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Hamilton na żywo! Wycieczka piesza po dolnym Manhattanie

Join Alexander Hamilton on an immersive journey through Colonial New York.

If you are interested in the Musical you will love this tour. Let your guide explain what really happened at the locations of these songs:

Act 1
Aaron Burr, Sir
My Shot
The Story of Tonight
Wait for it
The Schuyler Sisters
Farmer Refuted
Right Hand Man
Dear Theodosia

Act 2
Blow us all away
The Room Where It Happens
What’d I Miss
Cabinet Battle #1
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Schuyler Defeated
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Your Obedient Servant
Best of Wives and Best of Women
Election of 1800

If you are interested in history, you will discover over 70 locations important to Alexander Hamilton, New York and the creation of our great nation. 

A wireless audio receiver and headphones are made available so you do not miss any of Hamilton's wit and wisdom. AH is played by Scott MacScott CTM, Professional Reenactor, TV and Movie actor, Licensed NYC Guide, Chairman Emeritus of IATM.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Sun 30 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $199.00
Sun 30 Mar
Zaczynać od $199.00
co jest zawarte
BEZPŁATNA pamiątkowa mapa miejsc z Hamilton Musical
BEZPŁATNE korzystanie z bezprzewodowego odbiornika, aby usłyszeć każde słowo
GRATIS Pamiątkowe słuchawki nauszne
Najbardziej obszerna wycieczka kolonialna - ponad 70 miejsc
BEZPŁATNA pamiątkowa mapa kolonialnego Nowego Jorku
Licencjonowany przewodnik turystyczny Master NYC/aktor/historyk
FREE Souvenir Map of sites from Hamilton Musical
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Any child rate applies only when sharing with a paying adult. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Wheelchair accessible, subject to local construction changes.
  • Minimum numbers apply. There is a possibility of cancellation after confirmation if there are not enough passengers to meet requirements. In the event of this occurring, you will be offered an alternative or full refund.
  • Check the weather reports on the day of the tour; if there is a chance of rain, please bring your own umbrella. Tour is subject to cancellation due to severe weather. In the event of this occurring, you will be offered an alternative or full refund.
  • A moderate amount of walking is involved through the streets of Lower Manhattan. Not recommended for participants with heart complaints or other serious medical conditions.
  • For sunny days, be sure to bring a hat, comfortable walking shoes and a bottle of water
  • Optional wireless receivers are provided free of charge and are collected at the end of the tour. The participant is responsible to hand back to receiver and headset in working order in order or is subject to pay the $60 replacement fee if damaged due to abuse or negligence.
  • Souvenir over the ear headphones are free of charge and yours to keep.
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund..
Czego oczekiwać
Dolny Manhattan
Dolny Manhattan był kolonialnym Nowym Jorkiem. Mur miejski znajdował się przy Chambers Street.
Parku Ratuszowego
Centrum kolonialnego Nowego Jorku. Hamilton został mówcą i żołnierzem w tym mieście Common.
Pomnik narodowy afrykańskiego miejsca pochówku
Mogłem zostać tutaj pochowany, ale przeznaczenie skłoniło mnie do stworzenia New York Manumission Society.
Ratusz w Nowym Jorku
Alexander Hamilton obserwował sadzenie drzew na wspólnym terenie, który zamienił go w park, a także budowę ratusza. Podczas naszej wycieczki odwiedzamy wszystkie trzy ratusze Nowego Jorku.
Główna arteria w Nowym Jorku
Kaplica św. Pawła
Miejsce pierwszego pomnika wojennego w Ameryce
Bank Rezerw Federalnych w Nowym Jorku
Dziękuję Thomasowi Jeffersonowi i Jamesowi Madisonowi za cudowną kolację. Dostałem więcej niż dałem w „Pokoju, w którym to się stało” i byłem w stanie stworzyć prekursora Banku Rezerwy Federalnej.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Tu znajdowała się ostatnia kamienica Aleksandra Hamiltona. To był jego adres miejski w chwili śmierci.
Muzeum Finansów Amerykańskich
Dotknij mojego kamienia na kamieniu węgielnym mojego stworzenia. Amerykański system finansowy.
