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Частный тур по горе Рашмор, петле дикой природы государственного парка Кастер и сумасшедшей лошади

Это частный тур и автомобиль, предназначенный исключительно для вашей группы. Мы любим принимать наших гостей и показывать им места, которые вы не увидите большой компанией. Для нас естественно хвастаться Черными холмами и бесплодными землями.

Наши гиды – это хозяева, учителя, экскурсоводы и замечательные представители этого региона. Travel South Dakota вручил нашей компании награду года в сфере гостеприимства. Перед бронированием ознакомьтесь с нашими онлайн-отзывами Google.

Вы получите гораздо больше, чем ожидали, и отлично проведете время. Добро пожаловать в Южную Дакоту!
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• Отправляйтесь только в места Блэк-Хиллз и Бесплодных земель. наши гиды знают.

Город: Рапид Сити
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $249.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $249.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Private transportation
Bottled water
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Что ожидать
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
It's only the most recognized monumental carving in the United States. You wouldn't want to miss that would you? Come see Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln in this artistic masterpiece. Learn about the men behind the concept, and the workers that made it happen.
Iron Mountain Road
Iron Mountain Road was said to be impossible to build. Let's see what it's like to drive a challenge accepted. This road goes through the Black Hills, pigtail curves bridges, and tunnels on our way to stunning views. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Custer State Park
Ready for some wildlife? How about mega-fauna like the American Bison? This is our best shot at seeing these massive and beautiful creatures on the wildlife loop of Custer State Park. Over 1500 Bison exist here, along with pronghorn, antelope, big horn sheep, ferrets, prairie dogs, and a variety of birds. We'll stop at the visitors center before proceeding into the Wildlife Loop Road.
Wildlife Loop Road
Welcome to the wildlife loop! We have binoculars ready and will be on the lookout for the great American Bison, Pronghorn (Antelope), Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Elk, Prairie Dogs, and all kinds of birds. This is the most diverse and best place to enjoy the wildlife of the Black Hills. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Mount Coolidge Fire Lookout Tower
After Custer State Park, we'll take our vehicle to the very top of an active fire lookout tower. Beautiful views can be seen from the top, and it's a favorite of guests. **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Sylvan Lake
Considered the most beautiful lake in the Black Hills, we'll stop here to take it all in. Sylvan Lake is like no other you've seen. Rock formations surround the lake, and trails head out in every direction. Americana at its best! **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Needles Highway
Threading the eye of the needle is the best part. Find out why they call this the needles parkway and be prepared to traverse a few windy roads and tunnels along the way. Who knows what you might find? **If booked in winter months, accessibility is based on road closures and weather**
Crazy Horse Memorial
Enter the culture and history before settlers arrived in the scene. This monument is dedicated to one of the most important indigenous people of the area, Crazy Horse. A courageous, and complicated warrior, he truly left his imprint upon this land. It's a fascinating story that must be told. let's visit the monument, watch a movie and make out way through some of the most interesting Native American artifacts of this land. *On certain days during the winter the museum is closed. In this case, we will view the mountain, tell the story of Crazy Horse as well as the carver of the Mountain*
Национальный мемориал на горе Рашмор
Это самая узнаваемая монументальная резьба в Соединенных Штатах. Вы бы не хотели пропустить это, не так ли? Приходите посмотреть на Вашингтона, Джефферсона, Рузвельта и Линкольна в этом художественном шедевре. Узнайте о людях, стоящих за этой концепцией, и о работниках, которые воплотили ее в жизнь.
Железная горная дорога
Говорили, что железную горную дорогу построить невозможно. Давайте посмотрим, каково это — принять вызов. Эта дорога проходит через Блэк-Хиллз, извилистые мосты и туннели на пути к потрясающим видам. **При бронировании в зимние месяцы доступность зависит от перекрытых дорог и погодных условий**
Государственный парк Кастер
