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Гамильтон в прямом эфире! Пешеходная экскурсия по нижнему Манхэттену

Присоединяйтесь к Александру Гамильтону в захватывающем путешествии по колониальному Нью-Йорку.

Если вас интересует мюзикл, вам понравится этот тур. Позвольте вашему гиду объяснить, что на самом деле произошло в местах, где звучат эти песни:

Акт 1
Аарон Бёрр, сэр
Мой выстрел
История сегодняшнего вечера
Сестры Шайлер
Опровержение фермера
Правая рука
Дорогая Феодосия

Акт 2
Унеси нас всех прочь
Комната, где это происходит
>Что я пропустил
Cabine Battle #1
Кто выживет, кто умрет, кто расскажет вашу историю
Шайлер побеждена
Брошюра Рейнольдса
Ваш послушник Слуга
Лучшая из жен и лучшая из женщин
Выборы 1800 года

Если вас интересует история, вы откроете для себя более 70 мест, важных для Александра Гамильтона, Нью-Йорка и создания нашей великой нации. .

Беспроводной аудиоприемник и наушники доступны, так что вы не пропустите ни одного остроумия и мудрости Гамильтона. AH играет Скотт МакСкотт CTM, профессиональный реконструктор, актер телевидения и кино, лицензированный гид по Нью-Йорку, почетный председатель IATM.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 24 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.00
Mon 24 Feb
Начинается с $69.00
Что включено
FREE Souvenir Map of sites from Hamilton Musical
FREE use of Wireless Receiver to hear every word
FREE Souvenir over the ear headphones
Most Extensive Colonial Tour - over 70 sites
FREE Souvenir Map of Colonial New York
Licensed Master NYC Tour Guide/Actor/Historian
FREE Souvenir Map of sites from Hamilton Musical
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Действительны только детские тарифы при совместном использовании с платным взрослым. Дети до 18 лет должны быть в сопровождении взрослого.
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок, в зависимости от местных строительных изменений.
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Проверьте сводки погоды в день тура; если есть вероятность дождя, пожалуйста, возьмите с собой зонтик. Тур может быть отменен из-за плохой погоды. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Умеренное количество прогулок по улицам Нижнего Манхэттена. Не рекомендуется для участников с жалобами на сердце или другими серьезными заболеваниями.
  • В солнечные дни обязательно возьмите с собой шляпу, удобную обувь для ходьбы и бутылку воды.
  • Дополнительные беспроводные приемники доступны предоставляются бесплатно и собираются в конце тура. Участник обязан вернуть приемник и гарнитуру в рабочем состоянии или оплатить сбор за замену в размере 60 долларов США, если они повреждены в результате неправильного обращения или небрежности.
  • Сувенирные наушники-вкладыши предоставляются бесплатно и твой сохранить.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Оплата проживания правила проживания для персонала с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Прививка от COVID-19 требуется для гидов
  • Беспроводные наушники обеспечивают социальное дистанцирование и непрерывную работу комментарий Александра Гамильтона.
Что ожидать
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street Historic District
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Нижний Манхэттен
Нижний Манхэттен был колониальным Нью-Йорком. Городская стена располагалась на Чемберс-стрит.
Ратушный парк
Центр колониального Нью-Йорка. Гамильтон стал оратором и солдатом в этом городке Коммон.
Национальный памятник Африканское кладбище
Меня могли похоронить здесь, но судьба привела меня к созданию Нью-Йоркского вольноотпущенного общества.
Мэрия Нью-Йорка
Александр Гамильтон наблюдал за посадкой деревьев на территории, превратившей ее в парк, а также за строительством мэрии. В ходе нашего тура мы посетим все три мэрии Нью-Йорка.
Главная улица Нью-Йорка
Часовня Святого Павла
Место первого военного мемориала в Америке
Федеральный резервный банк Нью-Йорка
Спасибо Томасу Джефферсону и Джеймсу Мэдисону за прекрасный ужин. Я получил больше, чем отдал в «Комнате, где это произошло», и смог создать предшественника Федерального резервного банка.
Уан Чейз Манхэттен Плаза
Здесь располагался последний таунхаус Александра Гамильтона. Это был его городской адрес, когда он умер.
Музей американских финансов
Прикоснись к моему камню в краеугольном камне моего творения. Американская финансовая система.
Александр Гамильтон жил и работал здесь, а также Аарон Берр.
Федеральный зал
Первый Капитолий Соединенных Штатов Америки
Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа
То, что началось со встречи биржевых спекулянтов под пуговичным деревом, значительно расширилось под моим руководством в качестве министра финансов. Я упоминал, что мои акции Bank of New York были первыми акциями, торгующимися на NYSE.
Исторический район Стоун-стрит
Формально Брюэр-стрит, но переименованная в Стоун-стрит, когда она была первой мощеной улицей в Нью-Йорке. Бывшая юридическая контора Александра Гамильтона, где до сих пор подают много хорошего пива.
Музей таверны Фраансес
Напитки, еда, газеты, жилье, центр нашего правительства и многое другое
Таможня США
Узнайте, почему таможня Александра Гамильтона такая богато украшенная и как пираты сделали ее такой.
Боулинг Грин
Почувствуйте гнев наших мятежных предков.
Троицкая церковь
Место последнего упокоения Александра, Элизы и Филиппа Гамильтонов.
Показать 116 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (57)
Dec 2022
Excellent tour for anyone wanting to know more about Hamilton! Our guide was amazing and authentic; we had a great time!
Nov 2022
We had an absolutely fantastic time on the tour, led by Hamilton himself! It is a history buff's dream - highly detailed and engaging, with tons of interesting historical facts throughout. Our tour group was made up entirely of New Yorkers, all of who loved seeing their city in new ways. It is a lovey way to spend an afternoon - you won't regret it!
Nov 2022
I was lucky enough to join this tour to celebrate a friends birthday on a beautiful day in November. We had an excellent time, and Mr. Hamilton was knowledgeable and fun. We were also super lucky to have young Alexander join us and his questions and enthusiasm added greatly to the overall experience. I would recommend for any Hamilton or history buffs out there!

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