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Обилазак јеванђеља и доручка у Харлему

Experience the vibrant community of Harlem and the soulful sounds of black gospel music on our Sunday Gospel and Brunch Tour. Starting at the legendary Apollo Theater, this one-hour tour takes you through the historic Mount Morris Park District, where you will discover the rich history of the area and the iconic artists who called Harlem home.

As you make your way through uptown on a Sunday morning, you will be immersed in the captivating atmosphere of Harlem. The air will be filled with the lively beats and powerful vocals of gospel music, as you enjoy sermons and homilies from some of the most prominent figures in the community.

But the tour doesn't stop there – we also invite you to indulge in the incredible culinary offerings of Harlem. Our local restaurants are known for their authentic and delicious ethnic cuisine, making this tour a truly sensory experience.

Come and discover the spiritual energy of Harlem.
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Wed 02 Apr
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $115.00
Wed 02 Apr
Са почетком у $115.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Забава уживо
Professional guide
Live entertainment
Professional guide
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Proper dress is required to attend the church service: no shorts or tank tops will be accepted
Шта да очекујете
Ова 4-сатна тура вас прво води кроз подручје историјског округа Моунт Морис Парк где ћете наћи мноштво цркава богате историјом - укључујући неке од домова америчких очева оснивача. Неки од најпознатијих музичара и забављача започели су своја путовања овде, а велики део музике која је овде почела је овековечена у америчкој поп култури како би уживале будуће генерације. Крећући се кроз горњи део града у недељу ујутру, чућете и уживати у призорима и звуцима Харлема у његовом најбољем издању. Пљескање прстима, гажење ногом и дубоки ритмови госпел музике испуњавају ваздух; Учествујте у проповедима и проповедима и славите са светски познатим скупштинским хоровима Баптистичке цркве Конвент Авенуе, Уједињеног Дома молитве, Абисинске баптистичке цркве и Римокатоличке цркве Васкрсења, чији ће вас реномирани певачи натерати да ускачете у своје место. Сада када имате осећај духовне енергије која тече кроз вас, шта мислите о томе да свој дан допуните неким од најбоље чуваних тајни тог подручја? Фина храна по разумним ценама! Нека вас најбољи кулинарски мајстори Харлема одушевљавају и маме својим аутентичним ужицима - само за вас! Обилазак јеванђеља и бранч је дан који сте добро провели и на отвореном и у затвореном простору и биће искуство које нећете ускоро заборавити!
Аполо театар
Обилазак почиње у Аполо театру кратким разговором о историји Харлема и Аполо театра.
Музеј студија у Харлему
Први музеј у Сједињеним Државама посвећен афроамеричкој уметности.
Меморијални парк Маркуса Гарвија
Шетња кроз један од најстаријих паркова у Њујорку.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
This 4-hour tour first leads you through Mount Morris Park Historical District area where you will find a multitude of churches rich with history - including some of the homes of America's Founding Fathers. Some of the most well-known musicians and entertainers started their journeys here and much of the music that began here is now immortalized in American Pop Culture for future generations to enjoy. Heading through uptown on a Sunday morning you will hear and enjoy the sights and sounds of Harlem at its best. Toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and the soulful rhythms of gospel music fill the air; participate in sermons and homilies and celebrate with the world famous congregational choirs of the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, United House of Prayer, Abyssinian Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, whose renowned singers will have you jumping in your seat. Now that you have the feel of the spiritual energy flowing through you how about topping off your day with some of the area's best-kept secrets? Fine dining at reasonable prices! Let Harlem's finest culinary masters delight and tempt you with their authentic delights - just for you! The gospel and brunch tour is a day well spent both outdoors and indoors and will be an experience you will not soon forget!
Apollo Theater
The tour starts at the Apollo Theater with a brief conversation on the history of Harlem and the Apollo Theater.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
The first museum in the United States dedicated to African American Art.
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
A walk through one of New York City's oldest parks.
Show 29 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (66)
Mar 2025
Highly recommended for those who want to give back to the community, since it's heritage is rich in culture. Tour guide is a local and has been through the changes. Lots to be learnt! And to finish off with a sit-down brunch for further discussion is fantastic! Truely a quality tour!
Mar 2025
Very knowledgeable and conversational local guide. Full of surprising and intriguing stories and facts about Harlem. The people at the church were warm and welcoming. We really got a taste of the community. Brunch afterwards was a plus and we enjoyed our fellow tour takers! International!
Mar 2025
This small group tour is well worth it if you're curious about Harlem. Guided by a local, we were thoroughly educated on its history and recent on the rise of Harlem. Quality and interactive tour. Seemed like we were all part of the community (great feeling for a tourist).

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