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Новый Орлеан: местные жители едят это! Гастрономический тур

Этот местный гастрономический тур проводится местным жителем с более чем 200-летней семейной историей, семья которой работает в пищевой промышленности с начала 1800-х годов! Мы отправимся во все местные любимые горячие точки, чтобы попробовать удивительные блюда (4-5), проверенные временем и местными вкусовыми рецепторами, вы можете попробовать муффулетту, Po-Boys, устриц на гриле, раков, гамбо, бенье, пралине. и многое другое!
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $185.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $185.00
Что включено
Tastings of several delicious local dishes! Come hungry, you will be full by the end of the tour :-)
Tastings of several delicious local dishes! Come hungry, you will be full by the end of the tour :-)
Tastings of several delicious local dishes! Come hungry, you will be full by the end of the tour :-)
ужин в честь Дня Благодарения
Tastings of several delicious local dishes! Come hungry, you will be full by the end of the tour :-)
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослого.
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
Что ожидать
French Market
Here we will try local favorites! This is where my great great great grandpa got his first job after immigrating from France!
Faubourg Marigny
To work up an appetite after trying local dishes at the French market we cross over into the Faubourg Marigny to check out Frenchmen Street that is known for its local live music.
Jackson Square
We will walk from the Mississippi river to Jackson Square where we will be able to see the St Louis Basilica, Presbytere, Cabildo and Cafe du Monde, this is the place del' Arms of New Orleans.
Frenchmen Street
Here we often end our tour with one of my favorite drinks, it's a daiquiri with an Irish twist! Frenchmen Street is where many local musicians play and where you can find many local residents in the evening hours dancing and enjoying live jazz, soul, funk, zydeco and my favorite the brass bands out on the street.
French Market
Here we will try local favorites! This is where my great great great grandpa got his first job after immigrating from France!
Faubourg Marigny
To work up an appetite after trying local dishes at the French market we cross over into the Faubourg Marigny to check out Frenchmen Street that is known for its local live music.
Jackson Square
We will walk from the Mississippi river to Jackson Square where we will be able to see the St Louis Basilica, Presbytere, Cabildo and Cafe du Monde, this is the place del' Arms of New Orleans.
Frenchmen Street
Here we often end our tour with one of my favorite drinks, it's a daiquiri with an Irish twist! Frenchmen Street is where many local musicians play and where you can find many local residents in the evening hours dancing and enjoying live jazz, soul, funk, zydeco and my favorite the brass bands out on the street.
French Market
Here we will try local favorites! This is where my great great great grandpa got his first job after immigrating from France!
Faubourg Marigny
To work up an appetite after trying local dishes at the French market we cross over into the Faubourg Marigny to check out Frenchmen Street that is known for its local live music.
Jackson Square
We will walk from the Mississippi river to Jackson Square where we will be able to see the St Louis Basilica, Presbytere, Cabildo and Cafe du Monde, this is the place del' Arms of New Orleans.
Frenchmen Street
Here we often end our tour with one of my favorite drinks, it's a daiquiri with an Irish twist! Frenchmen Street is where many local musicians play and where you can find many local residents in the evening hours dancing and enjoying live jazz, soul, funk, zydeco and my favorite the brass bands out on the street.
French Market
Here we will try local favorites! This is where my great great great grandpa got his first job after immigrating from France!
Faubourg Marigny
To work up an appetite after trying local dishes at the French market we cross over into the Faubourg Marigny to check out Frenchmen Street that is known for its local live music.
Jackson Square
We will walk from the Mississippi river to Jackson Square where we will be able to see the St Louis Basilica, Presbytere, Cabildo and Cafe du Monde, this is the place del' Arms of New Orleans.
Frenchmen Street
Here we often end our tour with one of my favorite drinks, it's a daiquiri with an Irish twist! Frenchmen Street is where many local musicians play and where you can find many local residents in the evening hours dancing and enjoying live jazz, soul, funk, zydeco and my favorite the brass bands out on the street.
Французский рынок
Здесь мы попробуем местные фавориты! Здесь мой прапрапрадедушка получил свою первую работу после иммиграции из Франции!
Фобур Мариньи
Чтобы нагулять аппетит после дегустации местных блюд на французском рынке, мы отправимся в Faubourg Marigny, чтобы заглянуть на Frenchmen Street, известную своей местной живой музыкой.
Мы пройдем от реки Миссисипи до площади Джексона, где мы сможем увидеть Базилику Святого Луи, Пресвитер, Кабильдо и Кафе дю Монд, это место дель Герб Нового Орлеана.
Улица французов
Здесь мы часто заканчиваем нашу экскурсию одним из моих любимых напитков, это дайкири с ирландским оттенком! Улица французов — это место, где играют многие местные музыканты, а в вечерние часы вы можете найти множество местных жителей, танцующих и наслаждающихся живым джазом, соулом, фанком, зайдеко и моими любимыми духовыми оркестрами на улице.
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Отзывы (2)
Apr 2021
Leanne was great with the history and heritage of the city. Her passion for New Orleans was evident from the beginning. I would love to give 5 stars but cannot because I feel like the tour that was advertised was not the one that we received. The eating part was 100%..... the tour destinations that are listed with viator are NOT what we did. We did not go to St Roch cemetery or market. We had a first time visitor that really wanted to visit both of these and this is the reason that we picked this tour. We have friends that live near St Roch and we know that it is open.
Ответ от хоста
May 2021
I'm glad you enjoyed the food and I am sorry we didn't visit St. Roch, most of the food vendors are no longer in business because of Covid-19 but I'm hoping the market will be a great place to try New Orleans dishes in the future.
Nov 2020
We had a wonderful time with Leanne. She is fun and energetic and offered several times to help with recommendations since it was our first time visiting. All the food was awesome and she gave us a great introduction to the neighborhoods. Praline cream filled beignets. Yum. It looks like we will be coming back next year to spend more time in the areas she took us to. I would highly recommend Leanne and will look at her other tours for next time. Ivy Edmonds-Hess

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