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Чарлстон Призрак и Кладбище Ночная пешеходная экскурсия с гидом

Испытайте озноб во время единственного тура по кладбищу Чарльстона. Вы получите эксклюзивную возможность пройти в ворота старейшего кладбища Чарльстона после наступления темноты. Прогуляйтесь по историческому району Чарльстона с привидениями и узнайте истории о привидениях, домах с привидениями, вуду и суевериях Нидерландов.
Город: Чарльстон
Sat 05 Oct
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Начинается с $39.50
Sat 05 Oct
Начинается с $39.50
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Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Пожалуйста, приезжайте за 15 минут до отправления тура.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, одевайтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Темп пешеходных экскурсий неторопливый
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки
  • Покупая этот тур, вы заявляете что вы и ваша группа здоровы и не проявляли никаких признаков или симптомов COVID-19 за последние 14 дней. Если это изменится, вы немедленно уведомите Bulldog Tours.
Что ожидать
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Чарльстонский тур по привидениям и кладбищам
Встретьтесь со своим гидом в центральном месте встречи, затем отправляйтесь на кладбище, где вы услышите о духах Чарльстона и ужасных историях, таких как: • Призрак Сью Ховард, скорбящей матери, которая молится на могиле своего умершего ребенка из мира духов. У вашего гида есть фотография, чтобы доказать это. • Великий Нуллификатор, знаменитый воин-мятежник Джон К. Кэлхун. Узнайте, почему он и его жена все еще танцуют на улице каждый год, уже более 150 лет подряд. • Рассказы о погребении заживо. Врачи в старом Чарльстоне не рисковали с заразными болезнями. Упасть без сознания в больнице, проснуться в могиле. Узнайте, почему были придуманы термины «спасённый колокол» и «кладбищная смена». Вы будете рады, что вас не было рядом, когда они были. Пока другие пешеходы заглядывают внутрь через железную ограду, вы окажетесь внутри. Узнайте историю кладбищ с привидениями в Чарльстоне и услышите рассказы об известных людях, которые нашли свое последнее пристанище в Священном городе. Не забывайте о камерах со вспышками. Вы никогда не знаете, какие фантомные изображения вы можете запечатлеть...
Бульдог Туры
Туры, предлагаемые через Bulldog Tours
Круглая конгрегационалистская церковь
Войдите в ворота кладбища Круглой конгрегационалистской церкви исключительно с Bulldog Tours. Услышьте истории печально известных людей, похороненных там.
Церковь Святого Филиппа
Чарльстон был основан в 1670 году прихожанами церкви Святого Филиппа. На их кладбище покоятся многие из наших самых значительных исторических личностей, в том числе подписавший Декларацию независимости. Он также является домом для одной из самых интригующих историй о привидениях в Чарльстоне!
Пороховой журнал
Построенное в 1713 году, это старейшее сохранившееся общественное здание в бывшей провинции Каролина. Он использовался как пороховой склад во время войны за независимость США, а позже нашел и другое применение.
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Отзывы (775)
Aug 2021
One thing to remember - that is NOT part of my review because it's no reflection on Bulldog at all - is that in August it is brutally hot, humid and still air downtown, no breeze at all. And Charleston has a funky smell to begin with. Makes for a LONG walk. The tour guide was quite passionate and gave a great delivery. Saying that a certain graveyard light is always on to prevent ghosts being bothered by flash photography, and then the light 'magically' goes off right when we're standing there is pretty cheesy. But it's meant to be taken as a sign that a particular ghost likes our tour guide. Ho hum okay if you're ten years old I suppose. I would have liked more stories about particular headstones that we could actually see, not ghosts that of course we never saw. And telling us that a couple of REALLY creepy beings materialized only 'last night' was pretty corny. Oh well there goes $250 for 1.5 hours.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2021
DanFromOhioUSA, Thanks so much for the feedback. We are sorry that you were disappointed the ghostly element of your ghost tour. There really is a fine balance of ghost stories to history and on that tour most of our guides do include some funerary art as well as some of the macabre colonial funerary practices. Perhaps with a different guide taking you through the graveyard, it would have resulted differently. We would like to make this right with you. Please feel free to reach out to our Tour Guide Manager, Andrew Kuhn, at [email protected] to discuss further. Thanks again for the feedback and for visiting Charleston!
Erica L
Aug 2021
I didn't find it spooky. There were too many guide tours at the same time in the same vicinity. You could hear motorcycles, cars in the street and the other tour guides speaking that were not part of your group. Our tour guide did give pretty good story telling. The cemetery wasn't that big. It is not in a remote area. We had the 9:30pm night tour. We had about 17 people in our group.
Erica W
Aug 2021
Great way for visitors to get to know the french quarters of the city! We did the graveyard ghost tour and had a good time.

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