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Береговая экскурсия: тур на целый день с дегустацией вин в Напе и Сономе

Отправляйтесь на север через Золотые Ворота в Напу и долину Сонома для дегустации вин в Винной стране Калифорнии. Ваш 9-часовой маршрут из Сан-Франциско включает в себя эксклюзивные туры по усадьбам трех популярных виноделен: Kieu Hong, Madonna Estate и Meadowcroft Winery. Остановитесь, чтобы купить обед на площади Сонома в центре города, где вы найдете множество ресторанов и бутиков. Возможна опция включения обеда.
**ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Места проведения винодельни могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления в зависимости от наличия мест и часов работы; Все дегустации вин будут проходить на открытом воздухе.
Город: Сан-Франциско
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $145.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $145.00
Что включено
Worry-free Shore Excursion Guarantee
Lunch (if option selected)
Tour escort/host
Air-conditioned vehicle
Wine tastings
Live commentary on board
Worry-free Shore Excursion Guarantee
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Нет рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя — 21 год
  • На каждой винодельне вы потратите примерно 1 час на экскурсию и дегустацию
  • Складные инвалидные коляски со съемными колесами могут быть размещены при условии, что пассажира сопровождает кто-то, кто может помочь ему сесть и высадиться
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом
  • Описание автобусного тура на английском языке в исполнении живого гида
Что ожидать
Tower Tours - San Francisco Sightseeing Specialist
Starting and ending location Journey north across the Golden Gate into Napa and Sonoma Valley for a wine tasting tour in the California Wine Country. Your bus San Francisco includes exclusive estate tours of three popular wineries. Listen to stories of ancient wine-making techniques, along with learning basic wine education and tasting tips! Enjoy the scenery of the vine-covered hillsides as we escort you throughout Wine Country. During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop at Historic Downtown Sonoma Square or V Marketplace in Yountville where you will enjoy leisure time to explore. Both destinations afford a wonderful variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries.
Golden Gate Bridge
Enjoy a scenic drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
Madonna Estate
Enjoy wine tasting and exclusive estate tour of Madonna Estate Winery located in the world-renowned Carneros region, an area known for its fertile lands and cool climate.
Kieu Hoang Winery
Kieu Hoang winery is a quiet, hidden gem nestled amid the well-traveled Carneros Valley and busy Napa Valley. Part of the magic of the property is the passionate and welcoming staff who are eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of each Kieu Hoang wine with guests.
During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop in Historic Downtown Sonoma Square where you will enjoy leisure time to explore this wonderful city with variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries. $30.00 Optional Lunch Add-on: – Save time on finding a restaurant during your lunch break; Add-on lunch to your tour. Dine at a local favorite right in the middle of the historic Downtown Sonoma Square! Enjoy items from a variety of Californian-inspired dishes ranging from Salads, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood. ($30.00 per person; Includes appetizer, entree, beverage, tax & gratuities)
Meadowcroft Wines
A local vineyard...Meadowcroft Wines are  specific and limited in production, expressing both European wine heritage and California creativity. The tasting room is located at CornerStone Sonoma, that features a  collection of gardens, shops, and an art gallery. (Winery location subject to change without notice; All wine tastings will take place outdoors.)
Tower Tours - San Francisco Sightseeing Specialist
Starting and ending location Journey north across the Golden Gate into Napa and Sonoma Valley for a wine tasting tour in the California Wine Country. Your bus San Francisco includes exclusive estate tours of three popular wineries. Listen to stories of ancient wine-making techniques, along with learning basic wine education and tasting tips! Enjoy the scenery of the vine-covered hillsides as we escort you throughout Wine Country. During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop at Historic Downtown Sonoma Square or V Marketplace in Yountville where you will enjoy leisure time to explore. Both destinations afford a wonderful variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries.
Golden Gate Bridge
Enjoy a scenic drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
Madonna Estate
Enjoy wine tasting and exclusive estate tour of Madonna Estate Winery located in the world-renowned Carneros region, an area known for its fertile lands and cool climate.
Kieu Hoang Winery
Kieu Hoang winery is a quiet, hidden gem nestled amid the well-traveled Carneros Valley and busy Napa Valley. Part of the magic of the property is the passionate and welcoming staff who are eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of each Kieu Hoang wine with guests.
