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Clear Kayak Bioluminescence Tour

Зачем каяки с чистым дном? Наша неизменная приверженность обеспечению безопасности в рамках нашего захватывающего опыта привела нас к созданию этих технологически продвинутых каяков, искусно изготовленной и завораживающей новой модели каяка. Материал Innovex — это не стекло, а очень прочный пластиковый композит, подобный верхним кабинам истребителей. Каяк с прозрачным дном не просто подкладывает под вас оконную панель, а полностью сформированная вставка из Innovex позволяет воде (и, следовательно, биолюминесценции) подниматься вокруг вас, сохраняя полный опыт без ущерба для безопасности гребца.
Город: Какао-Бич
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $85.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $85.00
Что включено
Kayak and gear
Kayak and gear
Kayak and gear
Kayak and gear
Kayak and gear
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Снаряжение и оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Бесконтактные платежи за чаевые и дополнительные услуги
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (61)
Nov 2022
Chaz and John were super knowledgable about the area and the wildlife we saw while kayaking! Despite being a "less active night" we still saw, caught and held an abundance of cone jelly and even bumped into a manatee! The sights of the sky, rocket launch site, and the water alone were well worth the trip, everything else was a bonus! I highly recommend adding this to your itinerary if possible! Also, the experience is very beginner friendly! Chaz and John were super friendly and even took the time to go over a few kayaking tips for the less-experienced people in the group. A few tips: -bring a change of clothes and water-friendly shoes -apply bug spray prior to leaving your car. Chaz and John were kind enough to supply some, but the mosquitoes started well before we could spray ourselves (nothing unbearable though!)
Courtney M
Nov 2022
Chaz was amazing! He made my husband Cameron and I feel totally at ease and had so much knowledge to share. It’s not always easy for us to get out on a date night but this was a super great experience and money well spent!! We went during a windy night and got to see tons of jellies, we even got to hold one! We were also lucky enough to paddle out and see the launch pad for SpaceX with a rocket being prepared! Seriously, put this on your list of worthwhile things to do in Florida.
Oct 2022
Our bioluminescence your was with Chaz. He was fun, energetic, and professional throughout. We had the opportunity to learn many facts about the east coast of Florida, both naturally occurring and human made. He had a clear excitement for his job that made the entire experience enjoyable. Thanks for an amazing and unique experience!

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