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Экстремальное катание на санях в Брекенридже: волнение на высокой скорости

Это экстремальное катание на санях в классической альпийской традиции - по быстрой заснеженной дороге, которая спускается вниз с горы. Поднимитесь на одном из наших удивительных снегоходов (финский армейский снежный кот или грузовик-монстр и сани), а затем совершите адреналиновую поездку вниз с горы на одном из наших гоночных саней или швейцарских альпийских деревянных санях в стиле Давос. Для детей помладше у нас есть парк мини-саней без присмотра с веселыми поворотами. Ваш билет включает в себя тренировку и 3 полных заезда.
Город: Брекенридж
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $34.00
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $34.00
Что включено
Racing sled use provided
Racing sled use provided
Racing sled use provided
Racing sled use provided
Racing sled use provided
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохое сердечно-сосудистое здоровье.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах. зоны
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярные проверки температуры для персонала
  • Платный режим пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (91)
Mar 2021
Words out of my wife’s mouth, the best part of our trip. Never mind skiing famous Breckenridge slopes, enjoying great meals, perusing Main Street stores or the fabulous spa experiences. We opted for the 3 pack, which means 3 runs down the sled course. It’s far more intense than you imagine, you need the first run just to get your whirs about you. When you arrive you are at essentially a western gold mine museum. Exploring the grounds alone is worth the price of admission. Once ready to hit the sled course you ride in a track wheeled jeep pulled sleigh 2 miles or so up the mountain. At the top there is a beautiful lookout and a great photo op. There is also an old shack and gold mine entrance not to mention abundance of thick powder snow to jump in. Back to the course, yes it’s intense, maybe you’ll say you’re not doing it again after the first run, but you will do the remaining two runs and be grateful you did. The staff are courteous and go above and beyond taking pictures for you and showing you the property. They very clearly take pride and it shows. Historically a cool place, an exhilarating experience and top notch hospitality make this a must do. Thanks again!
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2021
Thank you so much for coming to see us - we love showing guests our fantastic part of the world. We really REAllY appreciate you taking the time to write such a lovely review - it means so much to all of us working here - THANK YOU
Mar 2021
Have you done it all? All Zip -lined out? Need a change of scenery from the slopes? This was such a fun way to try something new! We skied and snow mobiled but wanted to add another adventurous element to our Breckenridge trip and thankfully found extreme sledding the week before our getaway. First and foremost - the team!!! These are a great group of guys with the warmest and most welcoming energy! They truly love what they do and are eager to make guests/tourists happy during their visit. Each team member we encountered with had such enthusiasm about the mining property, the insanely cool cars transformed into snow cats, the donkeys on-site and the history of the area. Our guide offered to take some very cool photos of us up on the hill and even walked down the hill to video us mid-sledding! The extreme sledding itself was pure joy - I laughed and screamed (out of fun, not fear) each ride down. You get introduced to the sleds on their practice track before going down the bigger run. I was surprised at how easy the sleds were to maneuver! Really nice to feel so in control unlike a lot of other snow sports/activities - plus you can always use your feet to slow down! They did a good job creating the run as it’s not too scary for the cautious yet still provides a great thrill for adrenaline junkies. Being towed up on a massive sled trailer was a perk in itself and the views alone are worth a visit. I especially loved the close proximity to town because it made fitting the experience into our trip easy and convenient! We had to leave promptly for dinner reservations so my only advice is to leave yourself a cushion so you can experience the property for all it has to offer!
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2021
Thank you so much for coming to see us - you were great fun AND YOU BOUGHT PIZZA!!! You are the most thoughtful guests ever! Please come and see us again if you're up this way, and thank you so much for the beautifully written review - we all really appreciate it.
Feb 2021
The staff was extremely friendly and helpful. The extreme sledding was so much fun. I highly recommend this activity.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2021
Thanks Megan! We love our new sledding hill and are so happy you enjoyed it so much :)

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