During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop in Historic Downtown Sonoma Square where you will enjoy leisure time to explore this wonderful city with variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries. $30.00 Optional Lunch Add-on: – Save time on finding a restaurant during your lunch break; Add-on lunch to your tour. Dine at a local favorite right in the middle of the historic Downtown Sonoma Square! Enjoy items from a variety of Californian-inspired dishes ranging from Salads, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood. ($30.00 per person; Includes appetizer, entree, beverage, tax & gratuities)
Meadowcroft Wines
A local vineyard...Meadowcroft Wines are  specific and limited in production, expressing both European wine heritage and California creativity. The tasting room is located at CornerStone Sonoma, that features a  collection of gardens, shops, and an art gallery. (Winery location subject to change without notice; All wine tastings will take place outdoors.)
Tower Tours - San Francisco Sightseeing Specialist
Starting and ending location Journey north across the Golden Gate into Napa and Sonoma Valley for a wine tasting tour in the California Wine Country. Your bus San Francisco includes exclusive estate tours of three popular wineries. Listen to stories of ancient wine-making techniques, along with learning basic wine education and tasting tips! Enjoy the scenery of the vine-covered hillsides as we escort you throughout Wine Country. During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop at Historic Downtown Sonoma Square or V Marketplace in Yountville where you will enjoy leisure time to explore. Both destinations afford a wonderful variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries.
Golden Gate Bridge
Enjoy a scenic drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
Madonna Estate
Enjoy wine tasting and exclusive estate tour of Madonna Estate Winery located in the world-renowned Carneros region, an area known for its fertile lands and cool climate.
Kieu Hoang Winery
Kieu Hoang winery is a quiet, hidden gem nestled amid the well-traveled Carneros Valley and busy Napa Valley. Part of the magic of the property is the passionate and welcoming staff who are eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of each Kieu Hoang wine with guests.
During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop in Historic Downtown Sonoma Square where you will enjoy leisure time to explore this wonderful city with variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries. $30.00 Optional Lunch Add-on: – Save time on finding a restaurant during your lunch break; Add-on lunch to your tour. Dine at a local favorite right in the middle of the historic Downtown Sonoma Square! Enjoy items from a variety of Californian-inspired dishes ranging from Salads, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood. ($30.00 per person; Includes appetizer, entree, beverage, tax & gratuities)
Meadowcroft Wines
A local vineyard...Meadowcroft Wines are  specific and limited in production, expressing both European wine heritage and California creativity. The tasting room is located at CornerStone Sonoma, that features a  collection of gardens, shops, and an art gallery. (Winery location subject to change without notice; All wine tastings will take place outdoors.)
Tower Tours - San Francisco Sightseeing Specialist
Starting and ending location Journey north across the Golden Gate into Napa and Sonoma Valley for a wine tasting tour in the California Wine Country. Your bus San Francisco includes exclusive estate tours of three popular wineries. Listen to stories of ancient wine-making techniques, along with learning basic wine education and tasting tips! Enjoy the scenery of the vine-covered hillsides as we escort you throughout Wine Country. During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop at Historic Downtown Sonoma Square or V Marketplace in Yountville where you will enjoy leisure time to explore. Both destinations afford a wonderful variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries.
Golden Gate Bridge
Enjoy a scenic drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
Madonna Estate
Enjoy wine tasting and exclusive estate tour of Madonna Estate Winery located in the world-renowned Carneros region, an area known for its fertile lands and cool climate.
Kieu Hoang Winery
Kieu Hoang winery is a quiet, hidden gem nestled amid the well-traveled Carneros Valley and busy Napa Valley. Part of the magic of the property is the passionate and welcoming staff who are eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of each Kieu Hoang wine with guests.
During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop in Historic Downtown Sonoma Square where you will enjoy leisure time to explore this wonderful city with variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries. $30.00 Optional Lunch Add-on: – Save time on finding a restaurant during your lunch break; Add-on lunch to your tour. Dine at a local favorite right in the middle of the historic Downtown Sonoma Square! Enjoy items from a variety of Californian-inspired dishes ranging from Salads, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood. ($30.00 per person; Includes appetizer, entree, beverage, tax & gratuities)
Meadowcroft Wines
A local vineyard...Meadowcroft Wines are  specific and limited in production, expressing both European wine heritage and California creativity. The tasting room is located at CornerStone Sonoma, that features a  collection of gardens, shops, and an art gallery. (Winery location subject to change without notice; All wine tastings will take place outdoors.)
Tower Tours - San Francisco Sightseeing Specialist
Starting and ending location Journey north across the Golden Gate into Napa and Sonoma Valley for a wine tasting tour in the California Wine Country. Your bus San Francisco includes exclusive estate tours of three popular wineries. Listen to stories of ancient wine-making techniques, along with learning basic wine education and tasting tips! Enjoy the scenery of the vine-covered hillsides as we escort you throughout Wine Country. During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop at Historic Downtown Sonoma Square or V Marketplace in Yountville where you will enjoy leisure time to explore. Both destinations afford a wonderful variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries.
