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Наблюдение за дельфинами (обед включен), плавание с черепахами, развлечения в океане и танец хула

Узнайте, что испытали более 300 000 гостей! Разделите незабываемую встречу с дельфинами в их естественной среде обитания на Гавайях на западном побережье Оаху.

Наш современный катер доставит вас в круиз вдоль потрясающего западного побережья Оаху, где вы сможете полюбоваться дикими дельфинами-спиннерами в кристально чистых водах океана. Наш тур также включает в себя традиционную гавайскую церемонию и снорклинг с тропическими рыбами и морскими черепахами. Наши обученные гиды, спасатели и фридайверы позаботятся о том, чтобы вы чувствовали себя в воде комфортно и безопасно.

После подводного плавания насладитесь нашими каяками и досками SUP или отдохните на лодке! Наши сотрудники развлекут вас представлением хула и поделятся информацией о гавайской культуре.

Наслаждайтесь дополнительным обедом бенто! Выбирайте между курицей шою, окунем по-гавайски и вегетарианским жареным тофу (все бенто идут с кукурузой и рисом и не содержат глютена).

Забронируйте тур сегодня!
Город: Гонолулу
Sun 22 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $170.10
Sun 22 Sep
Начинается с $170.10
Что включено
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Alcoholic beverages available for purchase
Water activities: water slide, stand-up paddle boards, kayak
Gear: Snorkel, mask, fins and safety jacket
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Дельфины часто замечены, но нет 100% гарантии встречи с дельфинами.
  • Дети (2-11 лет) должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Доступен трансфер из некоторых отелей Вайкики.
  • В этот тур не допускаются дети младше 2 лет.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (921)
Dorothée D
May 2019
We booked this tour, excited to see dolphins and turtles in the wild, the way you are supposed to. The PROS: Very modern bus which is appreciated as the drive is close to an hour. Very nice and energetic crew The spot they take you to see the dolphins and snorkeling is amazing - the water is so blue, it is absolutely unbelievable. You get what you paid for - we got to see a large pod of dolphins and a few turtles. The water slide on the boat is a lot of fun. Very family friendly and they also make sure to cater for people who do not swim. The CONS: It is VERY crowded. I am talking close to 70 people on the boat. Also, not sure whether it was a coincidence but it seems the tour was aimed mostly for Japanese speakers. We were lucky to be good swimmers as people around us had absolutely no respect for personal space and were literally on top of us in the water which to be honest ruined part of the experience. Because of the craziness in the water, I actually felt like we weren't respecting the animals around us. That said, we are leaving with amazing memories but would probably do more research next time and choose a more intimate type of tour.
Ответ от хоста
May 2019
Aloha Dorothée, Thank you greatly for taking the time to leave us a review. Feedback like yours helps us to continue to improve! We're very happy to read that you appreciated the bus, the crew, the waterslide and the efforts of our crew. We are sorry that the other guests in the water impacted your ability to enjoy the animals around you. Our crew does their best to explain to all guests the most respectful ways to act in the water. It is currently 'Golden Week' in Japan until May 5. Golden Week is the biggest vacation week of the year in Japan and the most popular time for Japanese guests to visit Hawaii. That is why you may have been on a sold out tour with mostly Japanese guests. Our tour always has English and Japanese guides and is equally catered to both languages. We are very sorry if this was not your impression. If you'd like to talk with us more or explain anything further, please don't hesitate to reach out directly to [email protected], especially if there is anything we can do to improve your impression and bump that grade up one more notch. We hope you have a safe trip back home and would love to see you again some day! Aloha and mahalo nui loa.
Heather M
May 2019
Cannot say enough about the whole experience. The captain knew just where to take us and we saw loads of dolphins! The crew helped with my physically challenged daughter and myself just tiring quickly in the water. Oscar and Tyler were phenomenal...they made the trip for us! Definitely worth the time and money. Got to participate in rituals, learn about the area, see what we came to see, and the crew led with smiles, laughter and fun. Truly felt like ohana! Mahalo to the crew!
Apr 2019
I have never been so happy as I was seeing the dolphins swimming in the wild. We did the early tour (pick up at 5:35am) and were at the dock within an hour. Aside from the dolphins being the highlight, the crew were also fantastic, so much energy, we had a mixture of Japanese and English speaking tourists, so they provided all the instructions and entertainment in both languages. We started with our Hawaiian chant to bring us good luck. Then we searched for the dolphins. Ours were a little hard to find so it was a rush to get everyone in the water. Just make sure you are ready. Personally I enjoyed the wetsuit as I was very comfortable in the water, plus we saw a few jellyfish so I felt safer in the suit. The burger was yum and the slide was really fun. Unfortunately we couldn’t go to the normal snorkel spot because of a surf competition but the water activities were fun. I also suggest taking a go pro/underwater camera with you rather than paying for the photos. We paid $60 and only had about 8 of us (none with the dolphins, just of us on the boat/pictures of the dolphins) there were about 70-100 of other guests.

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