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Обзорный круиз по реке Гудзон из Кингстона

Эта экскурсия предоставляет пассажирам возможность увидеть историческую береговую линию из первых рук с палуб Rip Van Winkle II. Круиз начинается в самом сердце долины реки Гудзон в Кингстоне, штат Нью-Йорк, и предоставляет восхитительно уникальную возможность исследовать этот живописный берег.

Расслабляясь на прохладной тенистой палубе Rip Van Winkle, посетите наши напитки и закусочные для вкусных закусок. Ваш опытный гид укажет на роскошные поместья миллионеров, живописные маяки на реке Гудзон и причудливые сонные деревни, окруженные природной красотой виноградников, садов и живописных заповедников.
Город: Кэтскиллы
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $37.67
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $37.67
Что включено
Professional guide
Professional guide
Частный транспорт
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • На лодке есть нижняя закрытая палуба, средняя палуба, которая является затененной, но в остальном открытой, и верхняя палуба под открытым небом со скамейками для сидения.
  • Полностью укомплектованный бар с алкогольными и безалкогольными напитками и снэк-бар с легкими закусками такие как хот-доги и свежий попкорн можно приобрести на нижней главной палубе за свой счет.
  • Еда и напитки извне не допускаются на борт лодки
  • Здесь много сидячих мест на лодке, как внутри, так и на верхней палубе, состоящей в основном из скамеек; на основной нижней палубе есть стулья; места распределяются в порядке живой очереди, поэтому приезжайте пораньше, если хотите сесть в определенной части лодки
  • Если вы или кто-то из вашей группы находится в инвалидном кресле или имеет ограниченную подвижность, свяжитесь с туроператором, чтобы обсудить доступность
  • Маски для лица, необходимые для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица, необходимые для гидов в общественных местах
  • Бесконтактный оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (652)
Claire R
Sep 2015
Took a drive in the country and found the Rip Van Winkle. We decide to take a trip on the Hudson. It was a beautiful day and the trip was worth the price. The only thing I didn't like was the food. It was not good at all.
Sep 2015
This is such a nice way to spend a few hours. We took the cruise as part of a day trip to the Garlic Festival in Saugerties. For about $20.00 you get a smooth ride and an interesting cruise on the river. The captain narrates with information regarding the river and some of the historic mansions along the river front. An added bit of information...the lower deck is protected from the wind. The upper deck has the better views. If it's cold/rainy, stay downstairs. If not, the upper deck is the way to go. Refreshments including adult beverages are offered at the on board cafeteria. If you are in the area this is a good choice.
Lisa L
Sep 2015
We booked our reservation online the day of the trip, it was a holiday weekend and we were looking for something to do on the water. We drove an hour from our Motel to Kingston and when we arrived we found that the entire downtown area was closed off for the annual Hooley Festival and we were not able to park anywhere! We went to the shuttle lot, we waited but no shuttle ever showed up so we followed the road down and parked as close to the boat as we could and walked a half mile to the boat. We arrived at 2:30, along with a dozen other paid passengers that had a similar experience trying to park. The gate was locked and we were told we would not be allowed to board the vessel because we were late. We were given a choice to either re-book for Monday Labor Day or loose our money because the policy states no refunds. We were not given the option to book any other day because the schedule was not available to them. (they use an outside booking agent) We explained that we were not sure if we were still going to be in the area as we were traveling other places and had other plans. The agent shrugged his shoulders, nothing he could do he said. We called the reservation line the next day (Monday) and inquired about rebooking and we were told we needed to go to the boat in person because as far as they knew there was no cruise on Labor Day. We went to the boat and we were told by the same man that we would have to wait for all of the other passengers to show up and if there was any room left we could board, and he was kind enough to remind us that he had offered to rebook us the day before but we declined. when we told him they told us to go see him, he told us to call them back because there was nothing he could do. We called the reservation center back and they got on the phone with the man at the boat and low and behold we were issued tickets. The ship is clean and well maintained, and the crew on board were excellent. I enjoyed the sights and the information, but it was not at all worth the aggravation we experienced getting on the boat!

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