плана в конечном итоге были реализованы и отражены в том, что можно увидеть сегодня. В последние годы музей сосредоточился на перепроектировании своих галерей и переустановке своих основных коллекций, чтобы сделать их более доступными для публики. Плавные пространства, яркие цвета стен, драматические графические элементы и мультимедийные компоненты характерны для многих из этих реконструированных галерей. Коллекции американской живописи и скульптуры со значительными дополнениями из испанского колониального искусства и искусства коренных американцев были реорганизованы в 2001 году, чтобы сформировать долгосрочную инсталляцию «Американская идентичность: новый взгляд» в полностью переосмысленных галерейных пространствах. С миссией создавать вдохновляющие встречи с искусством, которые расширяют наши представления о себе, мире и его возможностях, посещение этого музея — это образовательный и культурный опыт, который нельзя пропустить!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (43)
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Oct 2022
Nice and very well kept exhibitions. Wish there were more floors! Sketchy area but the museum itself is nice. Give it a whirl!
andre s
Oct 2022
A lot to see, spent over an hour on one floor. My favorite exhibit was the Egyptian floor. I learned a lot about their burial rituals
Justin W
Apr 2022
I went to the Brooklyn Museum to see the new Guadalupe Maravilla exhibition of her healing art and it was quite interesting and very unusual. Her works can be very strange looking. She even has a healing room where you can sit and relax and listen to music. After that, I visited the Egyptian Galleries and admired the mummy display and how detailed the room of the dead is set up. The museum has all the mummy cases opened up so that you can see the details of the painting. Don't miss the Book of the Dead. I like spending the afternoon strolling through the galleries and admiring the art on the different floors.

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