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Чартер частной лодки в Нью-Йорке (до 6 пассажиров)

Непревзойденный опыт осмотра достопримечательностей в нью-йоркской гавани! Наслаждайтесь городом с отличной точки зрения и сфотографируйте всемирно известный горизонт на той же лодке, зафрахтованной медиа-агентствами, чтобы освещать последние новости! Наша приключенческая обзорная экскурсия «ЧАСТНЫЙ ЧАРТЕР» доставит вашу группу до 6 пассажиров в незабываемую поездку по гавани. Рассказанный тур указывает на более чем 40 достопримечательностей на местных водных путях. Вы познакомитесь с городом с уникальных точек обзора, тщательно выбранных с учетом интересов фотографа. Мы проведем вас в нескольких шагах от основных достопримечательностей и создадим достаточное расстояние, чтобы увидеть панораму горизонта. Наши капитаны останавливают лодку во многих местах по пути, чтобы дать вам возможность сделать знаковые фотографии. Это идеальный способ ознакомиться с географией Нью-Йорка во время вашего визита и доставить массу удовольствия как туристам, так и местным жителям!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 19 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $699.00
Wed 19 Feb
Начинается с $699.00
Что включено
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Local taxes
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Local taxes
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Local taxes
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Варианты общественного транспорта доступно поблизости
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Минимальный возраст – 5 лет.
  • В случае пропуска тура/мероприятия из-за вашего позднего прибытия возврат денежных средств не производится.
  • Никаких высоких каблуков; только обувь на плоской подошве.
  • Рекомендуется: возьмите с собой солнцезащитные очки и камеру!
Что ожидать
New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours
- Guests shall arrive our dock at North Cove Marina 15 minutes prior to departure. - Our captains provide a safety briefing before you board the boat. - Each guest is offered our tactical-weather gear for additional warmth before boarding. - All tours are narrated in English and must depart right on time. - The captain stops the boat along the route to point out sites and gives you the opportunity to take great photos. - New York Media Boat reserves the right to cancel a trip due to unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be issued. There is no refund for customers who do not show up for their scheduled departure. Our Route We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. Going north on the Hudson, you'll see the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, the Highline, and the Jacob Javits Convention Center, before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.  We then cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline. From Hoboken, we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower. Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal, and around Governors Island. Crossing the Upper Bay, you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops, the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours
- Guests shall arrive our dock at North Cove Marina 15 minutes prior to departure. - Our captains provide a safety briefing before you board the boat. - Each guest is offered our tactical-weather gear for additional warmth before boarding. - All tours are narrated in English and must depart right on time. - The captain stops the boat along the route to point out sites and gives you the opportunity to take great photos. - New York Media Boat reserves the right to cancel a trip due to unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be issued. There is no refund for customers who do not show up for their scheduled departure. Our Route We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. Going north on the Hudson, you'll see the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, the Highline, and the Jacob Javits Convention Center, before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.  We then cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline. From Hoboken, we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower. Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal, and around Governors Island. Crossing the Upper Bay, you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops, the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours
- Guests shall arrive our dock at North Cove Marina 15 minutes prior to departure. - Our captains provide a safety briefing before you board the boat. - Each guest is offered our tactical-weather gear for additional warmth before boarding. - All tours are narrated in English and must depart right on time. - The captain stops the boat along the route to point out sites and gives you the opportunity to take great photos. - New York Media Boat reserves the right to cancel a trip due to unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be issued. There is no refund for customers who do not show up for their scheduled departure. Our Route We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. Going north on the Hudson, you'll see the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, the Highline, and the Jacob Javits Convention Center, before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.  We then cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline. From Hoboken, we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower. Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal, and around Governors Island. Crossing the Upper Bay, you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops, the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours
- Guests shall arrive our dock at North Cove Marina 15 minutes prior to departure. - Our captains provide a safety briefing before you board the boat. - Each guest is offered our tactical-weather gear for additional warmth before boarding. - All tours are narrated in English and must depart right on time. - The captain stops the boat along the route to point out sites and gives you the opportunity to take great photos. - New York Media Boat reserves the right to cancel a trip due to unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be issued. There is no refund for customers who do not show up for their scheduled departure. Our Route We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. Going north on the Hudson, you'll see the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, the Highline, and the Jacob Javits Convention Center, before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.  We then cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline. From Hoboken, we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower. Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal, and around Governors Island. Crossing the Upper Bay, you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops, the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
New York Media Boat /Приключенческие экскурсии
- Гости должны прибыть на наш причал в пристани для яхт Норт-Коув за 15 минут до отправления. - Наши капитаны проводят инструктаж по технике безопасности перед тем, как вы сядете на лодку. - Каждому гостю предлагается наше тактическое снаряжение для дополнительного тепла перед посадкой. - Все туры рассказываются на английском языке и должны отправляться вовремя. - Капитан останавливает лодку на маршруте, чтобы указать места и дать вам возможность сделать отличные фотографии. - New York Media Boat оставляет за собой право отменить поездку из-за небезопасных погодных условий или других непредвиденных обстоятельств, в этом случае будет произведен полный возврат средств. Для клиентов, которые не явились на запланированный отъезд, возврат средств не производится. Наш маршрут Мы покинем Манхэттен и направимся к реке Гудзон, чтобы полюбоваться захватывающим видом на центр города и центр города со зданиями Эмпайр Стейт и Крайслер. Направляясь на север по Гудзону, вы увидите пожарную станцию ​​FDNY, пирсы Челси, VIP-вертодром, проект Hudson Yards, Хайлайн и конференц-центр Джейкоба Джавитса, а затем остановитесь у авианосца Intrepid и терминала круизных лайнеров. Затем мы переходим к береговой линии Нью-Джерси и бежим на юг, чтобы полюбоваться панорамным видом на весь горизонт. Из Хобокена мы возвращаемся на Манхэттен и останавливаемся прямо перед Финансовым кварталом и Башней Свободы. Обогнув Бэттери-парк, мы въезжаем в Ист-Ривер, где вы увидите взлетающие и приземляющиеся вертолеты, пока мы плывем мимо морского порта Саут-Стрит, проходим под Бруклинским мостом и к Манхэттенскому мосту. Насладившись культовыми видами, мы бежим вдоль набережной Бруклина, мимо контейнерного терминала Ред-Хук и вокруг Губернаторского острова. Пересекая Верхний залив, вы увидите коммерческие суда, такие как буксиры, нефтяные баржи и паром на Статен-Айленд, по пути к Статуе Свободы. Мы останавливаемся прямо за пределами зоны безопасности, чтобы вы могли вблизи и беспрепятственно увидеть Леди Свободу. Возвращаясь на Манхэттен, мы минуем остров Эллис, и вам откроется прекрасный вид на весь всемирно известный городской пейзаж Нью-Йорка. Мы надеемся приветствовать вас на борту! На каждой из наших 12 экскурсионных остановок капитан размещает лодку так, чтобы каждый гость мог сделать идеальное фото и помогал гостям с любыми запросами на фото.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (31)
Jun 2022
We had a great time, Sean, our Capitan was fun. Seats were excellent, the ride comfortable and exciting.
Jun 2022
Great tour. Pat was a fantastic captain (guide). An excellent way to get up close to sights like the Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty. Highly recommend.
May 2022
Excellent way to get a good feel for where everything is and a great way to see the sights with added information from the pilot.

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