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Ранний доступ: Первые на острове Статуя Свободы и остров Эллис


Утренний тур с ранним доступом
Избегайте толп, присоединяясь к единственному туроператору, имеющему доступ к гарантированным билетам на первый паром дня до Острова Свободы.

Дневной тур
Посетите Статую Свободы и остров Эллис во второй половине дня со знающим гидом.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 03 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.00
Mon 03 Mar
Начинается с $69.00
Что включено
Expertly guided walking tour
Official audio guide on Ellis Island
Local English-speaking guide
First Guaranteed Access (8:30am departure only summer/9am departure only winter)
Pre-reserved ticket to Ellis Island (includes Ellis Island museum)
Pre-reserved ticket to Statue of Liberty Island (exterior access)
Expertly guided walking tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Этот тур проводится только на английском языке.
  • Это пешеходная экскурсия. Несмотря на то, что по пути есть остановки, гости должны иметь возможность без труда ходить в умеренном темпе.
  • В этом туре вам необходимо пройти проверку безопасности в аэропорту. Багаж, оружие и еда (кроме воды в прозрачной таре) запрещены. Конфискованные предметы не возвращаются.
  • Обратите внимание: только самое раннее время бронирования имеет доступ к первому парому.
  • Из-за обстоятельств, не зависящих от нас, сайты могут иногда закрываться. Мы прилагаем все усилия, чтобы оставаться как можно ближе к рекламируемому маршруту, но могут потребоваться замены/упущения.
  • По прибытии на Остров Свободы сумки и рюкзаки должны храниться в камере хранения..
  • Этот тур не включает доступ к короне Статуи Свободы.
  • Время встречи тура - за 15 минут до начала тура. В случае позднего прибытия или незаезда после начала или отъезда тура возврат денег или повторное бронирование невозможен.
  • Чаевые /чаевые (для вашего гида) всегда приветствуются.
  • Маски для лица требуется для путешественников в общественных местах.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала.
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
Что ожидать
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Battery Park
Begin your day at The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park). This historical landmark is the gateway between lower Manhattan and the small island in the midst of New York Bay - and of course, Lady Liberty
Castle Clinton National Monument
Pause at Castle Clinton, a national monument and for your guide to lay the context of your tour ahead
Liberty Island
Board the earliest ferry in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. Sail through the open waters and take in the incredible views of New York Bay as you head for Liberty Island with your local tour guide
Statue of Liberty
Delve deep into the story of how Lady Liberty started in France and came to America. As you tour the island, your expert guide shares incredible historical facts of this greatest of American icons. Wander through the Statue of Liberty Museum and stand mere feet from Lady Liberty’s original torch!
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Head to Ellis Island to discover the stories of the millions of immigrants who journeyed through this historic site. Wander at your leisure with the award-winning Audio Guide (included). You can peruse the museum, dive into your own family history, or enjoy a bite at the Island’s popular cafeteria. You are also welcome to return on the ferry with your guide.
Бэттери Парк
Начните свой день в The Battery (ранее известном как Battery Park). Эта историческая достопримечательность — ворота между нижним Манхэттеном и небольшим островом посреди залива Нью-Йорк — и, конечно же, Леди Свобода.
Национальный памятник Замок Клинтон
Сделайте паузу в замке Клинтон, национальном памятнике, и ваш гид расскажет о контексте вашего тура.
Остров Свободы
Сядьте на самый ранний паром утром, чтобы избежать дневной толпы. Плывите по открытым водам и любуйтесь невероятным видом на залив Нью-Йорка, направляясь к острову Свободы с местным гидом.
Статуя Свободы
Погрузитесь в историю о том, как Lady Liberty зародилась во Франции и попала в Америку. Когда вы путешествуете по острову, ваш опытный гид делится невероятными историческими фактами об этой величайшей американской иконе. Прогуляйтесь по музею Статуи Свободы и встаньте всего в нескольких шагах от оригинального факела Леди Свободы!
Музей иммиграции острова Эллис
Отправляйтесь на остров Эллис, чтобы узнать истории миллионов иммигрантов, путешествовавших по этому историческому месту. Прогуляйтесь в свое удовольствие с отмеченным наградами аудиогидом (входит в комплект). Вы можете осмотреть музей, погрузиться в историю своей семьи или перекусить в популярном кафетерии острова. Вы также можете вернуться на пароме с гидом.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (927)
Sep 2022
Although named "first on the Island" the ferry tour did not leave until an hour and a half after the scheduled time for no apparent reason, and the ferry was completely full - we were among the first 800 people to the island. Also the Viator information indicated we would be able to enter the Pedestal; this turned out not to be true.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Dear Ann, Thank you for your honest feedback. I am terribly sorry that your expectations were not satisfied. As we and our partners recover from the pandemic, we appreciate your patience as we rebuild our teams. We update all of our tour information as soon as we know of a change and provide this to our partners (like Viator) for them to update on their end. As they rebuild their teams, we appreciate your patience. As you did not receive the tour as advertised, I would be so grateful if you could email us directly at feedback@walks.org. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip! Warm Regards, Iryna Guest Experience Agent
Sep 2022
Great tour guide. Very well informed on all history involving the island. Cherie was funny and very helpful.
Fani P
Sep 2022
Excellent! Cherie is the best guide! Highly recommended!worth visiting the Statue of Liberty useful information was shared by Cherie !

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