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Кладбище и автобусный тур Ghost BYOB в Новом Орлеане

Предупреждение! Этот тур только для смелых! NOLA Ghost Riders предлагает оригинальный и лучший ночной тур по кладбищу. Этот опыт дает гостям возможность узнать о наших уникальных процедурах надземного захоронения и легендарном прошлом, отправившись на настоящие кладбища после наступления темноты. Многие оставили этот опыт, чувствуя себя преследуемым, или даже сделали фотографии, которые можно описать только как паранормальные явления, так что берите с собой камеру!
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $40.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $40.00
Что включено
Pickup and drop-off from designated meeting points
Live commentary on board
Pickup and drop-off from designated meeting points
Live commentary on board
Pickup and drop-off from designated meeting points
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Дресс-код: элегантная повседневная одежда
  • Маски для лица обязательны для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением.
  • Снаряжение и оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства.
  • Гиды необходимо регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
Что ожидать
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
City Park
City Park is as magical and unique as the city of New Orleans. The 1,300-acre outdoor oasis has enchanted New Orleanians since 1854, making it one of the nation’s oldest urban parks. Each year, millions of visitors stroll under the same historic oaks and picturesque moss canopies that served as the backdrop for dances, concerts and even gentlemanly duels or “affaires d’honneur” for generations.
Hurricane Katrina Memorial
On the former site of Charity Hospital’s paupers’ field, this ominous but oddly affecting circle of tombs holds the bodies of 85 unclaimed victims of the 2005 levee failures and the names of others who perished. It’s an unfussy place that’s easily missed, the better for contemplative solitude, perhaps. Surrounded by a storm-shaped series of pathways, the memorial does its duty in giving one substantial pause.
Городской парк
Городской парк такой же волшебный и уникальный, как город Новый Орлеан. Открытый оазис площадью 1300 акров очаровал жителей Нового Орлеана с 1854 года, что делает его одним из старейших городских парков страны. Каждый год миллионы посетителей прогуливаются под теми же старинными дубами и живописными моховыми навесами, которые из поколения в поколение служили фоном для танцев, концертов и даже джентльменских дуэлей или «почетных дел».
Мемориал урагана Катрина
На месте бывшего поля для бедняков Благотворительной больницы этот зловещий, но странно впечатляющий круг могил хранит тела 85 невостребованных жертв обрушения дамбы 2005 года и имена других погибших. Это непритязательное место, которое легко пропустить, возможно, лучше для созерцательного уединения. Мемориал, окруженный серией тропинок в форме бури, выполняет свою обязанность, давая одну существенную паузу.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
On any other day, I’m sure this could have been a cool experience. However, from a professional standpoint, the event should have been canceled due to unsafe weather conditions. The option for a full refund should have been given to those who didn’t feel comfortable participating in extreme conditions. When purchasing the ticket the cancellation policy clearly states. **This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund** I called a few hours before the tour, to see if I could get a refund or reschedule and I was told no matter what rain or shine they don’t cancel. Which concerned me because it was 48 degrees, with thunderstorms and heavy rain and wind. Even people with umbrellas and proper attire were completely soaked or umbrella were turned inside out, from the wind. During the first stop, about half way through, drenched from head to toe and shaking. I asked the guide to unlock the bus so we could return to some kind of heat or shelter and he disregarded us and continued to tour. After being outside for 20 minutes in that kind of weather he took us to our next stop, Morning call. We continued to check the weather radar and there was no hope for relief for the next two hours. With flood warning on the horizon, my party of 4 decided to take a cab back to the hotel as we were concerned for our health and safety. I’m contacting my bank to have the charges for this event fully refunded back to my account. Maybe down the road, I’ll try again.
Dec 2022
It was a great bus tour, we had a very enjoyable time. I would definitely recommend the experience to friends.
Dec 2022
This should have been cancelled due to rain!! We had to walk through literal rivers I. The cemetery and we’re soaked because of the downpour. At the pit stop we got an Uber and left it was so bad!

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