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Приключения на собачьих упряжках в Джексон Хоул

Добавьте незабываемых впечатлений в свой отпуск в Джексон-Хоул, посетив эту зимнюю страну чудес в сопровождении собачьей упряжки. Пока вы уютно себя чувствуете в санях, команда рабочих ездовых собак вместе с вашим погонщиком отправит вас в захватывающую дух поездку по величественной речной долине с непревзойденным видом на Титоны. На тропах, предназначенных для немоторизованного движения, почти слышны голоса французских звероловов.
Город: Джексон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $199.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $199.00
Что включено
Use of Sled
Use of Sled
Use of Sled
Награжден достопримечательностью года в Луизиане 2018 г.
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (39)
Dec 2022
The reason why people book an adventure/tour is to have an unforgettable experience, but unfortunately thanks to one of the tour guides that's not what we have. We arrived at the cafe and one of the ladies show us the way to the sledding and to our guides. My husband and I were in different sledding. Justin (my husband's tour guide) don't even greet at us and was rushing us the entire time. He said we will stop multiple times for pics and stop only once. As we were on the activity Justin was unable to keep control of the dogs, most likely we were stopping every 100 meters. My tour guide Taylor was very professional and friendly the whole time. At some point it was annoying having to stop that often due to the lack of control from Justin, so Taylor suggest him to move my husband to the sledding behind us which dogs were not having issues, to what he replied yelling in a very aggressive way: "Don't tell me how to do my job, I'm already frustrated". I was shock by his attitude and lack of cooperation. This is a once in a life experience and we paid a lot of money for it. Our satisfaction as customers should be the priority, not the frustration of an employee.
Dec 2022
The staff was very friendly. It was fun. The food at the cafe was good. The little puppies were so cute.
Dec 2022
This was one of the most remarkable and memorable things we have ever experienced. The staff was friendly and exuberant about our booking and made sure that we were fully taken care of while enjoying out time. We will be back.
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