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Вход на плантацию магнолии и тур с транспортом из Чарльстона

Наслаждайтесь этим 4,5-часовым туром по плантации магнолий и увидите, что плантация выдержала испытание временем, начиная с 1676 года. Одна из самых важных исторических достопримечательностей Америки, вы будете путешествовать с комфортом на борту автобуса с кондиционером. Этот тур проводится под руководством знающего и профессионального гида, который может перенести вас в прошлое.
Город: Чарльстон
Fri 21 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $75.33
Fri 21 Mar
Начинается с $75.33
Что включено
Round-Trip Transportation Aboard Air-Conditioned Vehicle
Admission to Magnolia Plantation in Charleston
See wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation
Enjoy a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden
Professional Guide
30-Minute Tour of Magnolia Plantation Historic Home
45-Minute Narrated Nature Tram Ride through the Audubon Swamp Gardens
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Тур не рекомендуется для детей младше 3 лет.
  • Напитки можно приобрести на плантации магнолий
  • Не подходит для инвалидных колясок, но мы можем разместить лица с ограниченной подвижностью, если им может помочь компаньон.
  • Домашние животные запрещены. Допускаются служебные животные.
  • Дресс-код: повседневный
  • Пожалуйста, прибудьте за 15 минут до отправления
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Бесконтактная обработка оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг.
  • В настоящее время требуются маски для лица.
Что ожидать
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Плантации и сады магнолий
История и красота плантации магнолии выдержали испытание временем. Кроме того, это единственная плантация на реке Эшли, которая пережила американскую революцию и гражданскую войну. Это одна из старейших плантаций на юге, которую также называют самым красивым садом Америки. Этот тур с гидом по плантации магнолии включает в себя поездку туда и обратно на наших автобусах с климат-контролем. Все входные билеты включены в стоимость этого 4,5-часового тура и позволят вам сделать шаг назад во времени, чтобы вы могли испытать невероятную историю Магнолии. В этом туре вы совершите 45-минутную поездку на трамвае мимо хижин рабов, через болота, рисовые поля и увидите диких животных, таких как аллигаторы, белые цапли, цапли и черепахи, на плантации площадью почти 600 акров и посетите сад. Вы также получите экскурсию по последнему крупному романтическому саду Америки, который также известен как самый красивый сад Америки.
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Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (402)
Sep 2022
The history of the plantation and of Charleston was most interesting. There were several period pieces of furniture in the house. This was the only plantation we saw on this long weekend trip, so have no local comparison. The grounds were massive and we saw some wildlife including a baby alligator in one of the lakes.
Sep 2022
Wonderful tour, tour guide was very informative on the 30 minute drive out to the Plantation. We had a nice walking tour of the Gardens and then the tram ride around the whole property. Had a break after that and had lunch at the food stand at the Plantation and it was wonderful. I had the hot ham and Pimento cheese on sour dough bread, it was yummy. Then we got a tour of the inside of the plantation home. We felt as if we got our money's worth on this tour and we enjoyed it. We were back in town and dropped off by 3:30 which gave us time to get cleaned up and off to another fine dinner in Charleston.
Sep 2022
Great tour. The guide Lisa was very knowledgeable about Charleston history. The tour of the house was great and our guide told us a lot if history. The trolley ride was very humid.

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