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Экскурсия за кулисы Grand Ole Opry House с гидом

Отправляйтесь за кулисы на экскурсию за кулисы Grand Ole Opry House, концертного зала, который сделал Нэшвилл столицей кантри-музыки. Пройдите по стопам суперзвезд кантри-музыки и загляните за кулисы легендарного концертного зала — достопримечательность, которую обязательно нужно посетить при посещении Music City! Выберите дневную экскурсию или экскурсию после шоу под руководством знающего гида.

Займите место в нашем специально построенном театре, где весь зал оживает благодаря музыке и ультрасовременным спецэффектам. , 3D-изображения фильмов, бесценные архивные кадры и суперзвездные ведущие Гарт Брукс и Триша Йервуд. Ваш инсайдер расскажет истории об Opry и проведет вас к входу артистов, где легенды, суперзвезды и новые артисты входят в Opry House в ночь на шоу.

У вас даже может быть шанс выйти на сцену и войти в знаменитый деревянный круг, как это делали поколения артистов. Туры также могут сделать остановку в Studio A, студии прямого эфира и бывшем доме Хи Хо.
Город: Нэшвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $43.89
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $43.89
Что включено
Hear stories about the Grand Ole Opry and Country Music greats from Minnie Pearl to Carrie Underwood
All taxes and fees included in ticket price
Tours may also make a stop in Studio A, a live television studio and former home of "Hee Haw"
Watch an intro film narrated by Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood in the Opry's new theater
You may have the chance to step on stage into the famed wooden circle
View the Artist Entrance where performers walk into the Opry House on the night of an Opry show
Professional Guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Обратите внимание: из-за высокой популярности этого тура билеты на билеты могут быть распроданы заранее. Туры за кулисами Grand Ole Opry отправляются каждые 15 минут. Если выбранное вами время тура недоступно, вам будет назначено следующее доступное время отправления.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста одевайтесь надлежащим образом
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук
  • Регулярно дезинфицируйте места с интенсивным движением
Что ожидать
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Grand Ole Opry
Join one of our insider tour guides for an exclusive backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry House and get an intimate look at the people, places, and stories behind the show that made country music famous. Daytime tours start with our state-of-the-art Circle Room theater experience, hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Then, set off on your all-access look at the stars' dressing rooms, backstage areas, and even get a chance to stand in the spotlight on the legendary Opry stage.* It's the ultimate country fan experience . Please note, Opry Daytime Tours are timed experiences. Should you be late for your tour time, you run the risk of not receiving a tour based on our other bookings. Tickets will not be refunded. *Stage access subject to Opry House schedule and availability.
Гранд Оле Опри
Присоединяйтесь к одному из наших инсайдерских гидов, чтобы совершить эксклюзивную экскурсию за кулисы Grand Ole Opry House и узнать больше о людях, местах и ​​историях, стоящих за шоу, которое сделало музыку кантри знаменитой. Дневные туры начинаются с нашего ультрасовременного театра Circle Room, организованного Гартом Бруксом и Тришей Йервуд. Затем отправляйтесь в гримерки звезд, за кулисы и даже получите возможность постоять в центре внимания на легендарной сцене Opry.* Это незабываемое приключение для поклонников кантри. Обратите внимание, что дневные туры Opry рассчитаны на определенное время. Если вы опоздаете на время тура, вы рискуете не получить тур на основании других наших бронирований. Билеты не возвращаются. *Доступ к сцене зависит от расписания и наличия мест Opry House.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
Nice backstage tour with a bit of info about some of the famous members. Interesting to hear about changes after the flood. I would still recommend the Ryman tour more and first if doing both.
Dec 2022
It is a must if it is your first time. The tour was informative. FYI, if you need to use the bathroom during the tour you need an escort. The gift shop is nice.
Dec 2022
My mom and I took the backstage tour a week ago and I blown away by the experience. From the introductory movie featuring Garth Brooks and Tricia Yearwood, to peering into the artist's dressing rooms, to walking on the Opry stage, it was quite the experience. I would highly recommend it. The only think I was surprised about, was how far from downtown, the Opry actually is. I expected it to be adjacent to Music Row or somewhere close, but it's a 15 min Uber ride outside of an Outlet shopping center. It's moved a few times from the stories were told. Great tour though - don't miss it!

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