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Королевская корона Оаху - 60-минутный вертолетный тур - двери закрыты или открыты

Посмотрите на все потрясающие виды на Оаху от белых песков Вайкики до эпических больших волн Северного берега во время нашего невероятного 60-минутного кругового тура по острову. Получите захватывающий вид с гарантированного места у окна на Даймонд-Хед, залив Хаунама, горы Коолау, долину Каава, Священный водопад, плантацию Доул и мемориал авианосца Аризона.
Город: Гонолулу
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $375.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $375.00
Что включено
Phone Strap
Parking Fees
Phone Strap
Parking Fees
Phone Strap
Parking Fees
Phone Strap
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Безопасность полета - наша главная задача. Оператор оставляет за собой право отказать в обслуживании пассажирам, находящимся в состоянии алкогольного опьянения или внешне пьяному. Пассажиры в состоянии алкогольного опьянения не будут летать, и с них будет взиматься полная оплата.
  • Для выездных экскурсий требуются куртки и/или толстовки, обувь с закрытыми носками и резинки для волос. Рекомендуются длинные брюки.
  • При бронировании места без двери ваше место может быть или не быть непосредственно рядом с открытой дверью.
  • Только пассажиры весом 80 фунтов и более могут летать с открытой дверью на нашем вертолете Robinson R44. Только пассажиры весом 100 фунтов и более могут летать с открытой дверью на нашем вертолете Airbus Astar.
  • Все пассажиры в возрасте 24 месяцев и старше должны приобрести место с полным тарифом.
  • За каждого гостя весом 260 фунтов или более, для безопасной балансировки самолета требуется плата за вес и балансировку. Для гостей весом от 260 до 279 фунтов плата в размере 50% от стоимости места взимается после бронирования. Для гостей весом 280 фунтов и более покупка дополнительного места будет оценена после бронирования.
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
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  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников.
  • Социальное дистанцирование обеспечивается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
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  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
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  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Платные правила пребывания на дому для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Rainbow Helicopters стремится защищать ваше здоровье. Мы сотрудничали с SanSee Systems для внедрения их системы гигиенической сертификации и стали первым туроператором на Гавайях, получившим сертификат SanSee Shield. Мы также взяли на себя обязательство Международной вертолетной ассоциации по борьбе с COVID-19.
Что ожидать
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Waikiki Beach
You begin with the heights of the Waikiki skyline along the sultry sands of the most famous beach in the Pacific.
Diamond Head State Monument
Oahu's crown, Diamond Head, pops into view presiding over the island known as The Gathering Place.
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
As you pass over the ridges of the Leeward coast, Hanauma Bay appears below and gentle beaches transform into rugged volcanic cliffs, carved over millennia by sun, surf, and rain.
Makapuu Lighthouse
You continue on this regal tour by flying over top of the charming Makapu’u lighthouse.
Lanikai Beach
The island’s Windward Coast awaits where you will see the incredible Ko’olau mountains standing watch above Lanikai Beach – often called the most marvelous beach in the world – and the offshore sandbars and coral formations that make Kaneohe Bay one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
Mokoli’i Island
Fly past Mokoli'i Island, and view with awe the succulent Ka’a’awa Valley before you.
The pilot guides your helicopter into the pristine forest and jagged cliffs of the magnificent Ka'a'awa Valley. As the mountains approach, you fly in close to see the magnificent waters of Sacred Falls tumble over 1000 feet to the rainforest below.
North Shore
Check out the world famous North Shore where you can see the surfers challenge the waves at Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay.
Dole Plantation
You head back towards the airport with a passage over the mountains and the island's inland sea - Dole Plantation's "Pineapple Sea".
USS Arizona Memorial
You complete the circle of Oahu by turning inland and passing over the beautiful pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. This incredible tour doesn't end until you have completed a solemn pass over Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial.
Пляж Вайкики
Вы начинаете с высоты горизонта Вайкики вдоль знойных песков самого известного пляжа в Тихом океане.
Государственный памятник Даймонд-Хед
Корона Оаху, Алмазная голова, появляется в поле зрения, возвышаясь над островом, известным как Место сбора.
Заповедник залива Ханаума
Когда вы проходите над хребтами Подветренного побережья, внизу появляется залив Ханаума, а пологие пляжи превращаются в скалистые вулканические скалы, вырезанные на протяжении тысячелетий солнцем, прибоем и дождем.
Маяк Макапуу
Вы продолжите свое царственное путешествие, пролетев над очаровательным маяком Макапуу.
Пляж Ланикай
Наветренное побережье острова ждет вас, где вы увидите невероятные горы Коолау, возвышающиеся над пляжем Ланикай, который часто называют самым чудесным пляжем в мире, а также прибрежные песчаные отмели и коралловые образования, которые делают залив Канеохе одним из самых живописных мест на Земле. .
Остров Моколи
Пролетите мимо острова Моколи и с благоговением посмотрите на сочную долину Каава перед вами.
Пилот направляет ваш вертолет в нетронутый лес и зубчатые скалы великолепной долины Каава. Когда горы приближаются, вы приближаетесь, чтобы увидеть, как великолепные воды Священного водопада падают с высоты более 1000 футов в тропический лес внизу.
Северный берег
Посетите всемирно известный Северный берег, где вы можете увидеть, как серферы бросают вызов волнам на Банзайском трубопроводе и в заливе Ваймеа.
Плантация Доул
Вы возвращаетесь в аэропорт, пройдя через горы и внутреннее море острова - «Ананасовое море» плантации Доул.
Мемориал авианосца Аризона
Вы завершаете круг Оаху, поворачивая вглубь суши и проезжая через красивый ананасовый лабиринт на плантации Доул. Этот невероятный тур не закончится, пока вы не совершите торжественный проход над Перл-Харбором и мемориалом USS Arizona.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (308)
Dec 2022
This was such a fun experience! My husband and I always talked about doing a circle island helicopter ride. The views are spectacular! My only suggestion would be if it’s windy to keep the doors on. We went on a windy day and had the doors off and wished we kept the doors on so we could better enjoy the ride. I definitely recommend Rainbow Helicopters.
Dec 2022
It was amazing! I wish we did this first not one of the last things we did. But either way it was great. We cannot talk good about it enough. The Royal Oahu is what we had and it was well worth it. Its a once in a lifetime experience. The staff was very polite, friendly, knowledgeable and very thorough. This company does an excellent job. Highly highly recommend everyone going to Oahu to experience this
Dec 2022
It was great seeing the whole of Oahu from the helicopter. Pilot was very smooth in operating the vehicle and was very informative.

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