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Автобусный тур по западному краю Гранд-Каньона и фотоостановка на плотине Гувера с дополнительным Skywalk

В этом дневном туре по Гранд-Каньону есть все! Избегайте толпы в каньоне, так как этот тур начинается в некоторых отелях на роскошном современном автобусе с туалетами на борту, что дает вам больше времени, чтобы насладиться пунктом назначения!
По пути к Западному краю и исключительно в этом туре вы насладитесь горячим завтраком в ресторане. Этот тур также включает в себя бонусную остановку на Мемориальном мосту плотины Гувера, где вы сможете сделать невероятные фотографии плотины! Продолжая движение по Гранд-Каньону, ваш гид расскажет вам все о Каньоне и индейцах хуалапаи. Включено посещение Западного края на 3 часа, доступ на VIP-автобусе в каньоне (нет необходимости пересаживаться на автобусы в каньоне - эксклюзивное преимущество только для этого тура), завтрак в ресторане, живописный обед-барбекю (вегетарианские и куриные варианты). также доступны) на краю каньона и две бутылки ледяной воды. Возвращение в Лас-Вегас примерно в 17:00.
Город: Лас Вегас
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Для подводного плавания: снаряжение для подводного плавания, верхняя часть гидрокостюма в виде куртки, устройство для плавания.
Профессиональный гид
Легкие закуски, включая закуски и воду в бутылках
Живые комментарии на борту
Доступ к новому музею Острова Свободы
Опытный англоговорящий гид
Доступ в Музей иммиграции на острове Эллис.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • li>
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть старше 3 лет и в сопровождении взрослых
  • Багаж в этом автобусе не разрешен, только небольшие рюкзаки пройдут через контрольно-пропускной пункт на плотине Гувера.
  • Складные инвалидные коляски со съемными колесами могут быть размещены при условии, что пассажира сопровождает кто-то, кто может помочь ему сесть и высадка - западный край имеет неровную каменистую поверхность с крайне ограниченным тротуаром.
  • Правила в отношении одежды племен хуалапаи: никаких оскорбительных материалов, выражений или графики. Никакой чрезмерно рваной одежды. Никакой одежды, которая по своей природе обнажает части тела, которые могут рассматриваться как неуместные для семейной обстановки, такие как стринги, стринги, плавки и т. д.
  • Обновления безопасности после COVID-19 – Мы вежливо просим вас воздержаться от участия в этом туре, если у вас появятся какие-либо симптомы, связанные с COVID-19. Мы рекомендуем гостям носить маску для лица, но это не обязательно. Пожалуйста, не забудьте принести один, если вы хотите носить его. Все транспортные средства дезинфицируются перед каждым туром, и мы настоятельно рекомендуем соблюдать социальную дистанцию.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярная проверка температуры у персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Платно политика пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
Что ожидать
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Las Vegas
Step-On Tour Guide & Designated Bus Driver. We pick you up from 7 Strip locations, where you can board your VIP air-conditioned tour bus complete with a restroom on board, a step-on tour guide (for your questions and fun) and a designated bus driver (for your safety).
Hoover Dam Bypass
As you head out for your fun, exciting and informative tour to the west rim of the Grand Canyon we make a photo stop at the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Get your cameras ready - the views from here are incredible!
Joshua Tree Forest
We drive through the ancient Joshua Tree Forest on the way to the Canyon.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a visit to Grand Canyon West, home to the Hualapai Indians. Here you can visit Eagle Point, home of the Skywalk, Guano Point for hiking and amazing views of the Colorado River and Hualapai Ranch.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Eagle Point is home to the world-famous Skywalk (Entrance is included if you choose the VIP package with Skywalk). The daring can try this glass bridge suspended 4000-feet above the canyon floor. The views from this bridge are truly incredible as you are able to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon from this unique viewpoint. Included in your tour are the beautiful views, including a giant eagle formation in the rocks, hence its name. Eagle Point. Also at no additional cost is the native American village where you can see authentic housing built by tribes native to the southwest.
Guano Point
Guano Point has incredible views up the Colorado River and is a great spot to have lunch (meal ticket included) and take in the 360 degree views. You can hike to the top of Guano Point for those energetic enough, or just wander around the rim. There are many photo opportunities here so make sure to bring your phones and cameras to capture those spectacular views of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty.
Лас Вегас
Экскурсовод и назначенный водитель автобуса. Мы забираем вас из 7 мест на Стрипе, где вы можете сесть на свой VIP-туристический автобус с кондиционером, туалетом на борту, экскурсоводом (для ваших вопросов и развлечений) и назначенным водителем автобуса (для вашей безопасности) .
Обход плотины Гувера
Когда вы отправитесь в веселый, захватывающий и познавательный тур по западному краю Гранд-Каньона, мы сделаем остановку для фото на мосту в обход плотины Гувера. Приготовьте свои камеры — виды отсюда просто невероятные!
Лес Джошуа-Три
Мы проезжаем через древний лес Джошуа-Три по пути к Каньону.
Западный Гранд-Каньон
Наслаждайтесь посещением Западного Гранд-Каньона, где проживают индейцы хуалапаи. Здесь вы можете посетить Игл-Пойнт, дом Skywalk, Гуано-Пойнт для пеших прогулок и потрясающих видов на реку Колорадо и ранчо Хуалапай.
Гранд-Каньон Скайуок
Игл-Пойнт является домом для всемирно известного Skywalk (вход включен, если вы выбираете VIP-пакет со Skywalk). Самые смелые могут попробовать этот стеклянный мост, подвешенный на высоте 4000 футов над дном каньона. Виды с этого моста поистине невероятны, так как вы можете ощутить красоту Гранд-Каньона с этой уникальной точки зрения. В ваш тур включены прекрасные виды, в том числе гигантский орел в скалах, отсюда и его название. Игл Пойнт. Также без дополнительных затрат находится деревня коренных американцев, где вы можете увидеть аутентичные дома, построенные племенами, проживающими на юго-западе.
Гуано Пойнт
С Гуано-Пойнт открывается невероятный вид на реку Колорадо, и это отличное место, где можно пообедать (включая билет на питание) и полюбоваться панорамой на 360 градусов. Вы можете подняться на вершину Гуано-Пойнт для тех, кто достаточно энергичен, или просто побродить по краю. Здесь есть много возможностей для фотографирования, поэтому не забудьте взять с собой телефоны и фотоаппараты, чтобы запечатлеть захватывающий вид на Гранд-Каньон во всей его красоте.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
Tony and our driver Manny were awesome. They were funny and polite. Manny even stopped the bus so we could get pictures of a herd of antelope that were grazing on both sides of the road. Tony was thoughtful and pulled each of us into the info he was sharing. The breakfast and lunch were delicious. I highly recommend this tour.
Dec 2022
The tour was well organized. Tour guide Patrick and driver Thomas were excellent- they kept us, entertained, safe, on time and informed throughout the entire trip.
Rose H
Dec 2022
Our tour guide, Patrick, was knowledgeable and entertaining. He knew what he was doing . He gave us great tips on the tour and plenty of time to explore. Thomas, our bus driver, kept us safe and comfortable on the journey. The sights we saw on this tour far outrank any money we spent for it. Highly recommend it. Don't leave Vegas without a trip to the Canyon.

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