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Нью-Йорк — Бостон за один день

Откройте для себя прекрасный Бостон.

Позвольте нам позаботиться о вашем транспорте и маршруте. Ваша единственная работа — сидеть сложа руки и наслаждаться Бостоном. Мы даже предлагаем удобные места для посадки.

Мы познакомимся с лучшим, что может предложить Бостон:
• Стадион Fenway Park, домашняя арена Boston Red Sox
• Главный кампус Гарвардского университета: Harvard Yard, Старый двор, статуя Джона Гарварда, Джонстонские ворота, сувенирный магазин Гарварда.
• Площадь Копли: Троицкая церковь, отель Fairmont Copley, Бостонская публичная библиотека, башня Джона Хэнкока, «конечная линия» Бостонского марафона.
• Бостон-Коммон и общественные сады  
• Тропа свободы: Дом штата Массачусетс, Старый дом штата, Зернохранилище, Часовня королей, Фаней-холл.
• Quincy Market

У Бостона так много интересного, и мы покажем вам самое лучшее.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $130.00
Sat 08 Feb
Начинается с $130.00
Что включено
Transport by air-conditioned vehicle
Professional guide
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Hotel pickup and drop-off (selected hotels only)
Transport by air-conditioned vehicle
Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут перевозиться в детской коляске
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Путешественникам следует иметь по крайней мере средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Маски для лица необходимы для путешественники в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
Что ожидать
Fenway Park
Fenway Park Stadium home to the Boston Red Sox
Harvard University
Harvard University Main campus: Harvard Yard, Old Yard, John Harvard Statue, Johnston Gate, Harvard souvenir store.
Trinity Church
Trinity Church, located at Copley Square, is an Episcopal Church built in 1877, It is a beautiful house of worship that has historical significance in Boston
Boston Public Library
An architectural gem Found in the heart of the Back Bay in Copley Square is not to be missed!
John Hancock Tower
A beautiful glass building right in the center of Boston
Boston Common
Boston Common is right in the heart of the historic city
Boston Public Garden
beautiful green area in the heart of Boston.
Freedom Trail
a great way to wander around the historic city of Boston and learn the history of this nation began
Massachusetts State House
The Massachusetts State House is one of the stops on the Freedom Trail, which marks 16 Boston sites related to Colonial and early American history.
Old State House
At the heart of Boston's revolutionary history, this building (dating from 1713) saw the reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Granary Burying Ground
Many of USA famous Revolutionary war names are buried here, including Samuel Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock.
King's Chapel
King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts
Quincy Market
A treat for the eyes and all food lovers
Fenway Park
Fenway Park Stadium home to the Boston Red Sox
Harvard University
Harvard University Main campus: Harvard Yard, Old Yard, John Harvard Statue, Johnston Gate, Harvard souvenir store.
Trinity Church
Trinity Church, located at Copley Square, is an Episcopal Church built in 1877, It is a beautiful house of worship that has historical significance in Boston
Boston Public Library
An architectural gem Found in the heart of the Back Bay in Copley Square is not to be missed!
John Hancock Tower
A beautiful glass building right in the center of Boston
Boston Common
Boston Common is right in the heart of the historic city
Boston Public Garden
beautiful green area in the heart of Boston.
Freedom Trail
a great way to wander around the historic city of Boston and learn the history of this nation began
Massachusetts State House
The Massachusetts State House is one of the stops on the Freedom Trail, which marks 16 Boston sites related to Colonial and early American history.
Old State House
At the heart of Boston's revolutionary history, this building (dating from 1713) saw the reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Granary Burying Ground
Many of USA famous Revolutionary war names are buried here, including Samuel Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock.
King's Chapel
King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts
Quincy Market
A treat for the eyes and all food lovers
Fenway Park
Fenway Park Stadium home to the Boston Red Sox
Harvard University
Harvard University Main campus: Harvard Yard, Old Yard, John Harvard Statue, Johnston Gate, Harvard souvenir store.
Trinity Church
Trinity Church, located at Copley Square, is an Episcopal Church built in 1877, It is a beautiful house of worship that has historical significance in Boston
Boston Public Library
An architectural gem Found in the heart of the Back Bay in Copley Square is not to be missed!
John Hancock Tower
A beautiful glass building right in the center of Boston
Boston Common
Boston Common is right in the heart of the historic city
Boston Public Garden
beautiful green area in the heart of Boston.
Freedom Trail
a great way to wander around the historic city of Boston and learn the history of this nation began
Massachusetts State House
The Massachusetts State House is one of the stops on the Freedom Trail, which marks 16 Boston sites related to Colonial and early American history.
Old State House
At the heart of Boston's revolutionary history, this building (dating from 1713) saw the reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Granary Burying Ground
Many of USA famous Revolutionary war names are buried here, including Samuel Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock.
King's Chapel
King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts
Quincy Market
A treat for the eyes and all food lovers
Fenway Park
Fenway Park Stadium home to the Boston Red Sox
Harvard University
