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Основные моменты комбинации Нового Орлеана и Болота

Частный автомобильный тур по Новому Орлеану
Тур на воздушной лодке по болоту
Роскошный автомобиль
Полностью озвученный
Познакомьтесь с историческим Новым Орлеаном и величественными болотами южной Луизианы. Древние болота южной Луизианы, которые считаются красивыми и угрожающими, уже давно пленили писатели, историки и путешественники.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $520.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $520.00
Что включено
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Transport by Private Luxury Vehicle
Driver/Tour Guide
Airboat Fees
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Transport by Private Luxury Vehicle
Driver/Tour Guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Все пассажиры ростом ДОЛЖНЫ быть 51 фут для Airboat
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярно проводится дезинфекция транспортных средств.
Что ожидать
French Quarter
Founded by the French in 1718, the Quarter is New Orleans’oldest neighborhood. Touched by centuries of influence from across the globe, the Vieux Carré tells ages-old stories of trade, pirates, voodoo and even vampires. This neighborhood’s history traces back to Europe and beyond, and these influences are lasting in today’s French Quarter culture
Bayou Segnette State Park
We will then head down to the bayous where you will take a 1hour and 45 min. Airboat Swamp Adventure. Experience an indelible part of the state's past, present and future, visit the mysterious and exquisite swamps throughout south Louisiana, home to one of the planet's richest and most diverse ecosystems. Perceived as beautiful and menacing, south Louisiana's ancient swamps have long captivated writers, historians and travelers. Modern-day explorers still have an intense curiosity about the beauty found in Louisiana swamps—the untouched nature and groves of gnarled cypress trees dripping with lush Spanish moss.
Garden District
The area was originally developed between 1832 and 1900 and is considered one of the best-preserved collections of historic mansions in the Southern United States. The 19th-century origins of the Garden District illustrate wealthy newcomers building opulent structures based upon the prosperity of New Orleans in that era
French Quarter
Founded by the French in 1718, the Quarter is New Orleans’oldest neighborhood. Touched by centuries of influence from across the globe, the Vieux Carré tells ages-old stories of trade, pirates, voodoo and even vampires. This neighborhood’s history traces back to Europe and beyond, and these influences are lasting in today’s French Quarter culture
Bayou Segnette State Park
We will then head down to the bayous where you will take a 1hour and 45 min. Airboat Swamp Adventure. Experience an indelible part of the state's past, present and future, visit the mysterious and exquisite swamps throughout south Louisiana, home to one of the planet's richest and most diverse ecosystems. Perceived as beautiful and menacing, south Louisiana's ancient swamps have long captivated writers, historians and travelers. Modern-day explorers still have an intense curiosity about the beauty found in Louisiana swamps—the untouched nature and groves of gnarled cypress trees dripping with lush Spanish moss.
Garden District
The area was originally developed between 1832 and 1900 and is considered one of the best-preserved collections of historic mansions in the Southern United States. The 19th-century origins of the Garden District illustrate wealthy newcomers building opulent structures based upon the prosperity of New Orleans in that era
French Quarter
Founded by the French in 1718, the Quarter is New Orleans’oldest neighborhood. Touched by centuries of influence from across the globe, the Vieux Carré tells ages-old stories of trade, pirates, voodoo and even vampires. This neighborhood’s history traces back to Europe and beyond, and these influences are lasting in today’s French Quarter culture
Bayou Segnette State Park
We will then head down to the bayous where you will take a 1hour and 45 min. Airboat Swamp Adventure. Experience an indelible part of the state's past, present and future, visit the mysterious and exquisite swamps throughout south Louisiana, home to one of the planet's richest and most diverse ecosystems. Perceived as beautiful and menacing, south Louisiana's ancient swamps have long captivated writers, historians and travelers. Modern-day explorers still have an intense curiosity about the beauty found in Louisiana swamps—the untouched nature and groves of gnarled cypress trees dripping with lush Spanish moss.
Garden District
The area was originally developed between 1832 and 1900 and is considered one of the best-preserved collections of historic mansions in the Southern United States. The 19th-century origins of the Garden District illustrate wealthy newcomers building opulent structures based upon the prosperity of New Orleans in that era
Французский квартал
Квартал, основанный французами в 1718 году, является старейшим районом Нового Орлеана. Тронутый веками влияния со всего мира, Vieux Carré рассказывает вековые истории торговли, пиратов, вуду и даже вампиров. История этого района восходит к Европе и за ее пределами, и это влияние сохраняется в современной культуре Французского квартала.
Государственный парк Байу-Сегнетт
Затем мы направимся к заливу, где вы проведете 1 час 45 минут. Болотное приключение на воздушной лодке. Испытайте неизгладимую часть прошлого, настоящего и будущего штата, посетите загадочные и изысканные болота на юге Луизианы, где обитает одна из самых богатых и разнообразных экосистем планеты. Древние болота южной Луизианы, считающиеся красивыми и угрожающими, давно привлекали внимание писателей, историков и путешественников. Современные исследователи по-прежнему испытывают сильное любопытство к красоте болот Луизианы — нетронутой природе и рощам корявых кипарисов, покрытых пышным испанским мхом.
Садовый район
Первоначально этот район был застроен между 1832 и 1900 годами и считается одним из наиболее хорошо сохранившихся коллекций исторических особняков на юге Соединенных Штатов. Происхождение Садового района в 19 веке иллюстрирует, как богатые новички строят роскошные постройки на основе процветания Нового Орлеана в ту эпоху.
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Отзывы (1)
Aug 2021
Honestly, if you want a true feel of NOLA, go with Michaela. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and fun. We booked a private tour with her. It was my husband, son and myself. Private tour is the way to go!! She picked us up in a beautiful new Expedition XL, which fit us perfectly. My husband is 6’4 and needs the extra room. We did a little cruising of the city before we went on a swamp boat tour (which was a HUGE highlight for my 15 year old son). We saw several alligators as well despite it being so hot out on the bayou. We went to city park and had beignets from would famous Cafe Du Monde. We sat and drank some coffee, talked and then walked around the park. We continued to other districts of the city, places only a local would know. We even stopped through a cemetery and heard about the history of how and why cemeteries are above ground. Heard so much history! She had my son engaged, and let’s face it, at this age, that’s hard to do! Michaela is hilarious, well versed in the NOLA culture and just fun to be around! I can’t say enough good things about our tour and Michaela. Thank you again Michaela!

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