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Нижний Манхэттен: пешеходная экскурсия по Гамильтону и Берру

Гамильтон, Берр и дуэль, изменившая нацию

Забудьте все, что, как вам кажется, вы знаете об Александре Гамильтоне и Аароне Берре! Прогуляйтесь по жизни этих двух невероятных мужчин. Мы расскажем вам историю, которую никто другой не может. Кем были эти мужчины на самом деле? Вы будете ошеломлены тем, насколько реальность отличается от того, во что мы верим сегодня.

Вашим гидом будет Карен Кью, историк из Нью-Йорка, автор и постоянный автор программы Mysteries at the Museum на канале Travel Channel.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Карен Кью будет появляться в старинном костюме по субботам до конца сентября в роли своего живого исторического персонажа «Миссис Кью»!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 15 Feb
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Начинается с $47.50
Sat 15 Feb
Начинается с $47.50
Что включено
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Вдоль маршрута тура есть много мест, где можно посидеть, чтобы минимизировать стояние, а также туалеты
Что ожидать
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
City Hall Park
Learn about how one of the bitterest elections in American History lead two exceptional, successful men to the famous duel. Who really shot first?
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Paul's Chapel: Built in 1766, site of Washington's Presidential Inaugural Service
The Oculus
Seen from St. Paul's Graveyard - great photo opportunity!
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
We'll stop at the Federal Reserve, the site of Thomas Jefferson's home.
Wall Street
Walk the entire length of historic Wall Street
Federal Hall
Wall Street: Law offices of both Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall and more!
Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum
Trinity Graveyard: Hercules Mulligan, Angelica Schuyler Church, Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
Ратушный парк
Узнайте о том, как одни из самых ожесточенных выборов в американской истории привели двух выдающихся успешных мужчин к знаменитой дуэли. Кто на самом деле стрелял первым?
Часовня Святого Павла
Часовня Святого Павла: построена в 1766 году на месте проведения инаугурационной службы президента Вашингтона.
Вид с кладбища Святого Павла - отличная возможность сфотографироваться!
Федеральный резервный банк Нью-Йорка
Мы остановимся у Федеральной резервной системы, где находится дом Томаса Джефферсона.
Прогуляйтесь по всей исторической Уолл-стрит.
Федеральный зал
Уолл-стрит: юридические конторы Hamilton & Burr, Bank of NY, 1st Bank Bailout, Federall Hall и многое другое!
Кладбище и мавзолей Троицкой церкви
Троицкое кладбище: Геркулес Маллиган, Анжелика Шайлер Чёрч, Элиза и Александр Гамильтон
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (38)
Jul 2022
Karen Quinones was an excellent tour guide. Very knowledgeable. I learned a lot about Hercules Mulligan and Aaron Burr. I have a greater understanding and more respect for both Burr and Mulligan.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Thank you for taking the tour! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and learned some things you didn't know before.
May 2022
This was the best tour i have ever been on. I love the way both Hamilton and Burr were great risk takers and were the wunderkinds of their generation. I thought the tour was well balanced. Mrs. “Q” is an expert story teller. If i had more time in ny i would have signed up for her architectural tour - philip from Dallas
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Philip, thank-you! It was so good to meet you and have time to talk to you along the tour route. Karen Q
May 2022
Karen is so knowledgeable. You can't stump her with a question. She's fun, energetic, witty and full of details. We will book with Karen every single trip to New York. We highly recommend her tours.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Thank you!

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