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Вечерняя лошадь с привидениями и тур по карете в Чарльстоне

В этом сумеречном туре узнайте, где, как сообщается, задерживаются духи в центре Чарльстона. Лицензированный гид расскажет вам жуткие истории из долгой истории Чарльстона, пока вы будете проходить по аллеям с привидениями, кладбищам, церквям, отелям и даже подземельям!
Город: Чарльстон
Tue 24 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $50.00
Tue 24 Sep
Начинается с $50.00
Что включено
Hear spooky tales from Charleston’s history as you pass haunted alleys, graveyards, and a dungeon.
Certified Guide
40-minute Haunted Evening Horse & Carriage Tour
Hear spooky tales from Charleston’s history as you pass haunted alleys, graveyards, and a dungeon.
Certified Guide
40-minute Haunted Evening Horse & Carriage Tour
Hear spooky tales from Charleston’s history as you pass haunted alleys, graveyards, and a dungeon.
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Клиенты ДОЛЖНЫ прибыть за 15 минут до запланированного времени бронирования, чтобы сесть в вагон и пройти регистрацию.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
  • Гидам необходимо регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • li>
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Поездки в общественном транспорте рассчитаны на 100% вместимость, полная вместимость включает до 16 пассажиров, по 4 человека в ряду.
Что ожидать
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Old South Carriage Company
Our stable is where your tour experience will begin and end. After checking in you can say hi to our draft horses, watch an educational video, purchases a bottle of water, or use our restroom. As you board your carriage via our inclined ramp / easy loading platform, your certified tour guide will greet you.This 40 minute after-dark tour covers more than 15 eerie blocks of Charleston's old walled city.  
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
The last colonial building built in America and the original city dungeon for Charleston
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Graveyard - the oldest graveyard
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church - oldest church building
Charleston City Market
Once past the dungeon you will return along the formerly pirate infested waters of Charleston and back through the Old City Market as you return to our stables.
Старая южная каретная компания
Наша конюшня - это место, где начнется и закончится ваш тур. После регистрации вы можете поздороваться с нашими ломовыми лошадьми, посмотреть обучающее видео, купить бутылку воды или воспользоваться нашим туалетом. Когда вы садитесь в вагон через нашу наклонную рампу /удобную погрузочную платформу, вас встретит ваш сертифицированный гид. Этот 40-минутный тур после наступления темноты охватывает более 15 жутких кварталов старого города-крепости Чарльстона.
Старая биржа и подземелье провоста
Последнее колониальное здание, построенное в Америке, и оригинальная городская темница для Чарльстона.
Круглая конгрегационалистская церковь
Круглое общинное кладбище - старейшее кладбище
Церковь Святого Михаила
Епископальная церковь Святого Михаила - старейшее церковное здание.
Чарльстонский городской рынок
Пройдя подземелье, вы вернетесь по ранее кишащим пиратами водам Чарльстона и обратно через рынок Старого города, когда вернетесь к нашим конюшням.
Показать 37 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Jul 2021
Great stories! Little cramped due to seating 4 adults on one row. Really only meant for 3 adults if your average size. Horses were well taken care of.
Jul 2021
Totally disappointed with the ghost tour. 30 min in a horse carriage without any significant information being told. This is the biggest tourist racket I have ever seen. I wouldn’t even give 1 star if I didn’t have to. I wouldn’t pay 20 dollars for this let alone 45.00.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2021
Hey Jan, thank you for sharing your feedback. I am sorry to hear you were disappointed with the experience. We have been giving great haunted tours of Charleston for years but it sounds like we missed the mark on your tour. Please contact Derek and we would like to make the situation right. Thanks again- 843-723-9712
Jul 2021
Our family did this tour last evening. The 40 minutes flew by, we enjoyed every minute. Our tour guide Austin was very knowledgeable and a great story teller. The horse Ron was beautiful and took us for a great ride. Kids age 6, 8, and 10 loved it, but were slightly spooked when it was time for bed!

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