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Круиз по заливу Воскресения с Лисьим островом

Окунитесь в безмятежную красоту дикой природы Аляски в этом 5-часовом круизе по Кенайским фьордам через залив Воскресения. Скользите мимо величественных гор, скалистых утесов и гигантских ледников, пока ваш круизный катер рассекает открытые воды. С помощью опытного гида по дикой природе обратите внимание на китов, морских львов и других местных диких животных. Затем насладитесь вкусным обедом на Лисьем острове. Завершите свой тур свободным временем на галечном пляже, где вы можете пропустить камни и насладиться неземными пейзажами.
Город: Сьюард
Sat 21 Sep
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Начинается с $129.23
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $129.23
Что включено
Expert wildlife guide
Expert wildlife guide
Expert wildlife guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
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  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
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  • Гидам необходимо регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнения
Что ожидать
Resurrection Bay
Kenai Fjords Tours is pleased to welcome you to picturesque Fox Island, in the heart of Resurrection Bay.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Fox Island
Your exploration of Kenai Fjords National Park is enhanced by a chance to step off the boat, stroll the beach and explore on land. This island is rich in inspiration and character.
Bear Glacier
View Bear Glacier, the Harding Icefield's largest glacier within Kenai Fjords National Park.
Resurrection Bay
Kenai Fjords Tours is pleased to welcome you to picturesque Fox Island, in the heart of Resurrection Bay.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Fox Island
Your exploration of Kenai Fjords National Park is enhanced by a chance to step off the boat, stroll the beach and explore on land. This island is rich in inspiration and character.
Bear Glacier
View Bear Glacier, the Harding Icefield's largest glacier within Kenai Fjords National Park.
Resurrection Bay
Kenai Fjords Tours is pleased to welcome you to picturesque Fox Island, in the heart of Resurrection Bay.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Fox Island
Your exploration of Kenai Fjords National Park is enhanced by a chance to step off the boat, stroll the beach and explore on land. This island is rich in inspiration and character.
Bear Glacier
View Bear Glacier, the Harding Icefield's largest glacier within Kenai Fjords National Park.
Воскресенский залив
Компания Kenai Fjords Tours рада приветствовать вас на живописном Лисьем острове, расположенном в самом сердце залива Воскресения.
Национальный парк Кенай-Фьордс
В национальном парке Кенай-Фьордс более половины суши покрыто огромным ледяным полем Хардинга, ледяной глыбой высотой в тысячу футов, которая восходит к последнему ледниковому периоду. Хардинг разливается во все стороны в виде ледников. Некоторые тянутся на северо-запад в скалистые холмы полуострова Кенай. Другие — пятеро из них, если быть точным, — достигают моря вдоль скалистого побережья залива Аляска.
Фокс Айленд
Ваше исследование национального парка Кенай-Фьордс дополняется возможностью сойти с лодки, прогуляться по пляжу и исследовать на суше. Этот остров богат вдохновением и характером.
Медвежий ледник
Посмотрите на ледник Медвежий, крупнейший ледник Хардинг Айсфилд в национальном парке Кенай-Фьордс.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (101)
Jul 2019
We took our kids (2, 7, 7, 10) on this trip and it was great. We all enjoyed the stop at Fox Island, a scene little island with a nice lunch. The food was better than I expected for such a large operation. The tour was nice. We saw sea lions, seals, otters, and a humpback whale. I really enjoyed that the boat was not overcrowded.
Jun 2019
Great crew, friendly, delicious lunch, hard and soft drinks flowing, and dedicated to find and watch sealife. Fully well narrated Bay Tour. Highly recommended.
May 2019
My hubby and I went on the tour and was in awe the entire time. The area is jaw dropping! First we headed out and got a bit out and had to return to the dock because of the boats engine problems. We were worried this would be the start to a somewhat iffy afternoon, but we were so wrong! We quickly got to the docks and changed boats. Then we quickly got to Fox island and ate a wonderful meal! Salmon and prime rib with veges and salad. We upgraded to Alaskan crab and are so glad we did! It was awesome! Hubs had never eaten crab and was pleasantly surprised! We spent approximately 1hour day on the island walking on the shore. The island is great! Straight out of a movie. The shore is covered with small, smooth, flat stones that are perfect for skipping! We then reboarded the boat for wildlife watching. Capt John and his staff were very entertaining and well educated about the area. He went straight to a humpback whale and we watched for a bit. We all were awestruck! Then we went to a group of orca whales. The was actually 2 groups of whales who were really showing off! The whales (approx 20) lined up at points and sat up and seemed to look at us! I am no whales expert but wow! Everyone was speechless! The staff said they had never seen behavior like that. I just can’t believe we got to witness. This is a great tour! Great knowledgeable staff with great food! I have no complaints and would definitely take the tour again!

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