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Гарлемское госпел и бранч-тур

Этот 4-часовой аутентичный воскресный тур по евангелиям и поздним завтракам в Гарлеме сначала начинается в театре Аполло, исследует район 125-й улицы, а затем продолжается до исторического района Маунт-Моррис-Парк. Здесь вы найдете множество церквей с богатой историей, среди которых жили наши выдающиеся личности. Некоторые из самых известных музыкантов и артистов начали здесь свое путешествие, и большая часть музыки, которая зародилась здесь, теперь увековечена в американской поп-культуре для будущих поколений.

Направляясь по окраине города воскресным утром, вы услышите и насладитесь видами и звуками Гарлема в лучшем виде. Хлопки в ладоши, топанье ногами и проникновенные ритмы черной госпел-музыки наполняют воздух. Участвуйте в проповедях и проповедях самых видных деятелей Гарлема.

Теперь, когда вы почувствовали, как через вас течет духовная энергия, как насчет завершения дня некоторыми из самых сокровенных секретов этого района? Мы говорим об изысканной кухне в одном из наших местных ресторанов
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 19 Feb
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Начинается с $103.45
Wed 19 Feb
Начинается с $103.45
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Professional guide
Live entertainment
Professional guide
Live entertainment
Professional guide
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Что ожидать
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
Этот 4-часовой тур сначала проведет вас через исторический район парка Маунт-Моррис, где вы найдете множество церквей с богатой историей, в том числе некоторые из домов отцов-основателей Америки. Некоторые из самых известных музыкантов и артистов начали здесь свое путешествие, и большая часть музыки, которая зародилась здесь, теперь увековечена в американской поп-культуре для будущих поколений. Прогуливаясь по центру города воскресным утром, вы услышите и насладитесь видами и звуками Гарлема в лучшем виде. Хлопанье ногой, топот ног и проникновенные ритмы госпел наполняют воздух; участвуйте в проповедях и проповедях и празднуйте со всемирно известными конгрегационными хорами баптистской церкви на Конвент-авеню, Объединенного дома молитвы, абиссинской баптистской церкви и Римско-католической церкви Воскресения, чьи известные певцы заставят вас подпрыгнуть на своем месте. Теперь, когда вы почувствовали, как через вас течет духовная энергия, как насчет того, чтобы завершить свой день некоторыми из самых сокровенных секретов этого района? Изысканная кухня по разумным ценам! Позвольте лучшим кулинарным мастерам Гарлема радовать и искушать вас своими подлинными деликатесами - только для вас! Евангелие и бранч-тур - это день, хорошо проведенный как на свежем воздухе, так и в помещении, и вы не скоро забудете его!
Театр Аполлона
Экскурсия начинается в Театре Аполлона с краткого разговора об истории Гарлема и Театра Аполлона.
Музей-студия в Гарлеме
Первый музей в США, посвященный афроамериканскому искусству.
Мемориальный парк Маркуса Гарви
Прогулка по одному из старейших парков Нью-Йорка.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (44)
Oct 2022
Our Tour Guide on Oct. 9, 2022 was Deb and I highly recommend her for any future tours in Harlem. She had fantastic stories to share about historic places in the heartbeat of New York- HARLEM USA. We also met Carolyn the owner of the tour company who has a new game featuring historical facts about the area called Harlemopoly- be on the look out for that.
Sep 2022
Enjoyed the tour guides knowledge and facts courtesy of the host. loved the church service and brunch afterward.
Sep 2022
5 Star Experience Carolyn was professional and extremely knowledgeable of Harlem as well as New York city. The tour hit many historical places in Harlem and the gospel singing was phenomenal. The brunch was delicious and we highly recommend that you experience this tour when you are in NYC.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you for your feedback, Jeffrey! We’re so glad to hear that you enjoyed our Harlem Gospel and Brunch Tour. We strive to make every experience a memorable one and love hearing that you enjoyed the food as well.

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