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Флорида Эверглейдс: приключения на воздушной лодке и знакомство с дикой природой

Держитесь крепче за самую популярную поездку на воздушной лодке во Флориде Эверглейдс в парке отдыха Sawgrass! Захватывающий тур на воздушной лодке — идеальное знакомство с Эверглейдс и его черепахами, рыбами, аллигаторами Флориды и болотными птицами.
Город: Форт Лодердейл
Thu 06 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $28.84
Thu 06 Mar
Начинается с $28.84
Что включено
Total duration of visit is about 2 hours
30-40 minute guided airboat ride
Access to the park's Alligator and Reptile Exhibit
Admission to Sawgrass Recreation Park
Total duration of visit is about 2 hours
30-40 minute guided airboat ride
Access to the park's Alligator and Reptile Exhibit
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Требуется бронирование даты и времени. Экскурсии отправляются каждые 30 минут с 9:30 до 15:30.
  • Дети любого возраста могут насладиться экскурсией на воздушной лодке. Дети до 3 лет бесплатно. Детям до 3 лет приобретать билет необязательно.
  • Туроператор оставляет за собой право отменить тур из-за ненастной погоды.
  • Если вы выбрали 16:00. время обратите внимание, что это только время регистрации и что ваше приключение на воздушной лодке будет отправлено из дока в 17:00. чтобы у вас было достаточно времени, чтобы осмотреть выставочные площади до того, как они закроются в 17:00.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением.
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки.
Что ожидать
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Skim across the grassy water at speeds up to 40 miles per hour while looking for wildlife like alligators, fish, turtles, and wading birds. This general admission ticket includes entrance to Sawgrass Recreation Park, a 30-40 minute guided airboat tour and an admission to our Alligator & Reptile Exhibit. Just 25 minutes from Fort Lauderdale, the safest and most entertaining and educational way to experience the Everglades’ unique subtropical ecosystem is at Sawgrass Recreation Park.
Парк отдыха Сограсс
Скользите по травянистой воде со скоростью до 40 миль в час, ища диких животных, таких как аллигаторы, рыбы, черепахи и болотные птицы. Этот общий входной билет включает вход в парк отдыха Sawgrass, 30-40-минутную экскурсию на аэроглиссере с гидом и вход на нашу выставку аллигаторов и рептилий. Всего в 25 минутах от Форт-Лодердейла находится самый безопасный, развлекательный и познавательный способ познакомиться с уникальной субтропической экосистемой Эверглейдс в парке отдыха Соуграсс.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (820)
Dec 2022
Seeing the variety of wildlife and understanding the ecosystem was an awesome experience. Very safe and family friendly. Money well spent. Cannibal was awesome.
Dec 2022
Very exciting watching the local wild life. Traveled from the Country's Northeast where wild life is about bears, dears and coyotes. It was an awesome experience to get to see Florida birds and gators. I sure recommend this activity.
Dec 2022
The experience was organized, informative and fun! Lots of wild life to see ( alligators, birds, turtles).

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