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VIP-прогулка на лошадях и повозках в Центральном парке Нью-Йорка

Поездка на конной повозке в Центральном парке — обязательное событие в Нью-Йорке. Во время тура вы можете увидеть парк с новой точки зрения.

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Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 05 Mar
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Начинается с $140.00
Wed 05 Mar
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
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  • Транспорт автомобили регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
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Что ожидать
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
American Museum of Natural History
It is one of the greatest and largest natural history museums in the world.
Central Park's Literary Walk
The Mall and Literary Walk include statues of Shakespeare, Robert Burns, and other writers.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is a 2.5-acre landscaped section in Central Park. It is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon the Beatles singer and is named after the Beatles' song "Strawberry Fields Forever", written by Lennon.
New York Renaissance Faire, Tuxedo Park, NY
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are architectural structures overlooking the South shore of the Lake in Central Park.
The Dakota
The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a historical apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City, United States.
Central Park Carousel
The Central Park Carousel, officially the Michael Friedsam Memorial Carousel, is a vintage carousel located in Central Park.
Heckscher Playground
The oldest playground in Central Park, with climbing structures, slides, water features and restrooms.
Columbus Circle
The circle is named after the monument of Christopher Columbus in the center, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Balto Statue
A bronze statue of Balto by Frederick Roth.
Wollman Rink
Wollman Rink is a public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. It is named after the Wollman family who donated the funds for its original construction.
Американский музей естественной истории
Это один из величайших и крупнейших музеев естествознания в мире.
Литературная прогулка в Центральном парке
Торговый центр и Литературная прогулка включают статуи Шекспира, Роберта Бернса и других писателей.
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Strawberry Fields — это ландшафтный участок площадью 2,5 акра в Центральном парке. Он посвящен памяти Джона Леннона, певца The Beatles, и назван в честь песни The Beatles «Strawberry Fields Forever», написанной Ленноном.
Ярмарка Возрождения в Нью-Йорке, Такседо-Парк, Нью-Йорк
Терраса и фонтан Bethesda — архитектурные сооружения с видом на южный берег озера в Центральном парке.
Dakota, также известная как Dakota Apartments, представляет собой исторический многоквартирный дом на северо-западном углу 72-й улицы и Центрального парка на западе Манхэттена в Нью-Йорке, США.
Карусель в Центральном парке
Карусель в Центральном парке, официально именуемая Мемориальной каруселью Майкла Фридзама, представляет собой старинную карусель, расположенную в Центральном парке.
Хекшер Детская площадка
Самая старая игровая площадка в Центральном парке с конструкциями для лазанья, горками, водными объектами и туалетами.
Колумбус Серкл
Круг назван в честь памятника Христофору Колумбу в центре, который внесен в Национальный реестр исторических мест.
Статуя Балто
Бронзовая статуя Балто работы Фредерика Рота.
Каток Уоллмана
Wollman Rink — общественный каток в южной части Центрального парка. Он назван в честь семьи Уоллман, которая пожертвовала средства на его первоначальное строительство.
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Отзывы (2)
Aug 2022
Our driver was on time and courteous. He shared little facts about the park and took our family photo in one location with our cell phone. It was a pleasant ride.
Apr 2022
Driver was very nice and well-informed. This is a great way to see Central Park in a short amount of time.

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