Golden Gate Bridge
Enjoy a scenic drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
Madonna Estate
Enjoy wine tasting and exclusive estate tour of Madonna Estate Winery located in the world-renowned Carneros region, an area known for its fertile lands and cool climate.
Kieu Hoang Winery
Kieu Hoang winery is a quiet, hidden gem nestled amid the well-traveled Carneros Valley and busy Napa Valley. Part of the magic of the property is the passionate and welcoming staff who are eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of each Kieu Hoang wine with guests.
During a lunch break, we’ll make a stop in Historic Downtown Sonoma Square where you will enjoy leisure time to explore this wonderful city with variety of eclectic dining options and one-of-a-kind boutique shops and local art galleries. $30.00 Optional Lunch Add-on: – Save time on finding a restaurant during your lunch break; Add-on lunch to your tour. Dine at a local favorite right in the middle of the historic Downtown Sonoma Square! Enjoy items from a variety of Californian-inspired dishes ranging from Salads, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood. ($30.00 per person; Includes appetizer, entree, beverage, tax & gratuities)
Meadowcroft Wines
A local vineyard...Meadowcroft Wines are  specific and limited in production, expressing both European wine heritage and California creativity. The tasting room is located at CornerStone Sonoma, that features a  collection of gardens, shops, and an art gallery. (Winery location subject to change without notice; All wine tastings will take place outdoors.)
Tower Tours - Специалист по осмотру достопримечательностей Сан-Франциско
Начальное и конечное местоположение Отправляйтесь на север через Золотые Ворота в Напу и долину Сонома для дегустации вин в Винной стране Калифорнии. Ваш автобус в Сан-Франциско включает в себя эксклюзивные туры по усадьбе трех популярных виноделен. Слушайте истории о древних методах виноделия, а также получайте базовые знания о вине и советы по дегустации! Наслаждайтесь пейзажем холмов, покрытых виноградниками, пока мы сопровождаем вас по Винной стране. Во время обеденного перерыва мы остановимся на исторической площади Сонома в центре города или на торговой площади V в Юнтвилле, где у вас будет свободное время для изучения. Оба направления предлагают прекрасное разнообразие эклектичных ресторанов, единственных в своем роде бутиков и местных художественных галерей.
Мост "Золотые ворота
Наслаждайтесь живописной поездкой по мосту Золотые Ворота
Мадонна Эстейт
Наслаждайтесь дегустацией вин и эксклюзивным туром по винодельне Madonna Estate Winery, расположенной во всемирно известном регионе Карнерос, районе, известном своими плодородными землями и прохладным климатом.
Винодельня Киу Хоанг
Винодельня Kieu Hoang — это тихая, скрытая жемчужина, расположенная среди многолюдной долины Карнерос и оживленной долины Напа. Частью волшебства отеля является страстный и гостеприимный персонал, который готов поделиться своим энтузиазмом и знаниями о каждом вине Kieu Hoang с гостями.
Во время обеденного перерыва мы остановимся на исторической площади Сонома в центре города, где у вас будет свободное время, чтобы исследовать этот замечательный город с множеством эклектичных ресторанов, единственных в своем роде бутиков и местных художественных галерей. Дополнительное дополнение к обеду на сумму 30,00 долл. США: – Сэкономьте время на поиске ресторана во время обеденного перерыва; Дополнительный обед к вашему туру. Поужинайте в любимом местном ресторане прямо посреди исторической площади Сонома в центре города! Наслаждайтесь разнообразными блюдами в калифорнийском стиле, такими как салаты, бутерброды, паста и морепродукты. (30 долларов США на человека; включает закуску, основное блюдо, напиток, налоги и чаевые)
Медоукрофт Вина
Местный виноградник... Вина Meadowcroft отличаются специфичностью и ограниченным производством, выражая как европейское винное наследие, так и креативность Калифорнии. Дегустационный зал расположен в CornerStone Sonoma, где есть коллекция садов, магазинов и художественная галерея. (Местоположение винодельни может быть изменено без предварительного уведомления; все дегустации вин будут проходить на открытом воздухе.)
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (16)
Sep 2022
It was a great trip. 3 different vineyards and all had friendly staff. Highly recommend. Just make sure you eat something first.
Jan 2022
The tour guide was amazing! I enjoyed being in nature amongst the beautiful vineyards. The tasting gave me a different view on Napa wines. I thoroughly enjoyed a select few. I was not a big fan of California wines at first.
Oct 2021
We didn't visit a known winery on only unknown and had not good wines really expensive for just 3 wineries

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