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Частный тур по Центральному парку на велосипеде

Побалуйте себя экскурсией по Центральному парку Нью-Йорка в сопровождении гида на велорикше. Устройтесь поудобнее и расслабьтесь, катаясь по дорожкам и слушая уникальные истории о нашем знаменитом городском парке. Экскурсия начинается с короткого рассказа о том, как был построен этот знаменитый парк, за которым следует сказочный вид на Пятую авеню и отель Plaza. Вскоре после осмотра восточной стороны парка ваш гид сделает остановку в самом известном месте парка - фонтане Бетесда, где мы сделаем несколько ваших замечательных фотографий (бесплатно). Мы будем указывать на квартиры, в которых живут знаменитости, а также на кадры из ваших любимых сериалов.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $45.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $45.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Warm blankets (October to March)
Fluent English-Speaking Tour Guides
Picture Stops at Major Highlights
Central Park Admission
Private transportation
Warm blankets (October to March)
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Необходимо размещение с младенцами чтобы сидеть на коленях у взрослого
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Лицевые маски для путешественников
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнения
Что ожидать
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park
Hop on a comfortable pedicab and get ready for a journey through beautiful Central Park and its' famous landmarks with your licensed tour guide. Explore the world famous sights, movie locations, and many celebrity homes around Central Park. Visit sights where Kevin met the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 and where Buddy had a snowball fight in Elf. Get your pictures taken by famous Bethesda Fountain and see the 160 year old Bethesda Terrace. Visit famous buildings where celebrities including John Lennon, Lady Gaga, and Madonna lived.
Wollman Rink
See the ice skating rink that featured in scenes in the "Home Alone 2" movie
Central Park Zoo
Pass Central Park Zoo, where Alex and his friends escape to in the movie "Madagascar."
Upper East Side
Admire New York's premier apartments, where the city's "old money" once lived.
Bethesda Fountain
Pause to admire Central Park's oldest fountain, standing right in the middle of Manhattan Island. The fountain is connected to The Mall, a beautiful, elm-lined walkway that leads to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, which is over 160 years of age. Scenes from more than 20 big-name movies have been filmed here.
Bow Bridge
Stop for photos beside the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. Scenes from movies such as "Night at the Museum," " P.S. I Love You," and "When Harry Met Sally" were shot here.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota building, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, and the site where he was assassinated in 1981. Afterward, visit the "Imagine" memorial mosaic at Strawberry Fields.
Центральный парк
Садитесь в удобный велорикш и приготовьтесь к путешествию по красивому Центральному парку и его знаменитым достопримечательностям с вашим лицензированным гидом. Исследуйте всемирно известные достопримечательности, места съемок фильмов и множество домов знаменитостей вокруг Центрального парка. Посетите достопримечательности, где Кевин познакомился с женщиной-голубем в «Один дома 2» и где Бадди играл в снежки в «Эльфе». Сфотографируйтесь у знаменитого фонтана Бетесда и посмотрите на 160-летнюю террасу Бетесда. Посетите знаменитые здания, в которых жили такие знаменитости, как Джон Леннон, Леди Гага и Мадонна.
Уоллман Каток
Посмотрите на ледовый каток, показанный в сценах фильма «Один дома 2».
Зоопарк Центрального парка
Пройдите мимо зоопарка Центрального парка, куда убегают Алекс и его друзья в фильме «Мадагаскар».
Верхний Ист-Сайд
Полюбуйтесь лучшими квартирами Нью-Йорка, где когда-то жили «старые деньги» города.
Фонтан Бетесда
Сделайте паузу, чтобы полюбоваться старейшим фонтаном Центрального парка, стоящим прямо посреди острова Манхэттен. Фонтан соединен с торговым центром, красивой, обсаженной вязами дорожкой, ведущей к прекрасной террасе Бетесда, которой более 160 лет. Здесь снимались сцены из более чем 20 известных фильмов.
Боу Бридж
Остановитесь, чтобы сфотографироваться у самого старого и самого известного моста в Центральном парке. Здесь снимались сцены из таких фильмов, как «Ночь в музее», «P.S. Я люблю тебя» и «Когда Гарри встретил Салли».
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Посмотрите на здание Дакоты, где вместе жили Джон Леннон и Йоко Оно, и место, где он был убит в 1981 году. После этого посетите мемориальную мозаику «Представьте себе» на Земляничных полях.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (217)
Apr 2019
I was really looking forward to going to Central Park being this my first time in New York. I was a little worried about walking the entire park with two young children (my friend's kids) and my ankle was a little hurt from walking so much the previous days. We came across the pedicab tour and could not believe what a great decision it was to go with them around central park. Our drivers Shah & Avaz were so great! They were funny, friendly and did not rush us at all when we made stops to take pictures and enjoy the park. It was totally worth it and we would do it again when we go back to Central Park.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2019
We are glad that you have enjoyed your ride with Experience NYC Company. It was a pleasure to serve you!
Apr 2019
It was the best thing me and my family did in New York. Our drivers Shah and Abas were funny and informative. They took our pictures, showed us places where movies were shot and dropped us off at Times Square. These guys are great! Definitely recommend this company!
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2019
We are glad that you have enjoyed the ride with Experience NYC. It was a pleasure to serve you.
Mar 2019
Avaz was a great Central Park tour guide. He was knowledgeable, funny, and friendly. Avaz provided us with a lot of facts and history about Central Park and the surrounding area.
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2019
Thank you so much, for riding with Experience NYC & Avaz.

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