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скутер постоянного тока


«Я проверил скутер постоянного тока, выполнив поиск по аренде скутеров в Вашингтоне, потому что не смог найти 4 самоката без док-станции, называемых прыгать и прыгать, для остальной части моей семьи. Я смог найти один для себя, но нам нужно было еще 4 - 5 вместе.

Поэтому я позвонил в DC Scooter, и они позаботились о нас. Это самокаты SMART, похожие на мини-сигвеи, невероятно простые! Это было удобно для нас с женой из-за жары, а у нее больное бедро. Когда я позвонил в DC Scooter и поговорил с Грегом, он заверил меня, что это будет идеальным решением для нее, которой 55 лет, и для меня того же возраста».

Город: Вашингтон
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $41.03
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $41.03
Что включено
Private transportation
Scooter rentals
Private transportation
Scooter rentals
Бутилированная вода
Безопасный солнцезащитный крем для рифов
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (21)
Jan 2020
For the holidays, my parents, in-laws, my three children, 7, 10, and 12, and l I drove to DC to do some sightseeing and Christmas shopping. We decided that to utilize our time to the fullest, we looked into renting kick scooters but we could never find enough to accommodate our group. And unfortunately, my children were also not old enough:( We found dc scooters and not only did he have enough for our group but also my kids would also be able to rent one as well. We called and they delivered them to us and gave us a personal training session before we set out for the day. My kids loved them and were zipping around in no time. My in-laws and parents were hesitant at first but after the training session, they said it was easier than riding a bike. We set out and found that our trip was so much more enjoyable. Mainly because the kids were having so much fun and weren't complaining about how tired they were from walking around. Ditto for the parents and in-laws. When we were finished, they came to pick them up. So easy!. I highly, highly recommend dc scooters if you are looking for a safe, efficient, and fun way to enjoy DC.
Nov 2019
riding these scooters was super fun and we got several compliments on them! everyone else was riding the traditional scooters but dc scooters set us apart! highly recommend!
Oct 2019
Greg was super easy to work with! He was easy to reach, had immediate availability, and great customer service. My husband & I (mid-fifties) and our daughter and son-in-law (late twenties) all had a blast zipping around the city on these! Rode them at night around the monuments. We definitely recommend Greg & DC Scooter!

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