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Экскурсия по пивоварне Рыбацкого терминала

ТУР ВКЛЮЧАЕТ ПИВОВАРЕННУЮ ГОЛОВУ, ТЕРМИНАЛ FIDHERMEN И ПИВОВАРЕННУЮ КОМПАНИЮ НА КРЫШЕ. На южном берегу залива Салмон, под мостом Балларда и к северу от железнодорожных станций BSNF, находится исторический Рыбацкий терминал Сиэтла и порт приписки Северо-Тихоокеанского рыболовного флота. Вспомните «Самый смертельный улов» на канале Discovery, и вы точно узнаете, какие бесстрашные рыбаки выходят из этого порта. К счастью для них и для нас, по обеим сторонам порта есть две отличные пивоварни, и мы собираемся попробовать шесть отличных сортов пива в каждой.
На каждой пивоварне наш сертифицированный гид Cicerone проведет дегустацию шести сортов пива. , 4 сорта пива, всего 12 сортов пива. Это примерно 3 пинты пива.
* 3/4 ​​мили, 1500 шагов
* Каждый гид сертифицированный cicerone
* 12 различных сортов пива по 4 унции
* Бесплатный сувенирный бокал для дегустации
* Бесплатный сувенирный ключ от бутылки - Сеть открывалка
* Руководство по сочетанию пива и еды
Город: Сиэтл
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $105.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $105.00
Что включено
Local guide
Alcoholic Beverages
Local guide
Alcoholic Beverages
Local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя – 21 год
  • С середины марта в округе Кинг больше не требуется подтверждение вакцинации или обязательное ношение масок. НО ситуация нестабильна, и ограничения могут быть восстановлены в любой момент. На всякий случай было бы разумно путешествовать с маской. Ваш гид полностью вакцинирован.
Что ожидать
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Figurehead Brewing Company
Across the street from the Terminal this small brewery honors the history and culture of this seagoing neighborhood. The brewers also honor the brewing history and styles of the old world while maintaining a contemporary edge. A seaman from the 19th century and a fisherman just back from the Bering Sea will find something to quench their thirst and brighten their spirits.
Fishermen's Terminal
Our walk goes through this historic, working port and by the Fishermen's Memorial, dedicated to the nearly 500 Seattle men and women who have lost their lives at sea since 1900. This is the home port of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet and several vessels featured in the Discovery Channel's "The Deadliest Catch." The port has been in continuous operation for over 100 years and serves more than 700 vessels.
Пивоваренная компания подставных лиц
Эта небольшая пивоварня через дорогу от Терминала чтит историю и культуру этого морского района. Пивовары чтят историю и стили пивоварения Старого Света, сохраняя при этом современные черты. Моряк из 19 века и рыбак, только что вернувшийся из Берингова моря, найдут, чем утолить жажду и поднять настроение.
Рыбацкий терминал
Наша прогулка проходит через этот исторический действующий порт и Мемориал рыбаков, посвященный почти 500 мужчинам и женщинам Сиэтла, которые погибли в море с 1900 года. Это порт приписки Северо-Тихоокеанского рыболовного флота и нескольких судов, представленных в «Самый смертельный улов» на канале Discovery. Порт непрерывно работает более 100 лет и обслуживает более 700 судов.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (19)
Aug 2022
Tom was very knowledgeable and was very easy going the tour was very informative and the beer history was top notch
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Thank you so much for the kind words, i am glad you enjoyed the tour and the beers.
Aug 2022
It was a great experience with Tim. Tim is very knowledgeable about the start of beer and the history as well as the history of Seattle. It was very interesting about the fisherman‘s terminal being a part of the deadliest catch.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the tour. I'll let my brother know you had a good time.
Neville W
Jul 2022
This was a very informative beer tasting and tour! We are beer "enthusiasts" but by no means are we experts. Our tour guide was very informative, fun, and had a ton of stories and knowledge to share. The walk between breweries was short and gave us a chance to drink some water! LOL
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Thank you Neville, I am so glad you enjoyed the tour, and that you drank enough water!

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