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Ясный тур на байдарках по Тарпон-Спрингс | Сезон ламантинов

Отправляйтесь в путешествие по Тарпон-Спрингс на своем 100% чистом каяке! Вы насладитесь спокойной прогулкой по заливу Тарпон-Спрингс. Вы отправитесь из яхт-клуба Тарпон-Спрингс, проплывете на байдарках по реке, увидите особняки в викторианском стиле и пройдете мимо живописного парка Крейга. Затем вы отправитесь в Спринг-Байу, район с теплой водой, где часто можно увидеть ламантинов!

Ищите ламантинов, любуясь пейзажем. Ламантины используют более теплую воду Спринг-Байу в качестве убежища в зимние месяцы. По пути ваш гид будет следить за другими дикими животными, включая дельфинов и различных птиц. Скорее всего, вы увидите множество диких животных, но наблюдения случайны и не гарантированы.

Узнайте о Тарпон-Спрингс от своего 5-звездочного гида по эко-туру. Узнайте о местной истории, дикой природе и экосистемах. По пути вы услышите о греческой культуре и знаменитых губчатых доках. Ваш гид будет рад сделать фотографии и позаботиться о том, чтобы вам было весело в пути!
Город: Чистая вода
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $55.60
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $55.60
Что включено
Dry Bags: We'll allow you to use our dry bags to keep your personal belongings dry along the tour!
Kayaks, paddles, seats, life jackets, whistles
Dry Bags: We'll allow you to use our dry bags to keep your personal belongings dry along the tour!
Kayaks, paddles, seats, life jackets, whistles
Dry Bags: We'll allow you to use our dry bags to keep your personal belongings dry along the tour!
Kayaks, paddles, seats, life jackets, whistles
Dry Bags: We'll allow you to use our dry bags to keep your personal belongings dry along the tour!
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Не рекомендуется. для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Для вашей безопасности у нас есть ограничение по весу 250 фунтов на гостя и комбинированный лимит 425 фунтов для двух человек в тандемном каяке
Что ожидать
Craig Park
You'll paddle through the beautiful bayous of Tarpon Springs, stopping at Craig Park, which is at the very heart of Tarpon Springs. You'll paddle by the incredible Victorian-style mansions from the town's first settlers in the 19th Century.
Craig Park
You'll paddle through the beautiful bayous of Tarpon Springs, stopping at Craig Park, which is at the very heart of Tarpon Springs. You'll paddle by the incredible Victorian-style mansions from the town's first settlers in the 19th Century.
Craig Park
You'll paddle through the beautiful bayous of Tarpon Springs, stopping at Craig Park, which is at the very heart of Tarpon Springs. You'll paddle by the incredible Victorian-style mansions from the town's first settlers in the 19th Century.
Craig Park
You'll paddle through the beautiful bayous of Tarpon Springs, stopping at Craig Park, which is at the very heart of Tarpon Springs. You'll paddle by the incredible Victorian-style mansions from the town's first settlers in the 19th Century.
Craig Park
You'll paddle through the beautiful bayous of Tarpon Springs, stopping at Craig Park, which is at the very heart of Tarpon Springs. You'll paddle by the incredible Victorian-style mansions from the town's first settlers in the 19th Century.
Крейг Парк
Вы проплывете через красивый залив Тарпон-Спрингс, остановившись в Крейг-парке, который находится в самом сердце Тарпон-Спрингс. Вы будете грести возле невероятных особняков в викторианском стиле первых поселенцев города в 19 веке.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (147)
Dec 2022
Less was great. We learned a lot about Tarpon Springs and wildlife. We would definitely recommend if you’re out there.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for joining us on a clear kayak adventure! We agree- Alessia is a great guide, and we'll be sure to pass along your kudos to her. We hope that you'll visit us again sometime!
Dec 2022
My husband and I had a wonderful afternoon on the clear bottom kayak at Tarpon Springs. The weather was sunny and on this December day we were not cold, but very comfortable. Our tour guide was Micki and she was terrific, helping us gear up and assist in our transfers to and from shore to kayak with ease. My husband, a novice, was a bit apprehensive to kayak, but Micki's pre-launch instruction set him at ease. I would have given this tour a 5 star if only we had seen more manatees. Also, the clear bottom boat did not make seeing aquatic life any easier in the dark murky waters of the bayous.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for joining us for a clear kayaking adventure! We're thrilled that Mickie helped ease your husband's nerves and you both were able to enjoy your paddle through the Tarpon Springs Bayous! We're disappointed you did not get to see any many manatees as you would have liked, they are freely roaming and spread across the bayou areas and even back out to the gulf on warmer days! We appreciate your review and feedback and hope you can join us again in the future!
Dec 2022
This was an amazing tour. Mickie, our guide, was such a joy in that she knew she stuff when it came to the area and most importantly, the Manatees, but she was also just so personable and nice. We just wished the tour had been longer. I highly recommend the tour, but especially with Mickie. Such a great person leading a tour with such majestic animals. THANKS MICKIE!!!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Wow! Thank you so much for your glowing review and recommendation! We're pleased to hear that your tour of Tarpon Springs with Mickie was such a good one and that you were able to see some manatees on it. We hope to paddle with you again!

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