Tour was enjoyable! Encompassing as it had to cover a range of topics from music to sickness to ducks to historical information to ..... The tour guide was able to transfer from one topic to another with ease and his love and enthusiasm as he shared information was infectious. The guide's knowledge was limitless. Cruise allowed you to see the Memphis Skyline from another perspective while being provided with ongoing information from a staff member. Relaxing way to end the day.
Guide was very knowledgeable, but, unless you were sitting in front, or the top deck, you could not enjoy both sides of the river and you would miss a lot.
A really good tour, even though it was raining our driver and tour guide Willie made it so enjoyable.
We saw all the main sites including the Peabody ducks, the hotel where Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated and Sun studios.
The riverboat trip was very good, but Willie was a fun and highly entertaining guide and made us forget the weather.