Harvard University Main campus: Harvard Yard, Old Yard, John Harvard Statue, Johnston Gate, Harvard souvenir store.
Trinity Church
Trinity Church, located at Copley Square, is an Episcopal Church built in 1877, It is a beautiful house of worship that has historical significance in Boston
Boston Public Library
An architectural gem Found in the heart of the Back Bay in Copley Square is not to be missed!
John Hancock Tower
A beautiful glass building right in the center of Boston
Boston Common
Boston Common is right in the heart of the historic city
Boston Public Garden
beautiful green area in the heart of Boston.
Freedom Trail
a great way to wander around the historic city of Boston and learn the history of this nation began
Massachusetts State House
The Massachusetts State House is one of the stops on the Freedom Trail, which marks 16 Boston sites related to Colonial and early American history.
Old State House
At the heart of Boston's revolutionary history, this building (dating from 1713) saw the reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Granary Burying Ground
Many of USA famous Revolutionary war names are buried here, including Samuel Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock.
King's Chapel
King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts
Quincy Market
A treat for the eyes and all food lovers
Fenway Park
Fenway Park Stadium home to the Boston Red Sox
Harvard University
Harvard University Main campus: Harvard Yard, Old Yard, John Harvard Statue, Johnston Gate, Harvard souvenir store.
Trinity Church
Trinity Church, located at Copley Square, is an Episcopal Church built in 1877, It is a beautiful house of worship that has historical significance in Boston
Boston Public Library
An architectural gem Found in the heart of the Back Bay in Copley Square is not to be missed!
John Hancock Tower
A beautiful glass building right in the center of Boston
Boston Common
Boston Common is right in the heart of the historic city
Boston Public Garden
beautiful green area in the heart of Boston.
Freedom Trail
a great way to wander around the historic city of Boston and learn the history of this nation began
Massachusetts State House
The Massachusetts State House is one of the stops on the Freedom Trail, which marks 16 Boston sites related to Colonial and early American history.
Old State House
At the heart of Boston's revolutionary history, this building (dating from 1713) saw the reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Granary Burying Ground
Many of USA famous Revolutionary war names are buried here, including Samuel Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock.
King's Chapel
King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts
Quincy Market
A treat for the eyes and all food lovers
Фенуэй Парк
Стадион Fenway Park, домашняя арена команды Boston Red Sox.
Гарвардский университет
Главный кампус Гарвардского университета: Гарвардский двор, Старый двор, статуя Джона Гарварда, Джонстонские ворота, сувенирный магазин Гарварда.
Троицкая церковь
Троицкая церковь, расположенная на площади Копли, представляет собой епископальную церковь, построенную в 1877 году. Это красивый молитвенный дом, имеющий историческое значение в Бостоне.
Бостонская публичная библиотека
Нельзя упустить архитектурную жемчужину, расположенную в самом сердце Бэк-Бэй на площади Копли!
Башня Джона Хэнкока
Красивое стеклянное здание прямо в центре Бостона
Бостон Коммон
Boston Common находится в самом сердце исторического города.
Бостонский общественный сад
красивый зеленый район в центре Бостона.
Тропа свободы
отличный способ побродить по историческому городу Бостон и узнать историю этого народа начался
Государственный дом Массачусетса
Дом штата Массачусетс — одна из остановок на Тропе Свободы, по которой проходят 16 мест Бостона, связанных с колониальной и ранней американской историей.
Старый государственный дом
В этом здании (построенном в 1713 году) в центре революционной истории Бостона была прочитана Декларация независимости в 1776 году.
Зернохранилище Могильник
Здесь похоронены многие из известных американских революционеров, в том числе Сэмюэл Адамс, Джеймс Отис, Пол Ревир, Роберт Трит Пейн и Джон Хэнкок.
Королевская часовня
Королевская часовня, Бостон, Массачусетс
Рыночная площадь Faneuil Hall
Рынок Faneuil Hall, Бостон, Массачусетс
Куинси Маркет
Услада для глаз и всех гурманов
Показать 81 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (11)
Sep 2022
This day trip was perfect for me. We saw all the main historical things to see in Boston, learned a lot, and didn’t feel rushed. Millie is an excellent driver and very knowledgeable. I highly recommend this trip for anyone who only has a short amount of time to spend in Boston. I just hope Millie remembers to email me the photo she took of the group!
Aug 2022
We get a lot of wrong informations. We get freetime always on the wrong places . And the whole time i had heart „all is to expensive for normal people „
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Dear Christiane_R Thank you for spending your time to leave us a review. We appreciate all the comments positive and negative. We sincerely apologize if: the Boston Public Library, Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Harvard University, the Freedom Trail, and Quincy Market were all the wrong places to visit while in Boston. Still, we genuinely believe those are the must-visit places in Boston as described in our tour description.
Aug 2022
This tour involves a little walking and a chance to see the highlights of Boston in a day. It’s a 4 hour ride and goes by pretty fast. The outlets on the bus did not work so bring a portable charger. I enjoyed visiting Harvard and Quincy Market. I would recommend Quincy Market be a 2 hr stop because the time went by so quick. There is a stop In Connecticut on the way back to New York so you get to see a little of Connecticut.

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