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Exit Glacier Ice Hiking Adventure из Сьюарда

В дикой местности создаются воспоминания... Будь то волнующая спешка, когда вы смотрите на край бездонной расщелины, свежий горный воздух, наполняющий ваши легкие, или чувство удивления, глядя на ледяной ландшафт. С дружелюбным местным гидом и восемью часами, чтобы погрузиться в непревзойденную природную красоту, вы почувствуете запах земляной ольхи наших бореальных лесов, почувствуете прохладный ветерок на лице с ледяного поля Хардинга и у вас будет достаточно времени, чтобы замедлиться до погрузить все это в…

Город: Сьюард
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $204.97
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $204.97
Что включено
Deli lunch - turkey wrap, granola bar, piece of fruit
Glacier hiking equipment - small backpack, helmet, harness, crampons, trekking poles.
Courtesy round-trip ground transportation from Seward to Kenai Fjords NP
Professional Glacier Guides
Hotel pick-up and drop-off
Deli lunch - turkey wrap, granola bar, piece of fruit
Glacier hiking equipment - small backpack, helmet, harness, crampons, trekking poles.
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Поблизости есть остановки общественного транспорта.
  • Путешественникам следует иметь высокий уровень физической подготовки
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицировать места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Exit Glacier
This is where your Glacier Hiking Adventure takes place. The hike up the mountain is approximately 1.5 miles, with 1,500 feet of elevation gain - this is the most physically exerting part of the trip. This is the part of the trip that requires the overall rating to be Strenuous. 8-Hour Tour: The 8-hour tour departs at 8:00am and returns at 4:00pm. The whole tour will last about 8 hours in total, with the possibility of spending upwards of 2 to 4 hours on the ice! The "ice-time" all depends on how long the hike up the mountains takes as a group. We do not rush any part of this trip, and the group will move together at a comfortable pace. *The 8-hr tour offers a more relaxed/flexible pace with more rest breaks, if needed.
Kenai Fjords National Park
At the edge of the Kenai Peninsula lies a land where the ice age lingers. Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield, Kenai Fjords’ crowning feature. Wildlife thrives in icy waters and lush forests around this vast expanse of ice. Native Alutiiq relied on these resources to nurture a life entwined with the sea.
We provide pick-up and drop-off in Seward.
Выход из ледника
Здесь происходит ваше приключение в походе по леднику. Подъем на гору составляет примерно 1,5 мили с набором высоты 1500 футов — это самая физически напряженная часть поездки. Это та часть поездки, которая требует, чтобы общая оценка была напряженной. 8-часовой тур: 8-часовой тур отправляется в 8:00 и возвращается в 16:00. Весь тур продлится около 8 часов, с возможностью провести на льду от 2 до 4 часов! «Ледяное время» зависит от того, сколько времени займет групповой поход в горы. Мы не торопим ни одну часть этой поездки, и группа будет двигаться вместе в комфортном темпе. * 8-часовой тур предлагает более расслабленный/гибкий темп с большим количеством перерывов на отдых, если это необходимо.
Национальный парк Кенай-Фьордс
На краю полуострова Кенай лежит земля, где продолжается ледниковый период. Почти 40 ледников стекают с ледяного поля Хардинга, венчающего особенность Кенайских фьордов. Дикая природа процветает в ледяных водах и густых лесах вокруг этого обширного ледяного пространства. Коренные жители Алутик полагались на эти ресурсы, чтобы поддерживать жизнь, связанную с морем.
Мы обеспечиваем пикап и высадку в Сьюарде.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (72)
Sep 2022
Had an absolutely amazing time on this trip. Brandon is a very experienced guide, from keeping a measured pace so that we weren't too tired to explore the glacier, going over safety again and again, and again, and having lots of information about the region and the ice! We had a wonderful time. Would highly recommend this trip to anyone who's slightly adventurous. I've also taken a helicopter to a glacier and walked around. Don't think that because you've seen one glacier you've seen them all. They are all different, just like people (and dogs :).
Sep 2022
What an amazing experience. The hike was long and strenuous, but if you have hiking experience and endurance, it’s very doable. There are great views of the glacier along the hike and views of the trees and mountains. I was there in time to see the leaves turn orange/yellow. Brandon was a phenomenal tour guide. He was knowledgeable about the trees/plants and the wildlife and answered all the questions the group had. And he was great at spotting bears and goats in the mountains. Being on the glacier was an incredible experience. I was lucky enough to have a fearless group so we went all over the glacier and took countless pictures. Brandon was nice enough to take a group photo to remember the occasion. Definitely recommend the tour!!
Sep 2022
Actually hiking on the glacier was so cool - a once in a lifetime experience! Our guide Brandon was AWESOME and stayed cool calm and collected when my shoe came off 😳 He truly was amazing!

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