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Сертифицированный дайвер: погружения с двумя баками на затонувшие корабли и погружения на мелководье у берегов Оаху

Лучший опыт дайвинга на затонувших кораблях в гавайских водах!

Присоединяйтесь к нам в экскурсии по красивым затонувшим кораблям на южном берегу Оаху. Как сертифицированный дайвер, насладитесь уникальным морским пейзажем Гавайев во время одного из наших ежедневных чартеров. Погрузитесь в глубины одного из знаменитых затонувших кораблей на Гавайях с опытным сертифицированным гидом PADI. После расслабляющего интервала на поверхности после погружения на затонувший корабль вас ждет прекрасная экскурсия с гидом по одному из любимых мест рифов Гонолулу, и завершите день лучшим дайвингом, предлагаемым на острове Оаху. У вас будет возможность увидеть акул, черепах, угрей, скатов, осьминогов, морских звезд, крабов, гавайских эндемичных рыб, дельфинов и многих других! Сядьте на лодку Dive Oahu и катайтесь с комфортом и стилем.

Все включено: Бесплатный прокат первоклассного снаряжения! Бесплатные закуски и прохладительные напитки! Два разных дайв-сайта!
Город: Оаху
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $214.35
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $214.35
Что включено
FREE snacks and refreshments
Guided tour by a PADI Professional
FREE premier Gear Rental
FREE snacks and refreshments
Guided tour by a PADI Professional
FREE premier Gear Rental
FREE snacks and refreshments
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Не рекомендуется путешественникам с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех физических уровни физической подготовки
  • Доступны дополнения; Прокат GoPro, подводного скутера DPV, прокат баллонов с найтроксом, частный гид и/или частный фотограф.
  • Пожалуйста, укажите действующий адрес электронной почты. Вы должны получить электронное письмо с подтверждением от Dive Oahu после бронирования, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь. Если какая-либо из перечисленных сведений неверна или если вы не получили электронное письмо в течение 2 часов после бронирования, свяжитесь с нами.
  • Все дайверы ДОЛЖНЫ предъявить подтверждение сертификации PADI или другого утвержденного курса дайвинга перед посадкой. лодка.
  • Все дайверы должны указать рост, вес, размер обуви и дату рождения.
  • Все дайверы ДОЛЖНЫ уметь плавать, быть старше 15 лет и иметь в добром здравии.
  • Dive Oahu имеет правила отмены за 48 часов. Отмена в течение 48 часов до запланированного погружения приведет к аннулированию платежа.
  • Дайверы должны быть в лодочной гавани за 1/2 часа до запланированного погружения с лодки, чтобы было время для отказа и примерки снаряжения.
  • Дайверы НЕ должны летать в течение 24 часов после погружения.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (92)
Jul 2022
Very disappointed in Dive Oahu and Dive Master Dan’s Pinnacles Dive for July 2, 2022. We paid almost $1000 to get Nitrox certified and we’re promised a dedicated dive master for our dive. Instead we were a group of 5 and half the divers had Nitrox and 2 others did not. It was the fastest dive I’ve ever experienced. Descending to 108 feet and then maintaining 85 feet for 15 minutes. Dan signaled shelf at the group so we approached the shelf and began exploring. 2 minutes later he had us all turn around. When I signaled half tank (1500 psi) Dan immediately turned around again and took us back to the boat. 18 minutes with our safety stop which was completely unnecessary. Each of us had 1000 psi when we returned. On the second dive we weren’t offered Nitrox but normal air. I’ll expect some consideration from dive Oahu and if we can’t negotiate then I’m disputing this charge.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Nobody likes an ugly review. We did not Promise or get paid to have a private guide. Yes they PADI nitrox course was done. And the explanation and recording of a nitrox tank was done. The Dive site in question was called ewa Pinnacles and if you lay down on the bottom and put your back in the sand your computer will only go to 88 feet. So I’m not sure where the 20 extra feet came in. The thousand dollars was actually 857 and change…. We all know Padi takes a big chunk of any electronic course that is given. As far as nitrox it’s $14 a bottle and we never charged anything for the bottle that was used. Nor the second one that was asked for after the fact. According to the guide you were at 1200 pounds when you got to the area to come up. Please keep in mind your group size was five people that’s one of the lowest group sizes in the industry when you guys started coming up at 25 minutes. He also did a three minute safety stop within those minutes. The safety of our customers is the upmost. We are definitely sorry we offended you by bringing you up with an extra couple pounds of air in your tank but it’s the safety of the group that matters. How would you felt if three people in the group was sent out without an instructor so two people total could stay on the bottom with no supervision. It’s just not what we do. As far as refunds and negativities this probably should’ve been addressed in a different platform other than social media. Pretty sure I personally emailed you before you wrote this and ask you how your dive was. (All customers get an automatic email from me after they’re dive) And at the end of the day how much air did you wanna come up with if you had 1000 pounds at 88 feet. I would side on safety. Have a blessed day and hopefully get to do some more diving with you….. thanks Brian 808-330-3790 cell
Jun 2022
Hannah and Jerry (captain) were awesome! They made sure we had the best visibility and the best spot based on the days conditions. Hannah was so knowledgeable, fun, professional, and kept us very safe. We dove the Sea Tiger and Horseshoe/Sandals reef. If we had another day, we’d go for another deep dive - no question. Highly recommend!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Hannah again everyone loves Hannah she the best ......
Jun 2022
The good: friendly divemasters and boat captain, great boat! (I went out on a Newton 46’), small groups (two groups of 6 that day), enough room for everyone on the boat. The suggestions for improvement: 1. The rental equipment. Hawaiian waters are warm, but not that warm. They only had 2.5mm shorties for wet suits and bootless fins. Suggest to have 3mm and 5mm wetsuits available, and hood, also for those of us that get cold easily. 2. Dive master knowledge of nitrox limits. Not sure how this happened, but my nitrox tank was set up for the deep dive. The training makes very clear that there are depth limits with nitrox, and the first deep dive was approx to that limit. The guy was even confused when I went to switch the tank. I laughed when he asked me about it because I thought he was being sarcastic but I don’t think that’s the case. Good thing I check everything, that’s just a safety issue. 3. The experience level should be separated between new vs experienced divers. One inexperienced diver in our group sucked up his air quickly and we had to go up after only 15 minutes. Shortest dive ever! There was decent, not great, scenery. So at $255 for a two tank dive, one nitrox tank, tax and tip it’s not great value compared to the Caribbean.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Nitrox..... the only mix we use is 32% company wide Max depth 121. which is deeper then any site we go to. we did this to make it idiot proof. Your dive and most dives we go to 100' ( sea tiger 120' at the bow in the sand but 99% time we keep you at the deck 100') while most of guides are instructors that teach nitrox, we have a few Dive masters that might not know the answer. but they have been educated......

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