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Из Джексон-Хоул: Йеллоустонский старый верный, водопады и однодневный тур по дикой природе

Этот тур для небольших групп — фантастический способ понаблюдать за дикой природой, а также насладиться красотой Гранд-Титона и многочисленными бассейнами гейзеров Йеллоустона.

Мы остановимся у гейзера Оксбоу-Бенд, гейзера Олд-Фейтфул, озера Йеллоустоун, долины Хейден, горшков с краской и грязевых горшков с фонтаном, бассейна гейзера Уэст-Тамб, нижнего водопада Большого каньона Йеллоустон, а также несколько других гейзерных бассейнов. Богатая история, геология, лесные пожары и дикая природа Йеллоустонского национального парка будут подробно обсуждаться на протяжении всего тура.

В этом туре часто можно увидеть бизонов, медведей гризли, черных медведей, волков, лосей, лосей, орлов, оленей-мулов, вилорогов и койотов.

Во время тура мы предложим гостям множество остановок, чтобы они могли выйти из машины и понаблюдать за различными видами дикой природы с помощью биноклей и прицелов, которые мы предоставляем, а также пройтись по различным променадам, на которых мы останавливаемся.

Этот тур будет включать обед в стиле пикника, который будет подан вашим гидом.
Город: Джексон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $299.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $299.00
Что включено
Use of binoculars per person/scope for group
Picnic Lunch/Snacks
Transport by enclosed, air-conditioned vehicle
Professional/Naturalist interpretive guide
Hotel pickup and drop-off in Jackson Hole, WY
Use of binoculars per person/scope for group
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети 5 лет и младше не допускаются
  • Пожалуйста, наденьте прочную обувь для ходьбы и возьмите с собой куртку. Гостям может потребоваться более теплая одежда, особенно в весенние и осенние месяцы путешествия.
  • Небольшие группы от 1 до 4 человек могут ездить в пригородах. Группы от 5 до 11 человек будут ездить в фургонах.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфицируется снаряжение/оборудование между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры обязаны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Old Faithful
The most famous geyser in the world, Old Faithful geyser was named for its frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions, which number more than a million since Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Guests will be able to watch Old Faithful erupt from the nearby wooden boardwalk and check major bucket list item off their list!
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn was Built in 1903-1904 with local logs and stone from what is now the Yellowstone National Park area. The Inn is considered the largest log structure in the world. The towering lobby features a massive stone fireplace and a hand-crafted clock made of copper, wood and wrought iron serving as focal points.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Great Loop Road at Canyon Village,
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake, Grand Loop Road Between Fishing Bridge and Grant Village
Lower Yellowstone River Falls
Lower Falls, the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone at 308-feet tall, is the most famous waterfall in the park. The canyon’s colors were created by hot water acting on volcanic rock. It was not these colors, but the river’s yellow banks at its distant confluence with the Missouri River, that occasioned the Minnetaree Indian name which French trappers translated as roche jaune, yellow stone. The canyon has been rapidly downcut more than once, perhaps by great glacial outburst floods.
Fountain Paint Pot
The Fountain Paint Pots is an amazing stop in Yellowstone National Park's Lower Loop. They are mud pots located in Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The Fountain Paint Pots are named for the rich reds, and vivid yellows and browns of the mud in this area. The differing colors are derived from oxidation states of the iron in the mud.
Hayden Valley
Hayden Valley is a must stop wildlife paradise and the location of the largest herd of free roaming bison in the world. We'll be watching for bears, wolves, bison, elk, mule deer, coyotes, fox, eagles, pronghorn and other critters while driving through this beautiful area!
West Thumb Geyser Basin
We'll walk along the boardwalk and discover the many beautiful hydrothermal pools located in this basin area that is an extension of the Yellowstone Lake area.
Old Faithful
The most famous geyser in the world, Old Faithful geyser was named for its frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions, which number more than a million since Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Guests will be able to watch Old Faithful erupt from the nearby wooden boardwalk and check major bucket list item off their list!
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn was Built in 1903-1904 with local logs and stone from what is now the Yellowstone National Park area. The Inn is considered the largest log structure in the world. The towering lobby features a massive stone fireplace and a hand-crafted clock made of copper, wood and wrought iron serving as focal points.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Great Loop Road at Canyon Village,
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake, Grand Loop Road Between Fishing Bridge and Grant Village
Lower Yellowstone River Falls
