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Экскурсия по мафии Нью-Йорка с дегустацией еды: история инсайдера

Погрузитесь в драматический преступный мир преступного мира Нью-Йорка в этом увлекательном инсайдерском туре по мафии, включая остановки в аутентичных, исторических местных заведениях, где можно отведать вкусные блюда итальянской кухни.

Мы разработали этот тур с помощью отставного детектива полиции Нью-Йорка, родившегося и выросшего в Маленькой Италии. Он помог нам создать представление о мафиозных историях Ист-Виллидж Нью-Йорка с точки зрения истинного «инсайдера».
Вырос, наблюдая за некоторыми известными семьями Нью-Йорка и консультируя для телевидения и крупных кинопроизводств как по криминалу, так и по правоохранительным органам, внесла свой вклад в разработку этого уникального тура.
Наши опытные гиды проводят этот опыт в Ист-Виллидж и Маленькой Италии, следуя по стопам печально известных нью-йоркских мафиози!
Вы посетите печально известные места мафии и преступности, расскажете о настоящих преступлениях рассказы и есть вкусную еду по соседству
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $119.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $119.00
Что включено
Two sit down tastings and a Sicilian cannoli
Enjoy the attention of your local guide, a NYC Mafia expert.
Headsets from 6+ pax
Vegetarian options are available on request.
Two sit down tastings and a Sicilian cannoli
Enjoy the attention of your local guide, a NYC Mafia expert.
Headsets from 6+ pax
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь при себе как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Для гидов требуется прививка от COVID-19
Что ожидать
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
New York City
Get the insider's perspective on the infamous Mafia crime families of New York City on this walking tour with two sit-down tastings included, through the vibrant and fascinating gangland area of New York’s East Village and Little Italy.
East Village
We begin the tour in the East Village, where you will learn the complex origins of the Mafia in New York City, and learn the hierarchies within each crime family from the foot soldiers, to the captains and the ‘Boss’. Walk in the footsteps of famed mobsters like Lucky Luciano, Joe ‘the boss’ Masseria, John Gotti – the Teflon Don, “Vinny the Chin” and “Crazy Joe” Gallo, as you hear about their lives, and their crimes.
St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery Church
Explore second avenue's prohibition history as we walk along this famous avenue exploring places most tours miss.
Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden
Hear about this amazing urban garden and its connection to the New York mafia.
Little Italy
Visit local, historic food joints --including the room where the Mafia was formed -- for Italian style dinner tastings, including a "primo" and a "second piatto". Any drinks you wish to have, you may purchase on the day of the tour. End your tour with a delicious ‘dolce’, a cream-filled Sicilian Cannoli at the best pastry shop in town.
Получите взгляд изнутри на печально известные мафиозные преступные семьи Нью-Йорка в этой пешеходной экскурсии с двумя сидячими дегустациями по оживленному и увлекательному преступному району Ист-Виллидж Нью-Йорка и Маленькой Италии.
Мы начинаем тур в Ист-Виллидж, где вы узнаете сложное происхождение мафии в Нью-Йорке и узнаете иерархию внутри каждого преступного клана от пехотинцев до капитанов и «Босса». Пройдите по стопам знаменитых мафиози, таких как Лаки Лучано, Джо «босс» Массерия, Джон Готти — тефлоновый дон, «Винни Чин» и «Безумный Джо» Галло, узнав об их жизни и преступлениях.
Церковь Святого Марка в Бауэри
Изучите историю запрета второй авеню, пока мы идем по этой знаменитой авеню, изучая места, которые пропускает большинство туров.
Лиз Кристи Бауэри Хьюстон Общественный сад
Узнайте об этом удивительном городском саду и его связи с нью-йоркской мафией.
Маленькая Италия
Посетите местные исторические закусочные, в том числе комнату, где была сформирована мафия, и попробуйте дегустацию ужина в итальянском стиле, в том числе «примо» и «второе пиатто». Любые напитки, которые вы хотите выпить, вы можете купить в день тура. Завершите свой тур восхитительной «сладкой» сицилийской канноли со сливками в лучшей кондитерской города.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (59)
Dec 2022
More history centered- not necessarily a ‘food’ tour. If you are a mafia buff, maybe this would be interesting but not one of my favorites.
Dec 2022
Jason was wonderful in telling the history of buildings and haunts of the old Mafia. The food tastings were also great! He was very knowledgeable of the Little Italy area
Oct 2022
Best tour guide filled with great experience. Loved the mafia and food tour. It was cool to sit down at restaurants and walk around.

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