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Частное чтение Таро - для групп или индивидуальных авантюристов

Персонализированное внимание один на один в группе может быть как питательным, так и глубоко значимым. Мы приезжаем к вам, поэтому вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы вовремя выйти из дома! Обратите внимание, что за места, расположенные более чем в 10 милях от центра Эшвилла, взимается дополнительная плата за проезд.
Город: Эшвилл
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $85.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $85.00
Что включено
Tarot Reading
Tarot Reading
Tarot Reading
Легкие закуски и бутылки с водой включены.
Маршрут и карта
Место встречи
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Центр города Эшвилл
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Снаряжение и оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Сопровождающие должны регулярно мыться руки
Что ожидать
Pack Square Park
We'll come to you at your home or accommodations or will meet you at a local tea house or lovely city park! Your group reading will begin with an intention-setting, guided meditation. From there, each participant will enjoy a professional reading of the cards whose symbolism and possible messages will be interpreted by the reader. The question the card is meant to address is, “What is it that I need to focus on at this moment to take the next step towards realizing my heart’s desire?” This is a lovely experience to share with a group as messages for a single participant often resonate with others in the group as well. Readings are not intended to foresee the future. Instead, a group tarot reading takes a closer look at the resources you currently have available to you and examines past patterns that may be relevant to your current path. Enjoy this unique way to deepen conversation and connection with yourself and your crew!
Pack Square Park
We'll come to you at your home or accommodations or will meet you at a local tea house or lovely city park! Your group reading will begin with an intention-setting, guided meditation. From there, each participant will enjoy a professional reading of the cards whose symbolism and possible messages will be interpreted by the reader. The question the card is meant to address is, “What is it that I need to focus on at this moment to take the next step towards realizing my heart’s desire?” This is a lovely experience to share with a group as messages for a single participant often resonate with others in the group as well. Readings are not intended to foresee the future. Instead, a group tarot reading takes a closer look at the resources you currently have available to you and examines past patterns that may be relevant to your current path. Enjoy this unique way to deepen conversation and connection with yourself and your crew!
Pack Square Park
We'll come to you at your home or accommodations or will meet you at a local tea house or lovely city park! Your group reading will begin with an intention-setting, guided meditation. From there, each participant will enjoy a professional reading of the cards whose symbolism and possible messages will be interpreted by the reader. The question the card is meant to address is, “What is it that I need to focus on at this moment to take the next step towards realizing my heart’s desire?” This is a lovely experience to share with a group as messages for a single participant often resonate with others in the group as well. Readings are not intended to foresee the future. Instead, a group tarot reading takes a closer look at the resources you currently have available to you and examines past patterns that may be relevant to your current path. Enjoy this unique way to deepen conversation and connection with yourself and your crew!
Пак Сквер Парк
Мы приедем к вам домой или в квартиру или встретим вас в местной чайхане или прекрасном городском парке! Ваше групповое чтение начнется с установки намерения и управляемой медитации. Оттуда каждый участник получит удовольствие от профессионального чтения карт, символика и возможные сообщения которых будут интерпретированы читателем. Карта предназначена для ответа на вопрос: «На чем мне нужно сосредоточиться в данный момент, чтобы сделать следующий шаг к реализации желания моего сердца?» Это прекрасный опыт, которым можно поделиться с группой, поскольку сообщения для одного участника часто находят отклик и у других в группе. Чтения не предназначены для того, чтобы предвидеть будущее. Вместо этого групповое чтение Таро более внимательно рассматривает ресурсы, которые у вас есть в настоящее время, и исследует прошлые модели, которые могут иметь отношение к вашему текущему пути. Наслаждайтесь этим уникальным способом углубить разговор и установить связь с собой и своей командой!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (6)
Nov 2022
The tarot reader came to our Airbnb which was really nice. She took her time with each person and was very knowledgeable. Definitely a fun experience!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for taking the time to write a review about your tarot reading here in Asheville! We are so glad you had a nice time. Our tarot readers are all very connected with the cards and have so much valuable information to share. I hope we get to see you again in the future for another reading!
Bobbie B
Sep 2022
The group tarot card reading was the highlight of my Asheville trip. Cassie was such a calming soul. Her readings aligned with our lives so well, we thought she had surely read our online profile pages. The next time we do a tarot reading (there WILL be a next time), I would audio record it. It’s hard to remember all of the card explanations and great interpretations when you’re taking it all in. We did a 20% tip. Well worth it!
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Bobbie-- this is THE best review we could ask for and we couldn't be more thrilled about your experience! The online profile line made us laugh our loud :) Readings can often be such truth tellers and your experience is a testament to that! Look forward to sharing your words with Cassie and we can't wait to have you back in person (or virtually!) for another reading soon!
Jul 2022
Mary was absolutely fabulous!!! She made the experience a 10/10. It was comfortable, fun, and so insightful. Everyone's reading was really spot on and we had such a great time getting to know Mary. Thank you so much for making it special!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Wow! I am so glad that you all had a great time with Mary at your tarot card reading. We are truly lucky to have her as a part of the team! I love to hear that her readings were insightful and left an impact on you all! We strive to offer deep and meaningful experiences. Please join us again if you are ever in the area!

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