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Совместный тур на Кратер-Лейк-День

Этот тур предлагает гостям возможность испытать лучшее, что может предложить Национальный парк Кратер-Лейк! С информативным и дружелюбным гидом вам не нужно беспокоиться о вождении или поиске парковки, а сборы национального парка включены. Тур предназначен для того, чтобы показать вам самые захватывающие виды на Рим Драйв, а также некоторые скрытые жемчужины. Это отличная возможность без стресса посетить это геологическое чудо, самое глубокое озеро в Соединенных Штатах.
Город: Орегон
Sat 15 Mar
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Начинается с $129.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $129.00
Что включено
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Parking Fees
Бутилированная вода
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • У путешественников должен быть как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируется
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Для гидов требуется прививка от COVID-19
Что ожидать
Crater Lake
Spend the day exploring the highlights of Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in the United States. A caldera formed by the eruption and collapse of Mt. Mazama thousands of years ago, centuries of rainfall and snow melt have filled this crater to create the purest large body of water in the world. You will be led on an informative journey along Rim Drive, stopping for photos at the most breathtaking viewpoints. Enjoy short hikes to a variety of natural wonders and hidden gems before a lunch break at Rim Village. After lunch, the adventure continues to more stunning overlooks!
Rim Village
Guests will have a one-hour lunch break at Rim Village. Grab-and-go items are offered at the cafe, which can get very busy during the peak season. Guests may choose to pack a lunch instead. Other attractions at Rim Village include Crater Lake Lodge and Sinnott Memorial Observation Station.
Crater Lake
Spend the day exploring the highlights of Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in the United States. A caldera formed by the eruption and collapse of Mt. Mazama thousands of years ago, centuries of rainfall and snow melt have filled this crater to create the purest large body of water in the world. You will be led on an informative journey along Rim Drive, stopping for photos at the most breathtaking viewpoints. Enjoy short hikes to a variety of natural wonders and hidden gems before a lunch break at Rim Village. After lunch, the adventure continues to more stunning overlooks!
Rim Village
Guests will have a one-hour lunch break at Rim Village. Grab-and-go items are offered at the cafe, which can get very busy during the peak season. Guests may choose to pack a lunch instead. Other attractions at Rim Village include Crater Lake Lodge and Sinnott Memorial Observation Station.
Crater Lake
Spend the day exploring the highlights of Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in the United States. A caldera formed by the eruption and collapse of Mt. Mazama thousands of years ago, centuries of rainfall and snow melt have filled this crater to create the purest large body of water in the world. You will be led on an informative journey along Rim Drive, stopping for photos at the most breathtaking viewpoints. Enjoy short hikes to a variety of natural wonders and hidden gems before a lunch break at Rim Village. After lunch, the adventure continues to more stunning overlooks!
Rim Village
Guests will have a one-hour lunch break at Rim Village. Grab-and-go items are offered at the cafe, which can get very busy during the peak season. Guests may choose to pack a lunch instead. Other attractions at Rim Village include Crater Lake Lodge and Sinnott Memorial Observation Station.
Crater Lake
Spend the day exploring the highlights of Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in the United States. A caldera formed by the eruption and collapse of Mt. Mazama thousands of years ago, centuries of rainfall and snow melt have filled this crater to create the purest large body of water in the world. You will be led on an informative journey along Rim Drive, stopping for photos at the most breathtaking viewpoints. Enjoy short hikes to a variety of natural wonders and hidden gems before a lunch break at Rim Village. After lunch, the adventure continues to more stunning overlooks!
Rim Village
Guests will have a one-hour lunch break at Rim Village. Grab-and-go items are offered at the cafe, which can get very busy during the peak season. Guests may choose to pack a lunch instead. Other attractions at Rim Village include Crater Lake Lodge and Sinnott Memorial Observation Station.
Кратерное озеро
Проведите день, исследуя достопримечательности Национального парка Кратер-Лейк, самого глубокого озера в Соединенных Штатах. Кальдера, образовавшаяся в результате извержения и обрушения горы Мазама тысячи лет назад, столетия дождей и таяния снега заполнили этот кратер, создав самый чистый большой водоем в мире. Вас отправят в познавательное путешествие по Рим-драйв с остановками для фотографий на самых захватывающих дух смотровых площадках. Наслаждайтесь короткими походами к множеству природных чудес и скрытых драгоценных камней перед обеденным перерывом в Rim Village. После обеда приключение продолжается еще более потрясающими видами!
Римская деревня
У гостей будет часовой обеденный перерыв в Rim Village. В кафе предлагаются продукты навынос, которые могут быть очень заняты в пик сезона. Вместо этого гости могут взять с собой ланч. Среди других достопримечательностей Rim Village — Crater Lake Lodge и смотровая станция Sinnott Memorial.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (9)
Oct 2022
I had an absolute blast on this tour! Jeri is the perfect combination of professional and personable. She is an absolute sweetheart, and is also extremely knowledgeable about everything Crater Lake. She was able to answer all our questions. She kept us on schedule, but was flexible enough to let us deviate from the the plan to meet our requests. I wholeheartedly recommend this Jeri and her tour!
Sep 2022
We basically had a private tour as we were the only people booked for the tour on this date. Our guide Jerri outdid herself showing us so many different aspects of Crater lake along with the history and different structures that makeup crater lake. I would/will strongly recommend anyone who wants to see Crater Lake to take this tour
Joshalyn T
Sep 2022
Jerry was able to give us information about the formation of the lake and the surrounding land structures. Thank you Jerri.

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