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Вертолетный тур по Нью-Йорку Skyline

В этом туре вы познакомитесь с некоторыми из наших любимых мест, которые сделали Нью-Йорк всемирно известным!

Центральный парк и Статуя Свободы не только любимы жителями Нью-Йорка, но и важны для истории нашей страны. Познакомьтесь с каждым из этих сокровищ Нью-Йорка в этом вертолетном туре, а также с островом Эллис, Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, музеем авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid.

Центральный парк Манхэттена ежегодно принимает около 35 миллионов посетителей, но вы иметь лучший вид на все это в этом туре. Посмотрите в глаза Леди Либерти и посмотрите, как миллионы иммигрантов въехали в нашу любимую страну на острове Эллис, совершили круиз мимо Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, пролетели над Центральным парком и увидели Музей авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $189.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $189.00
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Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла.
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для все уровни физической подготовки
  • Сиденье зависит от веса и баланса. Максимальный вес 250 фунтов на человека. Пассажиры взвешиваются на нашем объекте, и пассажиры, вес которых превышает ограничение по весу, должны приобрести дополнительное место, иначе они потеряют право на полет.
  • Вертолет вмещает 6 пассажиров и 1 пилота. Все туры разделены с другими пассажирами. Все 6 мест должны быть приобретены для частного тура. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложено другое время или дата.
  • В зависимости от благоприятных погодных условий. В случае отмены из-за плохой погоды вам будет предложена альтернативная дата.
  • Пассажиры должны прибыть за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета с удостоверением личности. Настоятельно рекомендуется прибыть до времени регистрации, чтобы избежать взимается плата за опоздание *** ***ЦЕНЫ ЗА ОСТАНОВКУ*** С пассажиров, не прибывающих за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета, взимается штраф в размере 50 долларов США с человека за опоздание. С пассажиров, прибывающих за 30 минут или менее до времени вылета по расписанию, взимается плата в размере 100 долларов США с человека за опоздание.
  • New York Helicopter имеет право отменить, изменить или задержать любой рейс в любое время по любой причине, включая погодные условия. условия, временные ограничения на полеты, введенные FAA, минимальное количество пассажиров, не соблюденное для тура, техническое обслуживание вертолета и все другие обстоятельства, не зависящие от нас.
  • Стоимость вертолетной площадки в размере 35 долларов США на человека (должна быть оплачена на месте во время путешествия дата)
  • 35 долларов США за вертолетную площадку для детей в возрасте до 2 лет (должна быть оплачена на месте в день поездки)
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Маски обязательны для гидов в общественных местах
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Central Park
Experience the sights that make New York famous with our NYC Skyline Tour. See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from the sky, fly by the Empire State Building, and check out Central Park from above as you fly along the Hudson River before cruising by the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum.
Central Park
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Statue of Liberty
Central Park and the Statue of Liberty are not only cherished by New Yorkers, they are significant to our country’s history. Experience each of these NYC treasures on this helicopter tour as well as Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum, Manhattan’s Central Park receives about 35 million visitors each year, but you will have the best view of it all on this tour. Look Lady Liberty in the eye and see where millions of immigrants entered our beloved country at Ellis Island, cruise by the Empire State Building, fly along Central Park, and see the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum.
Центральный парк
Познакомьтесь с достопримечательностями, которые делают Нью-Йорк знаменитым, с нашим туром по Нью-Йорку. Посмотрите с неба на Статую Свободы и остров Эллис, пролетите мимо Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг и осмотрите Центральный парк сверху, пролетая вдоль реки Гудзон, а затем совершите круиз по Музею авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid.
Центральный парк
Центральный парк и Статуя Свободы не только любимы жителями Нью-Йорка, но и важны для истории нашей страны. Испытайте каждое из этих сокровищ Нью-Йорка в этом вертолетном туре, а также остров Эллис, Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, Музей авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid, Центральный парк Манхэттена ежегодно посещают около 35 миллионов человек, но во время этого тура у вас будет лучший вид на все это. Посмотрите в глаза Леди Либерти и посмотрите, как миллионы иммигрантов въехали в нашу любимую страну на острове Эллис, совершили круиз мимо Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, пролетели над Центральным парком и увидели Музей авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid.
Статуя Свободы
Центральный парк и Статуя Свободы не только любимы жителями Нью-Йорка, но и важны для истории нашей страны. Испытайте каждое из этих сокровищ Нью-Йорка в этом вертолетном туре, а также остров Эллис, Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, Музей авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid, Центральный парк Манхэттена ежегодно посещают около 35 миллионов человек, но во время этого тура у вас будет лучший вид на все это. Посмотрите в глаза Леди Либерти и посмотрите, как миллионы иммигрантов въехали в нашу любимую страну на острове Эллис, совершили круиз мимо Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, пролетели над Центральным парком и увидели Музей авиации, моря и космонавтики Intrepid.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (42)
Dec 2022
Well. Very good experience.. recommended to everyone. The departure spot is a little bit difficult to go by transportation but the experience is realy amazing. We fly about 22min in a 16-19min flight. The route is quite simple but it is perfect for the duration. For the return to Manhattan you can share uber with other passengers of the helo.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for choosing New York Helicopter Tours and for your kind words.
Dec 2022
Organisation and communication is terrible. The manager is not helpful at all. Waited 2 1/2 hours to go up into the air because a helicopter had broke. This was not communicated to ourselves but was still expected to pay a charge if you were late. Location is in the middle of no where and very hard to get to. Once finally in the helicopter, the experience is incredible but could do this with a better helicopter company. Complained to manager with blonde hair. Was not very helpful and did not want to know. Would not have minded if the issues were communicated to ourselves instead of us finding out through gossip in the waiting room.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Our pilot came to the waiting room and spoke to everyone regarding about the helicopter being down. We apologized to everyone but unfortunately it was out of our control...I don't understand what your wanted the manager to do! These are machines and things do happen just like the airlines.
Nov 2022
A truly breathtaking ride!! We went up ~45 min before sunset and the views were stunning. Shoutout to Ariel and Carlos for taking great care of us on ground, and Matt for being a fantastic pilot.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for choosing New York Helicopter Tours and for your kind words.

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