Готовы к дикой природе? А как насчет мегафауны вроде американского бизона? Это наш лучший шанс увидеть этих массивных и красивых существ в петле дикой природы государственного парка Кастер. Здесь обитает более 1500 бизонов, а также вилороги, антилопы, большие рогатые овцы, хорьки, луговые собачки и множество птиц. Мы остановимся в центре для посетителей, а затем отправимся на улицу Wildlife Loop Road.
Дорога дикой природы
Добро пожаловать в петлю дикой природы! У нас готовы бинокли, и мы будем искать больших американских бизонов, вилорогов (антилоп), снежных баранов, горных козлов, лосей, луговых собачек и всех видов птиц. Это самое разнообразное и лучшее место для знакомства с дикой природой Черных Холмов. **При бронировании в зимние месяцы доступность зависит от перекрытых дорог и погодных условий**
Пожарная смотровая башня на горе Кулидж
После Государственного парка Кастер мы подъезжаем к самой вершине действующей пожарной наблюдательной вышки. С вершины открываются прекрасные виды, и она очень нравится гостям. **При бронировании в зимние месяцы доступность зависит от перекрытых дорог и погодных условий**
Сильван Лейк
Считающееся самым красивым озером в Блэк-Хиллз, мы остановимся здесь, чтобы осмотреть его все. Озеро Сильван не похоже ни на одно другое озеро, которое вы видели. Скальные образования окружают озеро, и тропы ведут во всех направлениях. Американа во всей красе! **При бронировании в зимние месяцы доступность зависит от перекрытых дорог и погодных условий**
Иглы шоссе
Заправить игольное ушко — лучшая часть. Узнайте, почему они называют это бульваром игл, и будьте готовы пересечь несколько извилистых дорог и туннелей по пути. Кто знает, что вы можете найти? **При бронировании в зимние месяцы доступность зависит от перекрытых дорог и погодных условий**
Мемориал Сумасшедшей Лошади
Окунитесь в культуру и историю до прибытия поселенцев. Этот памятник посвящен одному из самых важных коренных жителей этого района, Бешеной Лошади. Мужественный и сложный воин, он действительно оставил свой след на этой земле. Это захватывающая история, которую нужно рассказать. давайте посетим памятник, посмотрим фильм и пройдемся по некоторым из самых интересных индейских артефактов этой земли. *В определенные дни зимой музей закрыт. В этом случае мы увидим гору, расскажем историю Бешеного Коня, а также резчика Горы*
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Отзывы (62)
Alan H
Dec 2022
Dealing w/Daniel was a pure pleasure! He was super accommodating with anything we requested which made our 3 day visit all that much more special. We actually booked 2 days of 'private tours' with XO Adventures and didn't regret a single moment! Daniel took us everywhere we would have never imagined existed and I'm glad we did. He didn't leave out anything and educated us on more that we thought was even imaginably there in South Dakota. If you don't do it this way with XO, then you're going to miss out on a lot! Best experience we could have imagined and one we definitely didn't plan on so we're glad we found XO Adventures!!!
Nov 2022
Daniel with XO Adventures was concerned about the weather and if we would be able to visit the scheduled venues. Concern for our safety, excellent. Knowledgeable about area and offered information we would not have ascertained by ourselves. A private tour is the way to go. We could both view the scenery during the drive versus one of us having to concentrate on the road and the route.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
I thought this was one of the most amazing visits to the Badlands. Conditions on the night prior made for a magical winter wonderland! I enjoyed the time we spent as much as you. It was definitely an adventure, and one that required attention to safety, but wow. So many animals and so few people. It was like we had the park to ourselves. Thank you so much for leaving a review, and for including me in such a special moment. You guys were a pleasure to host, and great fun showing off one of my favorite places. Do come back again!
Oct 2022
Seeing Mt Rushmore in person and learning many extra interesting historical facts was better than we could’ve ever imagined. Dave was a terrific guide and allowed us to relax in the magnificent beauty around us.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
We very much appreciate every review! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our tours. We do our best to make the day a great experience for our guests. We offer history, geology, secrets, off-the-beaten-path places, and more, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the day. You can make the most of the experience by hiring a certified guide. Safe travels, and see you down the road!

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