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Входной билет в исторический дом-музей Hearthstone

Hearthstone — это большой, прекрасно отреставрированный дом в викторианском стиле в стиле королевы Анны, построенный в 1882 году Генри Дж. Роджерсом, управляющим Appleton Paper and Pulp Mill. 30 сентября 1882 года Hearthstone стал первым домом в мире, освещенным центральной гидроэлектростанцией Эдисона. В доме сохранились многие уникальные, подлинные черты, в том числе оригинальные электролизеры Томаса Эдисона и выключатели света.
Город: Грин-Бей и округ Дор
Sun 16 Mar
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Начинается с $10.00
Sun 16 Mar
Начинается с $10.00
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Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
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Professional guide
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625 W Prospect Ave,
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Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
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  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Первый этаж и нижний этаж особняка доступны для инвалидных колясок с помощью электрического лифта. Единственным средством доступа на второй этаж является лестница из-за исторической природы особняка.
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Что ожидать
Hearthstone Historic House Museum
Appleton, Wisconsin was one of the first three cities in the world to be lit by an Edison central power station, the other two being New York and London. This was all due to Henry J. Rogers, who decided to invest in Edison’s power station in order to light two paper mills and his home. Since it became a museum in 1987, Hearthstone’s focus is to preserve the house and its artifacts to re-create a historical experience based on its Thomas A. Edison heritage for the cultural enjoyment and educational benefit of the public through its many exhibits and programs. Guided tours through Hearthstone are offered as well as a chance to explore the various educational exhibits. All tours are guided by trained docents who discuss the history of the house, its unique place in history, its architecture, and the families who have lived there for over 100 years. The exhibits you'll see are dedicated to Edison, his inventive legacy, electricity, and the history of hydroelectricity at the Hearthstone.
Hearthstone Historic House Museum
Appleton, Wisconsin was one of the first three cities in the world to be lit by an Edison central power station, the other two being New York and London. This was all due to Henry J. Rogers, who decided to invest in Edison’s power station in order to light two paper mills and his home. Since it became a museum in 1987, Hearthstone’s focus is to preserve the house and its artifacts to re-create a historical experience based on its Thomas A. Edison heritage for the cultural enjoyment and educational benefit of the public through its many exhibits and programs. Guided tours through Hearthstone are offered as well as a chance to explore the various educational exhibits. All tours are guided by trained docents who discuss the history of the house, its unique place in history, its architecture, and the families who have lived there for over 100 years. The exhibits you'll see are dedicated to Edison, his inventive legacy, electricity, and the history of hydroelectricity at the Hearthstone.
Hearthstone Historic House Museum
Appleton, Wisconsin was one of the first three cities in the world to be lit by an Edison central power station, the other two being New York and London. This was all due to Henry J. Rogers, who decided to invest in Edison’s power station in order to light two paper mills and his home. Since it became a museum in 1987, Hearthstone’s focus is to preserve the house and its artifacts to re-create a historical experience based on its Thomas A. Edison heritage for the cultural enjoyment and educational benefit of the public through its many exhibits and programs. Guided tours through Hearthstone are offered as well as a chance to explore the various educational exhibits. All tours are guided by trained docents who discuss the history of the house, its unique place in history, its architecture, and the families who have lived there for over 100 years. The exhibits you'll see are dedicated to Edison, his inventive legacy, electricity, and the history of hydroelectricity at the Hearthstone.
Hearthstone Historic House Museum
Appleton, Wisconsin was one of the first three cities in the world to be lit by an Edison central power station, the other two being New York and London. This was all due to Henry J. Rogers, who decided to invest in Edison’s power station in order to light two paper mills and his home. Since it became a museum in 1987, Hearthstone’s focus is to preserve the house and its artifacts to re-create a historical experience based on its Thomas A. Edison heritage for the cultural enjoyment and educational benefit of the public through its many exhibits and programs. Guided tours through Hearthstone are offered as well as a chance to explore the various educational exhibits. All tours are guided by trained docents who discuss the history of the house, its unique place in history, its architecture, and the families who have lived there for over 100 years. The exhibits you'll see are dedicated to Edison, his inventive legacy, electricity, and the history of hydroelectricity at the Hearthstone.
Исторический дом-музей Hearthstone
Эпплтон, штат Висконсин, был одним из первых трех городов в мире, освещенных центральной электростанцией Эдисона, двумя другими были Нью-Йорк и Лондон. Все это произошло благодаря Генри Дж. Роджерсу, который решил инвестировать в электростанцию ​​Эдисона, чтобы осветить две бумажные фабрики и свой дом. С тех пор как в 1987 году он стал музеем, Hearthstone стремится сохранить дом и его артефакты, чтобы воссоздать исторический опыт, основанный на его наследии Томаса А. Эдисона, для культурного удовольствия и образовательной пользы публики посредством многочисленных выставок и программ. Предлагаются экскурсии по Hearthstone, а также возможность познакомиться с различными образовательными экспонатами. Все экскурсии проводятся обученными доцентами, которые рассказывают об истории дома, его уникальном месте в истории, его архитектуре и семьях, которые жили здесь более 100 лет. Экспонаты, которые вы увидите, посвящены Эдисону, его изобретательскому наследию, электричеству и истории гидроэнергетики в Hearthstone.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (18)
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Nov 2022
The tour was absolutely fantastic. Our guide was incredibly knowledgeable and enthusiastic and the home itself is wonderful. My girlfriend and I had a marvelous time.
Oct 2022
Amazing historical home to see in Appleton. Just celebrated its 140 year anniversary. Great to see the refurbishment bringing back the 1880s. Edison brought hydroelectricity to the area.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Gregory- Thanks for the kind words. We appreciate the community that supports us from all over the world, and strive to offer the best experience whether it is an event, tour, or educational program.
Oct 2022
Our tour guide Judi was knowledgeable and friendly. We were brought back in time and now understand this was setting a new standard for quality of life while building a new industry and creating future jobs for decades.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thanks for the great words, Karen. We are so glad you enjoyed it.

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