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Откройте для себя культовый тур в Милуоки

Этот тур имеет минимальные требования. 90-120-минутная экскурсия по историческому городу Милуоки! Мы увидим некоторые популярные туристические направления, а также некоторые скрытые жемчужины города, рассказывая вам о яркой и захватывающей истории Милуоки. У этого тура есть настраиваемые параметры и разная продолжительность в соответствии с вашим расписанием!
Эти туры рассчитаны только на 5 человек на транспортное средство. Для частного тура, пожалуйста, зарезервируйте 5 мест, и полный Cruiser будет выделен только для вашей группы.
Внимание, путешествующие в одиночку: для работы тура требуется минимум два гостя

Дни тура: 7 дней в неделя.
Время тура: 10, 12, 14:00.
Город: Милуоки
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $60.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $60.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно путешественникам и персоналу
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидам требуется регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Lakefront Brewery
Passing by on Commerce Street
Black Cat Alley
A potential stop at The Wax Wing for Milwaukee Souvenirs, followed by a stroll through Black Cat Alley (free admission)
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Viewing the back gardens of the terrace as we pass on Lincoln Memorial.
Milwaukee Art Museum
After visiting McKinley Marina and walking out on Lake Michigan, we take a short trip to the Art Museum. Although we don't enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Milwaukee Public Market
Passing by on Broadway Avenue
Harley-Davidson Museum
After passing the Coakley Water Tower on 5th, we will be passing the Harley Davidson Museum on 6th Avenue. Although we will not enter the museum, arrangements can be made to drop guests off there after the tour.
Fiserv Forum
Passing through Deer District to view the Fiserv Forum and Panther Arena.
Пивоварня на берегу озера
Проходя мимо Торговой улицы
Аллея черной кошки
Возможная остановка в The Wax Wing для сувениров Милуоки, после чего следует прогулка по Аллее черных кошек (вход бесплатный).
Музей декоративно-прикладного искусства Вилла Террас
Осматриваем сады на террасе, проезжая мимо Мемориала Линкольна.
Художественный музей Милуоки
После посещения McKinley Marina и прогулки по озеру Мичиган мы совершим короткую поездку в Художественный музей. Хотя мы не заходим в музей, можно организовать доставку гостей туда после экскурсии.
Общественный рынок Милуоки
Проходя мимо Бродвей-авеню
Музей Харлей-Дэвидсон
Проехав водонапорную башню Кокли на 5-й улице, мы проедем мимо музея Харли-Дэвидсона на 6-й авеню. Хотя мы не войдем в музей, можно договориться о том, чтобы высадить туда гостей после экскурсии.
Форум Фисерв
Проезжая через район Дир, вы увидите форум Fiserv и арену Panther.
Показать 46 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (173)
Dec 2022
Tour guide was knowledgeable and eager to engage in dialogue about the city and its history. Definitely recommend
Nov 2022
David was a super great tour guide. He was friendly, accommodating, and informative. We learned a lot about Milwaukee.
Nov 2022
Had beautiful weather for this enjoyable tour with a pleasant guide - but it seemed overpriced @$60/per person on a quiet weekday.

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