Lower Falls, the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone at 308-feet tall, is the most famous waterfall in the park. The canyon’s colors were created by hot water acting on volcanic rock. It was not these colors, but the river’s yellow banks at its distant confluence with the Missouri River, that occasioned the Minnetaree Indian name which French trappers translated as roche jaune, yellow stone. The canyon has been rapidly downcut more than once, perhaps by great glacial outburst floods.
Fountain Paint Pot
The Fountain Paint Pots is an amazing stop in Yellowstone National Park's Lower Loop. They are mud pots located in Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The Fountain Paint Pots are named for the rich reds, and vivid yellows and browns of the mud in this area. The differing colors are derived from oxidation states of the iron in the mud.
Hayden Valley
Hayden Valley is a must stop wildlife paradise and the location of the largest herd of free roaming bison in the world. We'll be watching for bears, wolves, bison, elk, mule deer, coyotes, fox, eagles, pronghorn and other critters while driving through this beautiful area!
West Thumb Geyser Basin
We'll walk along the boardwalk and discover the many beautiful hydrothermal pools located in this basin area that is an extension of the Yellowstone Lake area.
Old Faithful
The most famous geyser in the world, Old Faithful geyser was named for its frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions, which number more than a million since Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Guests will be able to watch Old Faithful erupt from the nearby wooden boardwalk and check major bucket list item off their list!
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn was Built in 1903-1904 with local logs and stone from what is now the Yellowstone National Park area. The Inn is considered the largest log structure in the world. The towering lobby features a massive stone fireplace and a hand-crafted clock made of copper, wood and wrought iron serving as focal points.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Great Loop Road at Canyon Village,
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake, Grand Loop Road Between Fishing Bridge and Grant Village
Lower Yellowstone River Falls
Lower Falls, the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone at 308-feet tall, is the most famous waterfall in the park. The canyon’s colors were created by hot water acting on volcanic rock. It was not these colors, but the river’s yellow banks at its distant confluence with the Missouri River, that occasioned the Minnetaree Indian name which French trappers translated as roche jaune, yellow stone. The canyon has been rapidly downcut more than once, perhaps by great glacial outburst floods.
Fountain Paint Pot
The Fountain Paint Pots is an amazing stop in Yellowstone National Park's Lower Loop. They are mud pots located in Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The Fountain Paint Pots are named for the rich reds, and vivid yellows and browns of the mud in this area. The differing colors are derived from oxidation states of the iron in the mud.
Hayden Valley
Hayden Valley is a must stop wildlife paradise and the location of the largest herd of free roaming bison in the world. We'll be watching for bears, wolves, bison, elk, mule deer, coyotes, fox, eagles, pronghorn and other critters while driving through this beautiful area!
West Thumb Geyser Basin
We'll walk along the boardwalk and discover the many beautiful hydrothermal pools located in this basin area that is an extension of the Yellowstone Lake area.
Old Faithful
The most famous geyser in the world, Old Faithful geyser was named for its frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions, which number more than a million since Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Guests will be able to watch Old Faithful erupt from the nearby wooden boardwalk and check major bucket list item off their list!
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn was Built in 1903-1904 with local logs and stone from what is now the Yellowstone National Park area. The Inn is considered the largest log structure in the world. The towering lobby features a massive stone fireplace and a hand-crafted clock made of copper, wood and wrought iron serving as focal points.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Great Loop Road at Canyon Village,
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake, Grand Loop Road Between Fishing Bridge and Grant Village
Lower Yellowstone River Falls
Lower Falls, the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone at 308-feet tall, is the most famous waterfall in the park. The canyon’s colors were created by hot water acting on volcanic rock. It was not these colors, but the river’s yellow banks at its distant confluence with the Missouri River, that occasioned the Minnetaree Indian name which French trappers translated as roche jaune, yellow stone. The canyon has been rapidly downcut more than once, perhaps by great glacial outburst floods.
Fountain Paint Pot
The Fountain Paint Pots is an amazing stop in Yellowstone National Park's Lower Loop. They are mud pots located in Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The Fountain Paint Pots are named for the rich reds, and vivid yellows and browns of the mud in this area. The differing colors are derived from oxidation states of the iron in the mud.
Hayden Valley
Hayden Valley is a must stop wildlife paradise and the location of the largest herd of free roaming bison in the world. We'll be watching for bears, wolves, bison, elk, mule deer, coyotes, fox, eagles, pronghorn and other critters while driving through this beautiful area!
West Thumb Geyser Basin