Wall Street
Mieszkał i pracował tu Alexander Hamilton oraz Aaron Burr.
Sala Federalna
Pierwszy Kapitol Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki
Nowojorska Giełda Papierów Wartościowych
To, co zaczęło się od spotkania majstrów giełdowych pod drzewem guzikowym, znacznie się rozwinęło pod moim kierownictwem jako Sekretarza Skarbu. Czy wspominałem, że mój Bank of New York był pierwszym akcjami notowanymi na NYSE.
Historyczna dzielnica Stone Street
Formalnie Brewer Street, ale przemianowano ją na Stone Street, kiedy była to pierwsza brukowana ulica w Nowym Jorku. Była kancelaria adwokacka Alexandra Hamiltona i wciąż serwuje niejeden dobry napar.
Muzeum tawerny Fraunces
Napoje, posiłki, gazety, zakwaterowanie, centrum naszego rządu i wiele więcej
Urząd celny Stanów Zjednoczonych
Dowiedz się, dlaczego urząd celny Alexandra Hamiltona jest tak ozdobny i jak zrobili to piraci.
Bowling Green
Poczuj gniew naszych zbuntowanych przodków.
Kościół Świętej Trójcy
Miejsce spoczynku Aleksandra, Elizy i Filipa Hamiltonów.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church Wall Street
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church Wall Street
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church Wall Street
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan was Colonial New York City. The city wall was located by Chambers Street.
City Hall Park
The center of Colonial New York. Hamilton became an orator and soldier on this town Common.
African Burial Ground National Monument
I could have ended up being buried here but destiny led me to create the New York Manumission Society.
New York City Hall
Alexander Hamilton watched trees being planted in the common which turned it into a park as well as the construction of City Hall. We visit all three City Halls of New York City on our tour.
The Main thoroughfare in New York
St. Paul's Chapel
Site of America's first war memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thank you Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for a lovely dinner. I got more than I gave in "The Room Where it Happened" and was able to create the precursor to the Federal Reserve Bank.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
Alexander Hamilton's last townhouse was located here. This was his city address when he died.
Museum of American Finance
Touch my stone at the cornerstone of my creation. The American financial system.
Wall Street
Alexander Hamilton lived and worked here as well as Aaron Burr.
Federal Hall
The first Capitol of the United States of America
New York Stock Exchange
What started with stockjobbers meeting under a buttonwood tree expanded greatly under my guidance as Secretary of Treasury. Did I mention that my Bank of New York was the first stock traded at the NYSE.
Stone Street
Formally Brewer Street but renamed Stone Street when it was the first paved Street in NYC. Former Law Office of Alexander Hamilton and still serving many a fine brew.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Drinks, meals, newspapers, lodging, the center of our government and so much more
United States Custom House
Learn why the Alexander Hamilton Custom House is so ornate and how pirates made it so.
Bowling Green
Feel the wrath of our rebellious forefathers.
Trinity Church Wall Street
The final resting place of Alexander, Eliza and Philip Hamilton.
Show 82 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (63)
Mar 2025
Guide never showed up. Messaged four times, no response. Can’t reach a 100 character minimum with that.
Feb 2024
Learned so much more about Hamilton. Guide was amazing, so engaging and knowledgeable. Great way to also learn historic New York. As a New Yorker, you never know the history of where you walk daily.
Aug 2023
Alexander was, true to form, incredibly accommodating, exhaustive in his knowledge, and just a blast to be with for a couple of Hamil-nerds like we are. We learned so much and we're still discussing the experience, several months later. We received souvenirs and saw things we easily could have missed. My son's favorite part was helping Alex lead a cheer on Wall Street for President George Washington. Thank you again, so much!

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