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Экскурсия по рабству и подземной железной дороге Нью-Йорка

Узнайте о вкладе порабощенных людей в жизнь Нью-Йорка, включая смелые восстания против угнетения. Затем откройте для себя захватывающую историю Подземной железной дороги, сети тайных маршрутов и убежищ, которые порабощенные афроамериканцы использовали в первую очередь для бегства в свободные штаты и Канаду.

Посетите археологические раскопки и мемориал, посвященный памяти порабощенных Африканцы в колониальной Америке. Посетите место бывшей станции метрополитена. Узнайте о восстаниях, похищениях и драматических побегах, которые произошли в эпоху американского рабства. Послушайте рассказы о мужестве и триумфе и узнайте истории реальных жителей Нью-Йорка, которые рисковали своими жизнями и имуществом, чтобы помочь людям избежать рабства, во время этой исторической пешеходной экскурсии по Нью-Йорку.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 12 Mar
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Начинается с $35.00
Wed 12 Mar
Начинается с $35.00
Что включено
Local guide
Local guide
Local guide
Local guide
Local guide
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  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
Что ожидать
National Museum of the American Indian
(Exterior Visit) Built in 1907, Alexander Hamilton Custom House stands as a Beaux-Arts treasure commemorating the rise of trade and commerce in NYC with 3 floors of art and artifacts dedicated to Native Americans.
Battery Park
For more than 200 years, The Battery has been an invaluable part of New York City’s history. Decades before Ellis Island was built or the Statue of Liberty gazed down at incoming boats, millions of newcomers arrived at The Battery from Europe and elsewhere.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
(Exterior Visit) The location played a prominent role in history before, during, and after the American Revolution.
Wall Street
An actual wall existed on the street from 1685 to 1699. The heart of the financial system and the former location of the Wall was built by enslaved people.
Foley Square
Foley Square is the location of the “Triumph of the Human Spirit,” a sculpture honoring the presence of enslaved people in New York.
African Burial Ground National Monument
African Burial Ground and memorial is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in New York documenting the lives of enslaved people in New York.
National Museum of the American Indian
(Exterior Visit) Built in 1907, Alexander Hamilton Custom House stands as a Beaux-Arts treasure commemorating the rise of trade and commerce in NYC with 3 floors of art and artifacts dedicated to Native Americans.
Battery Park
For more than 200 years, The Battery has been an invaluable part of New York City’s history. Decades before Ellis Island was built or the Statue of Liberty gazed down at incoming boats, millions of newcomers arrived at The Battery from Europe and elsewhere.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
(Exterior Visit) The location played a prominent role in history before, during, and after the American Revolution.
Wall Street
An actual wall existed on the street from 1685 to 1699. The heart of the financial system and the former location of the Wall was built by enslaved people.
Foley Square
Foley Square is the location of the “Triumph of the Human Spirit,” a sculpture honoring the presence of enslaved people in New York.
African Burial Ground National Monument
African Burial Ground and memorial is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in New York documenting the lives of enslaved people in New York.
National Museum of the American Indian
(Exterior Visit) Built in 1907, Alexander Hamilton Custom House stands as a Beaux-Arts treasure commemorating the rise of trade and commerce in NYC with 3 floors of art and artifacts dedicated to Native Americans.
Battery Park
For more than 200 years, The Battery has been an invaluable part of New York City’s history. Decades before Ellis Island was built or the Statue of Liberty gazed down at incoming boats, millions of newcomers arrived at The Battery from Europe and elsewhere.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
(Exterior Visit) The location played a prominent role in history before, during, and after the American Revolution.
Wall Street
An actual wall existed on the street from 1685 to 1699. The heart of the financial system and the former location of the Wall was built by enslaved people.
Foley Square
Foley Square is the location of the “Triumph of the Human Spirit,” a sculpture honoring the presence of enslaved people in New York.
African Burial Ground National Monument
African Burial Ground and memorial is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in New York documenting the lives of enslaved people in New York.
National Museum of the American Indian
(Exterior Visit) Built in 1907, Alexander Hamilton Custom House stands as a Beaux-Arts treasure commemorating the rise of trade and commerce in NYC with 3 floors of art and artifacts dedicated to Native Americans.
Battery Park
For more than 200 years, The Battery has been an invaluable part of New York City’s history. Decades before Ellis Island was built or the Statue of Liberty gazed down at incoming boats, millions of newcomers arrived at The Battery from Europe and elsewhere.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
(Exterior Visit) The location played a prominent role in history before, during, and after the American Revolution.
Wall Street
An actual wall existed on the street from 1685 to 1699. The heart of the financial system and the former location of the Wall was built by enslaved people.
Foley Square
Foley Square is the location of the “Triumph of the Human Spirit,” a sculpture honoring the presence of enslaved people in New York.
African Burial Ground National Monument
African Burial Ground and memorial is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in New York documenting the lives of enslaved people in New York.
Национальный музей американских индейцев
(Внешний вид) Таможня Александра Гамильтона, построенная в 1907 году, представляет собой сокровище изящных искусств, посвященное подъему торговли и коммерции в Нью-Йорке, с 3 этажами произведений искусства и артефактов, посвященных коренным американцам.
Бэттери Парк
Уже более 200 лет The Battery является бесценной частью истории Нью-Йорка. За десятилетия до того, как был построен остров Эллис или Статуя Свободы смотрела вниз на приближающиеся лодки, миллионы новичков прибыли в Бэттери из Европы и других мест.
Музей таверны Фраансес
(Внешний вид) Это место играло важную роль в истории до, во время и после американской революции.
Настоящая стена существовала на улице с 1685 по 1699 год. Сердце финансовой системы и прежнее место Стены было построено порабощенными людьми.
На площади Фоли находится «Триумф человеческого духа», скульптура в честь присутствия порабощенных людей в Нью-Йорке.
Национальный памятник Африканское кладбище
Африканское кладбище и мемориал - старейшее и крупнейшее из известных раскопанных захоронений в Нью-Йорке, в которых задокументирована жизнь порабощенных людей в Нью-Йорке.
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Отзывы (300)
Natasha W
Aug 2013

Great tour, learned alot. Tour guide was great, knew what he was talking about. Only downside would be the group was quite large.

Dorothy C
Jul 2013

this is a very interesting tour. the guide was clearly a historian of the time with a personal commitment to this period of history and civil rights generally. I wanted to learn more about New York's origins and I did. It was great to hear the story from a perspective that is normally hidden. I'm very glad I signed up for it.

lorian F
Feb 2013

Fantastic tour. Every visitor to NYC should do this tour. Such interesting history.

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