We'll walk along the boardwalk and discover the many beautiful hydrothermal pools located in this basin area that is an extension of the Yellowstone Lake area.
Old Faithful
The most famous geyser in the world, Old Faithful geyser was named for its frequent and somewhat predictable eruptions, which number more than a million since Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Guests will be able to watch Old Faithful erupt from the nearby wooden boardwalk and check major bucket list item off their list!
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn was Built in 1903-1904 with local logs and stone from what is now the Yellowstone National Park area. The Inn is considered the largest log structure in the world. The towering lobby features a massive stone fireplace and a hand-crafted clock made of copper, wood and wrought iron serving as focal points.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Great Loop Road at Canyon Village,
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake, Grand Loop Road Between Fishing Bridge and Grant Village
Lower Yellowstone River Falls
Lower Falls, the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone at 308-feet tall, is the most famous waterfall in the park. The canyon’s colors were created by hot water acting on volcanic rock. It was not these colors, but the river’s yellow banks at its distant confluence with the Missouri River, that occasioned the Minnetaree Indian name which French trappers translated as roche jaune, yellow stone. The canyon has been rapidly downcut more than once, perhaps by great glacial outburst floods.
Fountain Paint Pot
The Fountain Paint Pots is an amazing stop in Yellowstone National Park's Lower Loop. They are mud pots located in Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The Fountain Paint Pots are named for the rich reds, and vivid yellows and browns of the mud in this area. The differing colors are derived from oxidation states of the iron in the mud.
Hayden Valley
Hayden Valley is a must stop wildlife paradise and the location of the largest herd of free roaming bison in the world. We'll be watching for bears, wolves, bison, elk, mule deer, coyotes, fox, eagles, pronghorn and other critters while driving through this beautiful area!
West Thumb Geyser Basin
We'll walk along the boardwalk and discover the many beautiful hydrothermal pools located in this basin area that is an extension of the Yellowstone Lake area.
Старый Верный
Самый известный гейзер в мире, гейзер Old Faithful был назван в честь его частых и несколько предсказуемых извержений, которых насчитывается более миллиона с тех пор, как Йеллоустоун стал первым в мире национальным парком в 1872 году. Гости смогут наблюдать за извержением Old Faithful с близлежащего деревянного настила и отмечать важные пункты из своего списка!
Олд Фейтфул Инн
Гостиница Old Faithful Inn была построена в 1903-1904 годах из местных бревен и камня, которые сейчас являются территорией Йеллоустонского национального парка. Гостиница считается самым большим бревенчатым строением в мире. В высоком вестибюле есть массивный каменный камин и часы ручной работы из меди, дерева и кованого железа, служащие фокусом.
Гранд-Каньон Йеллоустона
Гранд-Каньон Йеллоустона, Грейт-Луп-Роуд в Каньон-Виллидж,
Йеллоустонское озеро
Йеллоустонское озеро, Гранд-Луп-роуд между Рыбацким мостом и деревней Грант
Нижний водопад реки Йеллоустоун
Нижний водопад, самый большой водопад в Йеллоустоне высотой 308 футов, является самым известным водопадом в парке. Цвета каньона были созданы горячей водой, воздействующей на вулканическую породу. Не эти цвета, а желтые берега реки в месте ее отдаленного впадения в реку Миссури послужили причиной индейского названия Миннетари, которое французские охотники перевели как roche jaune, желтый камень. Каньон не раз быстро прорезался, возможно, в результате сильных ледниковых прорывов.
Горшок с краской для фонтана
Горшки с краской фонтана — удивительная остановка в Нижней петле Йеллоустонского национального парка. Это грязевые котлы, расположенные в Нижнем бассейне гейзеров в Йеллоустонском национальном парке. Фонтанные горшки с краской названы в честь насыщенных красных, ярких желтых и коричневых оттенков грязи в этой области. Различные цвета обусловлены степенью окисления железа в грязи.
Хейден Вэлли
Хайден-Вэлли — это рай для дикой природы, где обитает самое большое стадо свободно бродящих бизонов в мире. Мы будем наблюдать за медведями, волками, бизонами, лосями, оленями, койотами, лисами, орлами, вилорогами и другими тварями, проезжая по этой прекрасной местности!
Бассейн гейзера Вест-Тамб
Мы прогуляемся по набережной и обнаружим множество красивых гидротермальных бассейнов, расположенных в этом бассейне, который является продолжением района Йеллоустонского озера.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (672)
Andrew B
Nov 2022
We have taken quite a few tours over the past few years, and thought we had been on some great ones. Haeli though was by far the best we’ve ever had. We had quite the group with us for a 10-12 hour tour, and Haeli was able to help us see all of the things we wanted, especially wildlife. She even went out of her way to give us tips for the following days and what to look for. Fantastic way to celebrate my wife’s birthday !
Oct 2022
A nice tour covering most prominent landmarks of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Well-organized, interpretative, comfortable.
Oct 2022
Kyle was the best guide! He worked so very hard to make our tour memorable and was successful! Yellowstone was initially closed due to snow but later opened. Would have been great any way.

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